Chapter 759 The Truth Comes Out 4

   After half an hour.

  The regent, who had finished bathing, returned to the marriage room with a dark face, and his mood was very low.

  I thought that I could give Ah Zhao a good experience, but who knew that he almost suffocated him.

  Siyu has never been so embarrassed in his life.

   At that time, Song Zhao had also removed the makeup on his face and was applying hot water to his face.

  Fendai's unapplied face was steamed with a thin red, her eyes were as clear as water, her lips were red and her teeth were white.

   Sandalwood-colored hair splattered behind his waist, with the light of a red candle, the shaking Siyu's mouth was dry again.

  Although there is a problem with the device, it is not a big problem, and he can make up for it with hardware.

   Tonight's ceremony of Duke Zhou, he must make Song Zhao unable to stop.

  Thinking like this, Si Yu stepped forward confidently and grabbed the hot handkerchief in Song Zhao's hand, wiped her face and hands for her, and then pushed the person onto the bed.

   "The spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and the lady will settle down with her husband."

  Song Zhao raised his eyes and looked at him, "You've been running around all day today and drank a belly of wine again, don't you plan to eat something?"

   Her tone was serious, her hands folded on her knees.

   is also the first time I have experienced such a thing. It is impossible to say that I am not nervous. My face is burning and my ears are burning.

   "Sister said that the consummation will be very tiring, I'm afraid you won't have the strength."

   Siyu's breathing was heavy.

  's unintentional seduction is the worst, Si Yu stared at her with turbulent eyes, the trace of emotion in his eyes was not concealed at all, and his voice was hoarse when he spoke, "I'm afraid that I'm too strong, you won't be able to get up tomorrow morning."

   The two were facing each other, and Song Zhao could easily feel that Lord Quanchen's body temperature was hotter than usual at this time, and the breath spurted out, as if it was on fire, and it enveloped her like a spider web.

  Song Zhao bit his lip, obviously suspicious.

   How powerful is Lord Quanchen?

   "Do you think I haven't experienced it and don't understand anything?"

  Song Zhao looked at him with a bulging face.

  Siyu has never done the Duke of Zhou's ceremony with other women... How can you know how much he is capable of? Still so confident that she won't get up?

   She has also read the book of avoiding fire, that is, two people hugged and rolled on the couch, so it wouldn't be impossible to get up.

  Light says no fake handle.

  No, it's really not good... let's talk shit.

  Song Zhao pursed his lips and looked at the place between Si Yu's pants in distrust.

  Siyu caught Song Zhao's look at him.

   is just blatantly hooking him.

   The blood all over his body boiled instantly and rushed straight to the same place.

   He closed his eyes forcefully, pulled back his sense of running wild, leaned closer to her ear, the corners of his lips curved up slightly, and asked in a low voice, "What is the lady thinking?"

   He raised his hand and rubbed the tenderest piece of skin at the corner of her eyes with the thin calloused finger pulp.

  The torn tunic revealed a honey-colored chest, and because he was emotional, he could even see the texture slowly rising and falling.

   With a strong hint of some kind, the color, qi, degree, and degree are all over the table.

  Song Zhao hesitated for a moment, then blurted out with determination,

   "I was thinking, if you really can't do it, what should I do to make you not embarrassed."

  Siyu, "..."

   His boiling blood froze in the blood vessels of his limbs for a moment.

  The dry air that had nowhere to go was blocked in his chest, forcing his eyes to turn red.

   I posted 10,000 words today,

   I don’t know how much I will write tomorrow, let’s fight for another 10,000, good night twitter.

   It is estimated that the update will start tomorrow ha~ sinister notice, the follow-up is all about big things!



   (end of this chapter)

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