Chapter 534. .

   The main hall of the county government office.

   At this time, the aroma of the wine is overflowing, and the drums are playing.

   All the yamen officers congratulated the county magistrate who was sitting in the first place and supported the beauty.

   "At this hour, the Great Governor has become a lackey of an adult!"

   "Your lord is really powerful, even the prince can easily surrender, and the position of the prince is in your hands!"

   "Hahaha! With the Governor as a lackey, the adults are equivalent to adding wings to a tiger, and they will surely rise to the top. The glory that belongs to us is coming soon!"

  The county magistrate is in high spirits with his subordinates, you come and I go, so happy.

   He sneered and sneered, "He's just a waste with a false reputation. Being able to do things for this official is a blessing for him after 800 years of cultivation."

   Obviously, the county magistrate's plan to force the palace tonight is almost certain, and he just waited for Si Yu, who was tragically captured, to kneel and lick.

   At this moment, a loud "bang" interrupted all the excitement.

   "No, it's not good, sir, something happened..." The yamen guarding the gate ran over with a look of panic, because he was too panicked, and he fell on all fours before he ran in.

   "What's going on? Who dares to come to this official's house to make trouble!"


  Siyu's tall figure flashed.

  The man has a golden crown with his hair, leather military boots, and a robe embroidered with gold threads that ripples in circles as he walks, and a sense of dignity blows on his face.

   He was followed by more than 500 sergeants and quickly surrounded the entire hall.

   The magistrate raised his chin proudly, "What is the Governor doing? You have the attitude of surrendering yourself, so don't come to this official to pose!"

  Siyu stared blankly at the magistrate, his whole person was like a ghost returning from hell, and sneered, "The magistrate's grand gift to the Governor, the Governor likes it very much, so I came here to return the gift."

   After he finished speaking, he raised his military boots and kicked the magistrate's fat body.

   The county magistrate screamed and was kicked and flew out, hitting the ground like a mess of mud.

   The county magistrate twitched all over and raised his head with cold sweat on his face. He swallowed, knowing that Si Yu was not good, and yelled at the yamen behind him, "Give it to me."

  The sergeants around Siyu quickly approached and looked at Siyu for instructions.

  Siyu said indifferently, "Kill to kill."

  The sergeants had been suppressed for too long, and their blood was ignited when they heard that, they raised their weapons and started a fierce battle.

   The yamen raised by the county magistrate usually only know how to eat, drink and have fun, and they have no morale at all. The sergeants on Siyu’s side fought one against ten, one sword and one head, and in less than half a cup of tea, all the yamen were wiped out.

   The county magistrate was terrified.

  The ground was full of blood, corpses were rampant, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

  It was also at this moment that the magistrate suddenly realized that the image that Si Yu had deliberately created before was a fake.

   This great governor is simply an evil spirit.

  Siyu stood condescendingly in front of the magistrate, his black robe was stained with blood, and his clothes were dark and indifferent, as if he had been soaked in a thousand-year-old ice spring.

The county magistrate shivered all over, suppressed his fear, and raised his upper body vigorously, "Da, the governor, you'd better not be too arrogant, this official still has your contract in hand, be careful this official report you! You thought you brought it with you. There are many people, right? This official also has Jingwei in his hands."

   He stammered, blowing hard at the whistle hanging around his neck, trying to call out the Jingwei he had trained.

   Who knows that there is no response for a long time.

  Fu Nanqian sneered, "Don't waste your energy, all your elite guards were poisoned by me, and now the corpses are lying in rows in the underground palace."

   The magistrate took a deep breath, his face instantly pale as gold.

   He is finished.

  The plan to force the palace just failed.

   His grand career and his position as a county prince are all gone.

  I knew that I shouldn't have listened to Yunxiu's words to provoke Siyu... How could he be fooled by the lard and think that a former prince who broke out in a deep palace would be a short-sighted idiot?

  For fear that Si Yu would also cut off his head in a fit of rage, the county magistrate trembled into a sieve, "You, you can't kill me, I'm a court official!"

  Siyu raised his hand indifferently, "Take him to Huaihe with the Governor."

  The sergeant immediately controlled the county magistrate, tied him to his horse casually, dragged him like a pig, and galloped away in the direction of the Huaihe River.

   The county magistrate dragged his entire body from the ground, his flesh was blurred, screaming and begging for mercy all the way.

  The people were very happy to see the misfortune of the county magistrate who oppressed them, and excitedly followed their team to the Huaihe to watch the play.

   When he arrived at the Huaihe River, the county magistrate had been ground into a mass of flesh and blood, and he could not see his true colors.

  Siyu stepped on him and ruthlessly asked where the people were imprisoned under the Huai River.

  Siyu knew very well in his heart that Song Zhao couldn't jump into the river for no reason. She had poison in her hand, and she could easily resolve the deadlock.

   Before the combination, Song Zhao stubbornly said that she would definitely find the detained Nanxun people.

   She would insist that Di Ru and others follow her to the Huaihe River, and **** around the river.

   There is only one reason.

   That is, the secret room is under the Huai River.

   After Si Yu said this, Di Ru and others were stunned.

   It turns out that Zhaoyang County Master did not want to come to the Huaihe River unreasonably, but did she know that the people were under the Huaihe River?

   The county magistrate gasped weakly, and when he heard Si Yu's question, he pretended not to say anything.

  It is already a capital crime for him to persecute the imperial court... If the fact that he imprisoned the people and enslaved the strong people was exposed again... that would involve the nine clans.

  It doesn't matter if he dies, but he can't implicate his family.

   Seeing that the magistrate did not speak, Si Yu kicked his joint bones one by one.

   That is the most unbearable part of the human body. Si Yu kicked it mercilessly, from his eyebrows to his demeanor, as cruel as hell.

   The sound of cracking bones echoed with the miserable howl of the county magistrate

   He was able to endure it at first, and he passed by thinking that he was dead.

   However, Siyu wanted him not to live, not to die.

   This kind of torture is unbearable even for a hard-hitting person.

   The county magistrate couldn't hold it any longer. He suddenly had an idea and pointed to Si Yu in a random direction, ", there."

   The Huaihe River is deep and long. If you can't find the correct direction, it is easy to be washed away by the current.

   The magistrate wanted to take this opportunity to ask Si Yu to kill himself, but he might have escaped by luck.

   The night was dark.

   The dark clouds began to disperse, revealing the crescent moon and stars in the sky.

  The brilliance of the stars and moon spreads gently at the end of the lake, bringing the visual effect of a magnificent scene.

   The county magistrate was lying on his back on the ground, nonsense, "The secret passage will not be opened for a while. If you don't jump down now, you will have to wait until the third day to open the secret passage."

  Fu Nanqian frowned, "I've never heard that this secret passage can be opened only after a few days. You're not fooling us to send us to death."

  Siyu's chest heaved slightly.

   He couldn't tell whether what the magistrate said was true or false.

   But now I can only trust him.

   He quickly took off his robe, which was thick with blood.

   Di Ruo immediately persuaded, "Master, let's go down to explore and talk about it. Since Miss Song knows where the direction is, maybe she will come back safely..."

  Siyu did not speak.

   He looked at the unfathomable river and murmured, "Anyway, I have to go and bring her back in person... I can't call her alone."

   When the words fell, he fell straight into the river like a sharp sword.

   (end of this chapter)

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