The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 833: Extra_Song dynasty + Song dynasty

  Chapter 833 Fanwai _Tantai Mo + Song Jingxian

  The arrival of Princess Changning made Si Yu excited for a whole month before he barely returned to normal.

   He hugs Xiao Changning sticky as soon as he comes back every day, and his love is beyond words.

  Song Zhao went out of confinement and was light, went to the clean room to take a bath, gave his daughter to the cheap father, and went to the Guozijian to pick up his son.

   She was just in time for school when she went.

   Xiao Ayan came out of the school with a small schoolbag on her back.

   Seeing Song Zhao coming to pick him up, the little boy's eyes lit up, and he quickly came to Song Zhao in small steps, waving his sleeves and salute, "My son has seen my mother."

  Song Zhao took the schoolbag on the child's back and paused, "Mother will accompany you to dinner tonight."

   Little Ayan raised her head and said obediently, "Erchen is almost four years old. It's not like my sister is just born and needs constant care from her mother. I can eat by herself."

Song Zhao bent down, stretched out his hand, and exerted a little force, he hugged the little boy in his arms and kissed his cheek, "No matter how old the banquet is, in my mother's place, it will always be a newborn child. My sister needs to be taken care of, So does my brother."

   The little boy blushed shyly.


  The mother and son finished their meal intimately, and Xiao Ayan took out her schoolbag and started to drive Song Zhao away on the grounds of studying.

  Song Zhao sat still and asked directly, "Yan'er, don't you like your sister?"

   Little Ayan pursed her lips, "Erchen likes my sister."

   "But since my sister was born, Yan'er has never seen her sister, and she is unwilling to talk to A-Niang. A-Niang often thinks that Yan'er is blaming A-Niang for giving birth to a younger sister without asking your opinion."

   Song Zhao looked at Xiao Ayan and said seriously.

   She never treated little Ayan as a child and perfunctoryly fooled her.

   At any time and in any situation, she treats herself and her son with respect.

  Because of this, Xiao Ayan also respects and cares about her mother's thoughts.

   Hearing that he was anxious, "Erchen didn't blame A-Niang, Erchen likes A-Niang the most, A-Niang, don't cry..."

   Seeing Song Zhao's blushing eyes, Xiao Ayan's eyes also turned red as she blamed herself and she was scrambling to wipe A Niang's eyes.

   "But A-Niang felt that Yan'er had a secret to A-Niang, and she was obviously very unhappy, so she didn't tell A-Niang."

   Song Zhao said something pitiful.

   Xiao Ayan was so anxious that his eyebrows were jumping, and he finally said, "Erchen just thinks that Erchen is not the baby that the father wanted most at the beginning."

  Song Zhao was puzzled, "Why do you say that?"

The disappointment on Xiao Ayan's face was obvious, "My son heard from the palace servant that when the mother and the queen first conceived of the son, the father was very happy, because he wanted a younger sister from the very beginning, when the son was still in the womb of the mother. , The father thought that the son was a daughter, and he thought of Changning's name for his sister in advance, but after the son was born, it was a son, the father was very unhappy, and passed out in anger..."

   Xiao Ayan became more and more sad as she talked.

Tears fell from his eyes, "Empress mother, Erchen didn't intentionally make her sister invisible... So the royal father was strict with him, but in fact he did not welcome him... I could see that the father liked it very much. younger sister……"

   Song Zhao felt distressed after hearing this.

   She had long known that the partition had ears, but she didn't expect that when little Ayan was so small, those with broken mouths spread vicious words into his ears.

Song Zhao wiped away Xiao Ayan's tears, looked into his eyes seriously, and said firmly, "Father did not dislike Yaner, he also likes Yaner. Yaner, do you know that when the mother was pregnant with you, All the pregnancy reactions were endured by your father. Even when you were born, your mother didn't feel at all. The father fainted because of the pain."

   Xiao Ayan was confused, "What does this mean?"

Song Zhao said, "You should be able to see that when the mother was pregnant with her sister for ten months, she couldn't eat or sleep well every day because it was very hard to conceive a baby. The mother did not feel the hardship when she was pregnant with you. When you arrive, it was all accepted by your father. In other words, it can be understood that it was the father who produced you personally."

  Xiao Ayan grew up so big, she had only heard of her mother giving birth to a child, and this was the first time she had heard that a father could give birth to a child.

   He was stunned.

   "So, it was the father who gave birth to a son?" Little Ayan jumped in disbelief.

   If so.

   It was the father who gave birth to him through hard work, so how could he not be welcomed?

   If he is not welcome, how can he faint from the pain of giving birth to him!

  Song Zhao touched his son's forehead and nodded.

   She is telling the truth.

   In fact, in her heart, Ayan was originally Si Yusheng.

  Siyu always muttered that he wanted to raise Song Zhao when he was a child.

   For Song Zhao, why didn't she want to raise Siyu when she was a child?

   And Xiao Ayan was so similar to Siyu, she couldn't bear to be a little sad for Xiao Ayan.

  The mother and son were talking.

   A cough suddenly came from behind.

   look back.

  Siyu stood at the door with Xiao Changning who was just full moon in his arms, watching them from a distance.

   He obviously heard all the conversations between the mother and son, raised his hand and gestured towards Xiao Ayan,

"come over."

   Little Ayan ran to Siyu.

Si Yu said to Xiao Ayan solemnly, "Listen, you picked me and your mother in the sky. You are my first son and my father. If I don't do well, Don't worry about it. Man, don't be secretive and say something."

  Xiao Ayan subconsciously stood up straight, "Yes."

  Siyu then smiled and asked slowly, "If you choose, you will live forever, and no one will regret it. In the next life, will you choose me or not?"

   Xiao Ayan said to choose, and then his eyes were red, and he raised his head and said seriously, "But royal father, if I come late in the next life, you and your mother will be chosen by others?"

   Siyu said, "It's okay, we won't go with them, we'll just wait for you."


  Father and Son Extra【1】

  Since Xiao Ayan knew that he was born by his father, he no longer always clings to Song Zhao, and occasionally clings to Si Yu.

  Siyu remembered Song Zhao's advice that one bowl of water should not be uneven, and both sons and daughters should be treated the same.

   So even if he is very annoyed by the brat, he will patiently answer the ten thousand whys of the brat.

   But there are occasionally questions that Si Yu can't answer.

for example.

   "Father, how did you feel when you were pregnant with your son?"


   "Father, when my son is not born, will you talk to my son?"


   "Father, do you have the same confinement as your mother after giving birth to your son?"


  Xiao Ayan often gets no answer, he is very distressed, "Father, why are you ignoring your ministers?"

"……To shut up!"

  Si Yu couldn't bear it any longer, all kindness and patience disappeared, giving his son a complete childhood again.

   Xiao Ayan, who was reprimanded, went to Guozijian in despair.

  Why is the father so angry again?

  Is it because I thought of the pain of giving birth to him?

   If so, he should be more tolerant of his father.

   Thinking of this, Xiao Ayan became a happy crown prince again.

   On the other side, Si Yu couldn't help feeling guilty.

   He promised Song Zhao to be tolerant and gentle to his son.

  What if my son goes back and complains?


   He has to make up for it.

   On the same day, Si Yu decided to go to Guozijian to pick up his son.

  Talent just arrived at the gate of the school.

At that time, the master was educating the students and said, "Although the students are under a lot of pressure to study, they should always maintain a good attitude and work hard to improve, just like the crown prince, in the future, can be a useful pillar of the country and society. "

   All the students looked at the crown prince in the first row.

  Siyu smiled proudly outside the door.

   worthy of being his son.

  The crown prince got up immediately, not knowing what modesty is, and proudly raised his chest, "That's because Gu is different from you."

  Master came to be interested, "I would like to hear the details."

  Siyu raised his eyebrows with great interest.

   followed the crown prince's rhythmic voice firmly, "Because all of you are born to your mother, only Gu is born to your father."

  Master, "..."

  Other students, "..."

  Siyu, "..."

   He really wanted to tie this silly son to a powder cartridge and let him go straight to the sky.


  Father and Daughter Extra【1】

  Xiao Changning was the most favored princess in the Dasheng Dynasty.

   She has a mother who loves her, a father who loves her, a prince who treasures her, and her grandmother's family who dotes on her.

  Xiao Changning can be said to be the winner in life.

   She is exquisitely long, and her appearance is almost as carved by Song Zhao.

   But what she likes most is the father.

  Because the royal father loves her without principle, she can do whatever she wants.

   In contrast, the mother is more strict with her.

   Say nothing else.

  The four seasons of the year, the big and small festivals, the father and the emperor will prepare gifts for Changning.

  The father was very generous to Changning, and was willing to spend a lot of money to satisfy everything Changning wanted.

  The emperor said that girls should be pampered and should always pay attention to the sense of ritual, so that they will not be fooled by other boys in the future.

  The queen mother always sneered, saying that the royal father was an excuse to condone Changning.

  Although Chang Ning felt the same way, the royal father was really kind to Chang Ning.

   But recently, Changning can't bear this.

   Because she gained weight.

   As a cute little girl, how can she be fat.

  Changning was very unhappy and asked her father to stop feeding her pastries, and she was going to start losing weight.

  Siyu heard that Changning wanted to lose weight and control his diet, so that's okay. When it was time to eat, he took his rice bowl and persuaded Changning to eat more.

   "We'd rather not be fat."

  Changning pouted his cherry mouth and said in a milky voice, "It's just fat."

   She rolled up her sleeves, revealing her chubby little arms, and lowered her head to show her double chin to her father.

   "It's all meat."

  Siyu looked at Chang Ning thoughtfully for a while, then he suddenly lowered his head like Chang Ning and tried his best to squeeze out the double chin that was not obvious on his face.

   He looked quite serious and said, "This is not fat, we actually have double chins in our family."

   (end of this chapter)

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