The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 834: Extra Story_Tantai Mo + Song Jingxian [End]

   Chapter 834 Fanwai _ Tantai Mo + Song Jingxian [End]

   Over the years, Tantaimo has been giving gifts to the Grand Dynasty without interruption.

  From gold and silver jewelry to cities and military resources, Nanyue Kingdom has released its own blood step by step to strengthen the great dynasty.

  Tantaimo's purpose of wanting to unify the two countries is obvious.

   In less than five years, the Nanyue Kingdom divided two-thirds of its territory into the land of Dasheng.

   He has also changed from His Majesty Nanyue to the official of the capital city, so he no longer has to go to the court every day to deal with government affairs, and can have plenty of time to travel to and from Nanyue.

  Siyu's state affairs are getting busier and busier, and he can't wait to scold Tantai Mo to death.

   It was already very troublesome to deal with Dasheng towards a country, and now I throw it to him again.

   Thinking that this will bribe the Song family to admit him?


   I saw Tantaimo again at the palace banquet of the Great Sheng Dynasty.

  He sat in the lower left corner very close to the Empress as the official of the capital.

  Tantaimo's hair is all white, and the naked eye can see the old age and decay.

   But his face still looked as handsome as when he was young.

   Over the years, he did not seek Resurrection to treat him, nor did he take any other medicine.

   is like punishment and self-abuse.

   He allowed his body life to be consumed step by step.

   He knew his body wouldn't last for a few months.

   So he wanted to spend the last short time to see his family more.

   Although, they don't recognize him.

  The Crown Prince is already ten years old. He was born handsome and out of the world, and he looks like a graceful son of Shijia.

   Princess Changning is seven years old. She looks the same as Song Zhao. She has tender eyebrows and eyes, but she can imagine how she will look when she grows up in the future.

  Tantaimo watched all this greedily.

   In his early years, he always wanted to seek forgiveness from the Song family.

   I looked at it from the back, but I also thought that it would be nice to look at it from such a distance.

  The palace banquet is over.

  Tantaimo sat in his seat and slowly got up and left after watching everyone leave.

   As he passed the imperial garden, he saw Princess Changning catching butterflies with the palace servants.

   The little girl is squeamish and cute, with bright eyes and white teeth, red lips and white teeth, and eyebrows and eyes that match her mother's, but she has more vigor that her mother didn't have when she was young.

   Princess Changning quickly felt Tantaimo's gaze.

   She came over curiously, "My lord, why are you looking at this princess?"

   The little girl has big eyes and is full of curiosity.

   I wonder why someone can be full of white hair and yet be so young.

  Tantaimo looked at the little girl, as if looking at his sister through her, and through her sister, at the niece who was hurt by him back then.

   His heart throbbed, and he said solemnly, "I'm your uncle and grandpa."

  Changning frowned, "Uncle and grandpa? Why didn't the father and mother say that this princess and the uncle and grandfather?"

  Tantaimo is slightly slung on his back, he will feel very tired after standing for a long time now, his eyes are sunken, and he whispers in a low voice, "Because I did something wrong."

  Changning put his hands behind his back, "The mother said that if you know what you're wrong, you can correct it. It's a great thing to do. If you apologize and don't forgive you, you must be going too far."

  Tantaimo listened to the little girl's accusation of being crunchy, and seemed to think that Song Zhao was so tit-for-tat with him back then.

   He felt even more lonely and said slowly, "The family I have spent my whole life looking for has been destroyed by my own hands."

  Changning's brows furrowed even tighter, he suddenly took a few steps back, and said loudly, "A-niang told this princess not to play with fools."

   The little girl turned her head and ran away.

  Tantai Mo stood there in a daze, with a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

   Isn't he a fool?

   The darkness in front of him made Tantaimo lose consciousness.

   woke up again, and he had been sent to a courtyard outside the palace.

   The subordinate told him that the Imperial City sergeant sent him back.

   "And they also gave you a bottle of medicine, saying that it was made by the empress and could cure your stubborn illness." The subordinate carefully handed the medicine bottle to Tantai Mo.

  Tantaimo just looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, and suddenly understood something, he buried his head deeply.

   It turned out that he had been pursuing for half his life, and the medicine he sought was always within his reach.


   Big Brother Past Life.


  Song Jingxian died.

   was **** off.

   When the Song family fell and the whole family fell into a situation of copying and beheading, he learned the truth from Xia Qingyao's mouth.

   She said that at the beginning, it was Xiaomei who used the price of being a medicine man to get the magic mushroom for him.

   She said that the little sister never stopped caring and compensating for him. After he contracted the cold poison in his leg, the little sister has been reading medical books, wanting to save him, and want him to return to the battlefield.

   She said that the pharmacist tortured the little girl for two days and suffered from sequelae for three years. Because she did not want him to worry about affecting his recovery, the little girl endured it silently.

   She said that the little sister was in pain, not less than he suffered. She was in pain and shouted at Big Brother all night, but Big Brother didn't want her anymore...


   The liver and the bowels are broken, but this is the case.

  Song Jingxian was so heartbroken with regret, he couldn't bear the bad news at all, and his breath was cut off.

  After his death, the overwhelming remorse and pain in his heart condensed into a strong belief, which allowed his remnant soul to remain in the world.

   He wanted to see my little sister.

   He wanted to apologize to the little sister.

  But it was really too late.

   I saw my little sister again, in front of my tomb.

   His remnant soul is immortal, looking at the cold tombstone of the little sister.

   Above is the name of the little girl written stroke by stroke with the blood of Song Jinfu.

   Song Jingxian never thought that he and his little sister were so close and talked about everything, but they would fall into the situation where Yin and Yang are now separated.

   His distrust made it all.

  Song Jingxian couldn't help but think about the past.

   He loves the little sister so much, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is half the father of the little sister.

  He taught the little girl to walk, patiently instructed her to read and write, accompanied her crazy and made trouble with her. At every stage of her childhood, there were traces of his participation.

   promised to pet her forever.

   Why did you forget it?

  How come he lost his little sister while walking.

   If he could do it all over again, he wanted to go back to that day. He would definitely stop the little girl from being a medicine person. Even if he lost his leg and died, he would reverse all this.

  The stars move.

   Opening his eyes again, Song Jingxian found himself back in the day when Song Zhao was a medicine man.

   He still fainted on the old mountain road in search of medicine, while his petite sister was walking unswervingly towards the old road of history.

   "Don't go, little girl."

   Song Jingxian shouted.

   He quickly chased towards the little sister, trying to stop her, but he couldn't touch her.

   "Don't go, I don't deserve it, I don't deserve you to go."

   His voice was almost hoarse, and he couldn't stop the little sister from walking.

  Song Jingxian was too desperate.

   A calm and powerful voice came from his ear.

   "No matter how many times you start over, Song Zhao will follow the same path without hesitation."

  She has never changed.

   She is naughty, she is self-willed, and she loves to cry, make trouble, and act like a spoiled child.

  She's not perfect.

   She has many flaws.

   But she loves her big brother very much.

   (end of this chapter)

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