Chapter 758 The Truth Comes Out 3

  The red candle burns tirelessly, making a subtle sound.

   The faces of the two people got closer and closer under the light.

   Lord Quanchen's eyebrows reflected into Song Zhao's eyes, and everything was exquisite.

   She once covered up a truth for hundreds of years because of her eldest brother's distrust.

   In this world, no one will love you unconditionally.

  When your willfulness consumes the patience of the other party, what you get is endless disgust.

   So Song Zhao, who was reborn, learned to put himself in the shoes of others, never dragging down his family, and doing everything to perfection.

   Until I meet the powerful minister.

   He accompanies her without abandoning, pampers her patiently, and gives her all the love and respect.

   He is so smart.

   In fact, he had already seen her change... He thought that her temperament would change for the sake of the Song family's honor.

   He was waiting, when she finished what she wanted to do and finally married him, then he could open up a world and let her find herself again.

   He wants her to live carefree, not for anyone or anything, just for yourself.

as long as you are happy.

   The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the long-lost sourness hit, like the loneliness and grievances that had been hidden for a hundred years, and gushed out at this moment.

  Song Zhao raised his head slightly, wanting to hug Siyu, but the pungent aroma that moved a little bit blocked all her emotions.

   "Why don't you speak?" Si Yu lowered his voice, feeling the stiffness of the girl in his arms, raised his hand and squeezed the back of Song Zhao's neck lightly.

   "You and I are already husband and wife, so you don't have to be so shy." He said in a somewhat ambiguous tone, enlightening.

  Song Zhao slowed his breath and said slowly, "You tonight..."

"Tonight is our wedding candle, do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment?" Si Yu narrowed his eyes, as if afraid of Song Zhao escaping, with one arm around her waist and the other The fingers on Song Zhao's neck slowly slid to the earlobe, stroking like a tickling.

  Song Zhao's face turned slightly, his breathing slowed down a bit, "Actually, there's no need to hurry."

   She stared straight at him.

  Siyu became more and more itchy.

   In front of the girl they like, few men can bear it.

   What's more, tonight is their bridal chamber.

   The little girl who has been greedy for many years has grown up and became his bride.

   The Regent's hand was not honest at all, always touching her waist as if it were nothing.

   An almost suffocating feeling of passion and desire, which penetrated into Song Zhao's limbs and bones, filling every cell in his body, bringing the numbness of his breath.

   "Why are you staring at your husband all the time?" Si Yu's eyes were deep and dark, and there was a dark desire in his eyes.

   He could feel the desire for Song Zhao in his body, growing bigger and bigger like a balloon.

   And Song Zhao also likes what he likes very much.

   She must be full of the same desire for him, otherwise why would she look at him with such thoughtful eyes.

   Girls are shy and embarrassed to take the initiative, he understands.

  He kissed her on the mouth like a ruffian, and said with a little encouragement, "The husband is here, if you like it...I will never resist."

  Song Zhao finally couldn't bear it anymore, pushed his face away, panting slightly, "You're incense tonight."

   Check it out.

   She showed this kind of forbearance to him once again, with the emotion in the corners of her eyes... The chest seemed to rise and fall even more.

   Her reaction was even more violent than his?

  Siyu squinted his eyes, and the spring breeze suddenly appeared in his eyebrows, showing a little meaning of a gentle scum.

   "You have no resistance to this king."

   He put his hand on the belt, pulled it apart gently, exposing his chest, with a look of doting on your face, "Isn't this king enough to satisfy you?"

  Without the restraint of his clothes, the smell of sesame oil on his skin almost made Song Zhao fry his hair on the spot. When he fell down on him, he kicked him off the ground with one kick.

   "Did you kill the spice seller?"

   "Can you take a bath!"

   "Come closer, today's wedding date is your bride's funeral next year."

  Siyu, "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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