Chapter 536 Siyu Fenghou 1

   "Ah!" Yun Xiu was caught off guard by the arrow pierced through her body, and she knelt down.

   She raised her eyes in disbelief, her eyes showing pain.

   "Idiot." Song Zhao sneered lowly, "I don't even know where the hidden weapon is, so I'm worthy of coveting my man."

   She said every word in a loud voice, "If you want to see the princess bow her head, you have to kneel down to see clearly."


   A loud noise shook the entire cemetery.

  In the cell, the voices of women and children screaming in terror one after another.

   After a while, the sound of heavy military boots came from far to near in the secret passage.

   Song Zhao and Yunxiu heard the footsteps of the person coming, and turned to look at the secret road.

  The tomb is dark.

  The candle flame is faint, and it is reflected obliquely at the entrance of the secret passage on the opposite side.

   The tall and slender figure of the man walked out slowly from inside.

   The Huai River was surging, and Si Yu tirelessly groped at the bottom of the river for a long time before he was successfully washed into this ancient tomb.

   He was wearing a thin black robe, his body was covered in blood stained by water, grass, sand and stone, and his hair was wet with ink behind his head. He was still falling into the water, but he was not in a state of embarrassment at all, as if the night **** had returned.

   Your Excellency!

  Song Zhao was mute.

  Siyu got closer and closer. He held a nine-footed sword and rubbed it across the ground. The sound was terrifying in this dark tomb.

  The secret passage of the ancient tomb can only be opened once every three days.

  After Song Zhao came in today, there was a heavy blockade in the middle of the secret passage. In order to pass smoothly, Si Yu cut the way forward by himself.

   "Lord, Lord!" Yunxiu held her last breath and crawled towards him, as if she had grabbed the last straw, and crawled to Siyu's feet.

"help me!"

  Siyu tilted his head.

   His water-soaked brows were even more dignified and profound. He narrowed his peach blossom eyes, and he silently fixed on Song Zhao, who was covered in blood not far away and was in a state of embarrassment.

   "A Zhao who hurt you?" Si Yu stroked the Mo knife in his hand, and the silver knife surface reflected light, which deeply stabbed Yunxiu's eyes.

   When the man spoke, the savage aura of slaughter and slaughter spread all over his body, with an extremely heavy power of Weiya, the cloud sleeves that were pressed were unable to breathe.

   Her hair stood on end.

The desire to survive made her widen her eyes like a flashback, and said loudly, "Master, this subordinate is doing this for your own good, Zhaoyang County Master, she has bad intentions towards you, she wanted to assassinate you several times before... She is not Sincerely, only my subordinates will support you wholeheartedly... ah."

   She exclaimed in pain before she could finish her sentence.

   Yunxiu bowed his head.

  Siyu stabbed the Mo Dao into her waist and abdomen expressionlessly, and blood spurted out, quickly dyeing her whole body into a **** human.

   Thick blood tickled on the dirty and dark floor.

   Yunxiu's eyes widened.

   wanted to say something, but because of the pain, he could only pant heavily.

  Siyu's hand on the handle was not loose, and the Mo Dao was sticking to the flesh and blood, and kept pushing it inward, until Yun Xiu couldn't breathe anymore and couldn't rest his eyes.

   She fell in a pool of blood, her whole face showing a look of horror.

   is like asking why.


   Actually Si Yu didn't understand either.

   Compared to learning the truth that Song Zhao wanted to assassinate him in the first place...

   What he cared more about in his heart was that if something happened to Song Zhao, he couldn't imagine what crazy things he would do.

  Siyu threw away the **** Mo Knife.

   Walked towards Song Zhao step by step.

When    sank to the bottom of the river, there was a voice in his heart, like another lonely self, telling him constantly.

   In any case, he must catch Song Zhao.

   The story of Nanxun is over, and we enter the next climax.



   (end of this chapter)

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