Chapter 598 Song Zhao looking for the face 5

   It's just that he didn't dare to say such words directly, it would anger Queen Gu and the crown prince.

  The Taoist arched his way,

   "The country of Nanyue built a strong country with magic tricks, and once established the world with the magic of mystic hexagrams.

   Guo Shi Huiling, who controls the fortune of the country, is a close disciple of Penglai, the head of the Xuanmen sect.

   He has strong attainments in the Five Elements, Gu technique, astronomy, astrology, and divination, and Huiling Guo Shi has an illusion technique that foresees the future.

   If you can get the help of Huiling National Master, maybe you can reverse the prince's crape myrtle star. "

  The name of Huiling National Master can be said to be known to everyone.

   Decades ago, Penglai, the head of Xuanmen, was famous all over the world for his superb mysticism and divination.

   Since then, Xuanmen has an unshakable position in the four kingdoms of the world.

   Ten years after the head of Penglai disappeared for no reason, a mysterious person named Huiling appeared in Nanyue Kingdom, claiming to be a close disciple of the head of Penglai.

   As soon as he heard that he was the successor of the head of Penglai, the King of Nanyue immediately invited Huiling into the palace.

  In Huiling, he showed his extraordinary metaphysics skills, which made the national fortune of Nanyue more and more prosperous, and was named a first-class national teacher in one fell swoop, and was admired by all people.

   It's just that the national teacher Huiling is the national teacher of Nanyue, how could he possibly assist the prince of the Dasheng Dynasty.

   Taoist priests are just talking.

   The Taoist priest resigned, and Queen Gu instructed, "Go and pass on Yin Wanyang."

  The prince said with a cold face, "The queen mother doesn't need to be too concerned, this is just an illusory astrology.

  Gu now has an obvious chance of winning, and it is enough to firmly grasp the actual. "

   "It is better to believe that there is something, not to believe that it does not exist." Empress Gu believed in metaphysics very much, "In the matter of enthronement, success depends on people, and planning depends on heaven.

   The more stable the situation is, the less we can take it lightly. Any accident that may affect you must be resolved. "

  Prince suddenly asked, "From what my mother saw, the person who stole the star of Gu Ziwei, could it be Si Yu?"

   "He doesn't have that ability." Empress Gu was disdainful, "A prince from the previous dynasty, where did the crape myrtle star come from?

   If he had, he would have been born a few years earlier, and it would not have been your father's turn to ascend the throne. "

   "What's more—" Empress Gu chuckled, "This palace already knows why the Sage gave him and Song Zhao a marriage.

   That idiot who only wanted the beauty to not want the country, not only promised that the Holy One would never rebel, but was also willing to support his army of 300,000 troops for 50 years. "

  The prince heard the words and couldn't help but said, "He is really crazy."

   Arms is the most expensive.

  The sergeants of the Dasheng Dynasty were all supported by the treasury.

   An army of 300,000 people spends hundreds of thousands of grains of silver a month.

  Fifty years, that is an astronomical number.

   "Wait and see, Siyu promised happily, within two years, he will be at the end of the road." Queen Gu said, "Now he is happy to marry a beautiful woman, and then he should worry about money.

   In fact, what does it matter whether he signs the contract that cannot be rebelled?

   Without the support of a huge country, no matter how big the military power in his hand is, but he can't afford it, what's the use?

  When you ascend to the throne in the future, you can easily kill him by simply ordering articles from the military expenses. "

  Yin Wanyang came over quickly and was overjoyed to learn that the prince wanted to be assisted by the national teacher Huiling, "What a coincidence, the King of Nanyue has received a letter from his father a few days ago, confirming the identity of the minister and daughter.

   It was just that there was no accident, the King of Nanyue planned to send Guo Shi Huiling over to do blood divination with his daughter. If there was no accident, the minister would let Guo Shi Huiling assist His Highness. "

   (end of this chapter)

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