Chapter 599 Song Zhao looking for the face 6

  Si Yu took three days to get rid of all his anger towards Song Zhao.

   he thought,

  Song Zhao is a girl with a delicate mind and should spend half as much time to calm down than him.

   When the qi that should be eliminated is gone, they can return to their previous state.

   In the name of his fiancé, he has the cheek to live in the county master's mansion.

   Song Zhao let him go, and he took out the argument that Song Zhao had lived in his mansion before.

  Song Zhao said twice, and let him go.

   So Si Yu waited patiently for six days, but the reconciliation picture he expected did not come. Song Zhao's attitude towards him evolved from indifference to turning a blind eye.

  Song Zhao ate, and he ate with him, but the whole process was really just a meal, and there was no communication at all.

  No matter what Si Yu said, Song Zhao replied with a few words.

   This mode of getting along has been going on for a month, and Si Yu can't do it anymore.

   Another indifferent response, Si Yu couldn't bear it anymore, he put down the wooden hand in his hand and asked the girl across the dining table, "Song Zhao, what are you going to do?"

  Song Zhaozheng dined elegantly.

  The girl's every move is full of elegance.

   She has a beautiful face, always the one with baby fat before.

  Siyu still remembered the appearance of dimples appearing when he poked her cheek with one hand.

   Song Zhao at that time had rich expressions, and the corners of his eyes were vivid and cute.

   Now that it's almost time for her, she draws the strips faster and faster, the feeling of being young gradually disappears, the baby fat is gone, and the lines on her face are more and more clear.

   When his face is expressionless, he is wrapped in coldness from his bones.

  Si clenched his teeth tightly, his face turned cold.

   stared at Song Zhao's eyes, which glowed dark red.

The maids around    saw this and retired wisely.

  Song Zhao smiled, "This county master doesn't want to do anything."

  Siyu couldn't stand her cold attitude, "When have you ever been so polite to me? We are a fiancée, not colleagues working in officialdom!"

"As long as a husband and wife respect each other as guests, they can raise their eyebrows." Song Zhao tilted his head lightly and said calmly, "If the marquis doesn't like this way of getting along, he can dissolve the marriage with the county master and find the person he likes again. ."

   "You know that I like you, but you are deliberately mad at me by saying this?"

Si Yu was annoyed, took a deep breath, and pursed his thin lips tightly, his lines were rigid, "You said you like me, this is how you like me? Or, I know the secret you're hiding, and I don't think you can coax me. Use, just show your true attitude?"

  Song Zhao's jaw tightened, and he suddenly clenched it tightly.

   She gave a sneer, and suddenly smashed the wooden stick to the ground, "Yeah, I don't like you at all."

   Siyu's forehead trembled.

  Song Zhao walked past him and said fiercely, "Don't be so rude, come here to stalk and fight in front of this county master, so that this county master has to deceive you."

   Song Zhao's anger was evident when he spoke.

   Siyu groaned in his heart.

   Why can't I control it.

   He grabbed Song Zhao's arm and lowered his body regretfully.

   "Don't be angry."


  Song Zhao slammed his hand.

  Siyu continued, "I gave you all the gold, I gave you everything I have, and I can't give you anything else. If you continue to be angry, what should I do?"

   Song Zhao was inexplicable, "When did you give me gold?"

  Siyu said righteously, "A man has gold under his knees."

   He knelt on the washboard.

  Song Zhao, "..."

   "The county master, something happened!" At this moment, the concierge of the Song residence suddenly hurried in.

   "What happened?" Song Zhao frowned.

   (end of this chapter)

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