Chapter 88 Qi Song Xiang Hao 6

   The smoky powder was scattered in the air in an instant.

  Song Zhao took precautions and quickly covered his mouth and stepped back.

   But it was inevitable that he inhaled a little, and his complexion changed slightly.

   She has a strong sense of medicine, just inhaling a little, she knows that it will make people feel exhausted.

Duan Yingying, who had already taken the antidote, happily watched Song Zhao's tense body collapse on the rockery, and said regretfully, "I originally prepared the amount to make you faint, but that's fine. You can wake up to the next storm."

  Song Zhao's face was cold.

   With both hands on the rockery, he tried his best to hold up his weak body, not so embarrassed.

   It was she who misread the person, thinking about Duan Yunsui's behavior, and would not count on her in broad daylight.

   "Duan Yingying, what did you do to sister Zhaozhao?" Duan Yunsui pinched Duan Yingying's wrist and asked angrily.

"Second brother, I'm all here to help you." Duan Yingying pouted and hummed slyly, "Song Zhao has no strength right now, if you unbutton her dress and go outside with her disheveled After a walk, you can get married to Song Zhao."

   Duan Yunsui raised his hand and slapped Duan Yingying, scolding, "Duan Yingying, do you still have any sense of shame? Do you want me to ruin the reputation of Sister Zhaozhao?!"

Duan Yingying covered her face and turned back unconvinced, "Second brother, sister is all for your own good, don't you like Song Zhao? Only in this way can you marry your sweetheart, otherwise you will never have a chance. "

   Duan Yunsui's black eyes trembled.

  Song Zhao looked at the two brothers and sisters calmly, warning of unsteady breath,

   "I advise you to invite my family over, I can pretend that nothing happened."

   Duan Yingying was shocked.

   She thought she would see Song Zhao panicking and crying in a state of embarrassment.

  I never thought of the straw bag who had to cry for a long time when she lost her hair. In this desperate situation, she was so calm and even released an aura that shocked her.

"Song Zhao, if you understand the current situation, you should be the one who begged me." Duan Yingying shrank her neck, inexplicably not daring to look at Song Zhao, and said inwardly, "I will tell you, my eldest brother today. It's here too, and it should soon ruin your sister's good deeds.

   When you and your sister enter my Duan family, your Song family can only let my family handle it. This is what your Song family owes our Duan family. "

   paused, "Second brother, I'm not forcing you, think about it yourself."

After   , Duan Yingying left directly, she believed that the second brother would not let her down.

  Song Zhao bit his lip, and the lip clenched by his teeth hurt.

   She just looked at Duan Yunsui silently, waiting for him to choose.

   She had suffered too many impulsive troubles in her previous life. Even though she was in a predicament at this moment, she was still calm and composed, which made Duan Yunsui unable to stop.

   He suddenly said, "Sister Zhaozhao, let me take you out."

  Song Zhao was disappointed.

   She looked directly at his guilty brows, and said word by word, "I know Duan Yunsui who, even though he is incompetent and looked down upon by others, is still upright and honest and speaks with integrity."

When    spoke, she quietly pressed one hand to the cloth pocket around her waist, and took out a silver needle from it.

   Duan Yunsui looked embarrassed.

   He thought he was different from the Duan family.

   It turned out that he was not as bright and upright as he imagined.

   In his bones, he also inherited the despicableness of his parents.

   pulled the corners of his lips, and the boy's smile was full of bitterness, "Sister Zhaozhao, I know that if I do this, I will make you hate me, and it will completely break your affection for me.

   But if this is not the case, we have no chance at all. "

   Compared to being hated by Song Zhao, he didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

   (end of this chapter)

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