Chapter 535 Yunxiu is really dead

  The ancient tomb is in the deepest part of the Huaihe River.

   Song Zhao followed the eddies and currents at the bottom of the river, swimming like a fish to where he wanted to go.

When    opened her eyes again, she was lying in the damp and dark secret passage.

   His clothes were soaked, and he was in a state of embarrassment from head to toe. When he was swimming in the river, his body was scratched by the water and weeds everywhere. When he moved, it hurt violently.

  Xibai put his hands on the ground.

  Song Zhao leaned against the wall of the secret passage and tried to stand up straight. After letting her eyes adjust to the darkness around her, she followed the secret passage carefully and walked in.

   After walking for a quarter of an hour, a beam of light came in at the end of the secret passage, followed by a chaotic cry for help.

  Song Zhao limped out of the secret passage.

  The light is dim.

In the    tomb, dozens of candles were lit.

   This is a huge tomb in the shape of a cave, and there are wooden cells built in it. Women and children are imprisoned in the cells, and they are helplessly crying for help.

  The air was filled with a strong stench of corpse, which was so oppressive that one could hardly breathe.

   Finally, found it.

  Song Zhao took two steps forward, and suddenly stopped in alarm.

   She turned her head to the side and saw the figure of Yunxiu slowly appearing in the secret passage on the opposite side.

   Yunxiu obviously came in from a normal secret passage, his clothes were clean and tidy, and there was no embarrassment like Song Zhao's.

   She folded her arms with one hand, as if admiring the underdogs, scrutinized Song Zhao's face, raised her eyebrows slightly, and smiled arbitrarily, "Song Zhao, I finally beat you once."

  Song Zhao pursed his lips.

   She raised her hand and stroked the wet hair that had slipped down, and then twisted the sewage hard.

   Even though she looks very embarrassed, her inherent extravagance still makes her like the brightest gem in this damp tomb palace.

   "Not necessarily."

  Song Zhao pursed his lips and laughed softly, showing contempt.

   "You're quite smart, you were able to find this place." Yunxiu smiled and said to her casually,

"I have lived in Nanxun for a few years. When I was a child, when I couldn't afford to eat, I would come to this river to fish. Once I accidentally fell into the bottom of the river. I thought I was dead, but who knew I was washed into this river. In the tomb palace.

   This tomb palace is usually submerged by river water, and it is only possible to reach the tomb palace smoothly by following a specific waterway all the way downstream.

   In order to make it easier to come in, I secretly built a secret passage outside. "

  Song Zhao looked at Yun Xiu indifferently and muttered to himself.

   Now everything on her body has been washed away by the water.

   There is nothing to protect himself, and he doesn't know Yunxiu's trump card, so the situation is a bit unfavorable.

   Yunxiu also knew that the current Song Zhao was not his opponent, so his attitude was very contemptuous, like teasing something that was about to die, "...You must be very puzzled, why should I tell you this...

   After all, you are going to die here soon, I must let you die clearly and clearly! "

  Song Zhao took a deep breath and walked around quietly, trying to find out if there was any secret device installed in the tomb palace.

   At the same time, he said softly, "Yunxiu, you combined with the county magistrate to enslave and imprison the people, this is a serious crime.

  If you plead guilty now, you may be punished lightly, otherwise you will be involved in the nine clans and you will be responsible for the consequences. "

   "As expected, she is the daughter of an official family. She is always so self-righteous when she speaks."

   Yunxiu walked lightly to Song Zhao, glaring at her with arrogant eyebrows,

   "I have no father or mother for a long time, why do I still care about being affiliated with the nine clans?

  I am not your Zhaoyang County Lord. There are so many people who love you, yet they have to come and **** my only support. Damn you! "

Song Zhao calmly said, "Even if you have no father or mother, do you still care about your ancestral home? If the county lord dies, you murder the people, and your intention to rebel is exposed, the reputation of your ancestors will be smeared because of you. Even if he dies, he will stink forever."

Yunxiu's eyes changed slightly, after a while, she laughed deeply again, "You don't have to worry about this, after you die, the matter on the county magistrate's side will also be completed, I can put all the blame on to you.

   The reputation that has endured for thousands of years, let you and the Song family carry it.

   And the ending of my cloud sleeve will only be to marry the governor and become the governor's wife! "

   Yunxiu said, his fingertips inadvertently tapped on the wall on one side, his eyes were treacherous, "At this hour, the Great Governor has already forced the palace to be used by the county magistrate..."

  Song Zhao sighed slightly, "It's in vain that you have been by the side of the Great Governor for so many years, yet you don't even know him at all."

   Yunxiu's eyes flashed.

   "He will win."

  Song Zhao said firmly.

  Because her fourth brother is so powerful and powerful.

   He is such a dazzling and honorable minister of power.

   He should, always shine bright.

   "Even if there is no retreat, I will split a retreat for him."

   Yunxiu clenched his fists.

   She really hated Song Zhao's confident and firm appearance... Obviously in a bad situation, Song Zhao should be afraid of begging for mercy.

   "You can't know the master better than me!" Yun Xiu glared at Song Zhao angrily, "I spent the most difficult moments for the master during those years with him.

   When the master was in difficulty, no one helped him, only I never gave up.

  You only approached him with bad intentions just to see the master's progress.

  Di She told me everything, you wanted to kill your master in the first place.

   Even if I betrayed my master, I still think about the future of my master, I have never hurt him, how can you compare with me, how can you make the master like you? "

  Song Zhao did not deny her intention to assassinate Siyu.

   She justified the loss in front of Di She because Di She had that qualification.

   As for Yunxiu... Song Zhao doesn't need to explain anything to a servant.

   Yunxiu said with a stern look, took out the horsewhip in his arms, and threw it at Song Zhao.

  Song Zhao dodged neatly, picked up a stone with sharp eyes, and threw it towards Yunxiu's leg joints quickly and ruthlessly.

   Yunxiu was caught off guard and hit the numb hole, the whip in her hand fell, and she fell to the ground weakly.

  Song Zhao picked up another pebble and chuckled lightly, "It's not all said, why don't you believe it?"

   As she spoke, she walked towards the cell.

   Yunxiu sneered, and suddenly quickly climbed to the side of the stone pavilion, pressing it hard twice.


   A long machete suddenly fell from the cell closest to Song Zhao. When the knife fell, the sharp face of the blade swept across everyone in the cell, and screams erupted.

   "Stop!" Song Zhao's pupils shrank, looking back at Yun Xiu.

Yunxiu leaned against the sarcophagus, slowly digesting the numbness in his legs, and said proudly, "The Lord Zhaoyang came to risk his death to save these people, but unfortunately you can't save them no matter how fast you can save them. The speed of killing them, how can this be good?"

  Song Zhao watched Yunxiu's actions vigilantly, his eyebrows twitched a few times, and he said in a strained voice, "What the **** are you trying to do?"

   Yunxiu hooked her finger at her, "Zhaoyang County Lord, who saves the suffering, are you willing to die for your subjects?"

  Song Zhao had to walk towards her.

   Yunxiu raised the whip and threw it fiercely. This time, Song Zhao didn't hide. He was thrown by the whip and fell to the ground. His face was pale in pain, but he didn't make a sound.

   Looking at Song Zhao's miserable appearance, Yun Xiu was overwhelmed with pride.

  Since the first time I saw Song Zhao, the other party has always been that noble like a queen... But it was such a queen that she stepped on the soles of her feet.

   Yunxiu gave Song Zhao several whips one after another. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, there was a bad factor in his heart.

   "I want you, kneel in front of me." Yunxiu said proudly.

  Song Zhao's nose was sweating.

  Blood seeped from the part where the whip was thrown.

   She lowered her eyelashes, rubbing her fingers on the ground at an angle that Yun Xiu couldn't see... Finally, she touched a switch.

  The position where the switch is connected all the way... Song Zhao pursed his lips and pressed it hard.

   Dozens of feathered arrows came from all directions, facing the direction of the two of them, Song Zhaofu ducked down on his stomach... Two of them pointed directly at Yunxiu.

   The work is over, and the normal update is resumed.

   Remember to cast the monthly vote, the ranking has dropped, Boer!



   (end of this chapter)

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