Chapter 89 Qi Song Xiang Hao 7

   "I came to see you today because of the love we had in our childhood and wanted you to regain your strength."

Song Zhao hid the silver needle between his fingers and said in a soft and sweet voice, "It's my honor that you like me. But I don't have any feelings for you. You will meet a woman who admires you in the future, so you don't have to be obsessed. to me."

   Duan Yunsui looked at her.

   The girl's eyes are extremely calm and never show emotions easily.

   At this time, he was so sincere and sincere, preventing him from stepping into the darkness.

   Duan Yunsui had wet eyes and said in a low voice, "But, I only want you."

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

  I have liked Song Zhao since childhood.

   In his life, he will never be so enthusiastic and rambunctious again, and he likes the woman next to him.

   Seeing that Duan Yunsui was completely crooked, Song Zhao lowered his eyebrows coldly, "If you dare to touch me, I will not let you go."

   This sentence alone made him completely regarded as an enemy.

   Duan Yunsui felt a dull pain in his heart. When he approached Song Zhao and reached out to hug her, a dry voice sounded, "Sister Zhaozhao, I'm sorry—"

   Just when Song Zhao was about to give him a shot, a shadow suddenly appeared above.

   A muffled sound rang out, and Duan Yunsui fell directly to the ground.

  Song Zhao raised his head.

   I saw Si Yu with mountain-like eyebrows standing on the rockery.

  The sun fell all over his body, and the dark golden borders embroidered with cirrus moirés glowed brightly.

   As he jumped down, the hem of his clothes spun layer by layer, and the cloud pattern created beautiful ripples.

   "Si, Xiao Langjun." Song Zhao's eyes lit up and he called him in a crisp voice.

   is also a mystery to say, it is clear that the Lord Quanchen is the most dangerous person to her.

   But seeing him at this time, Song Zhao's first reaction was a sigh of relief.

  Siyu's face was gloomy.

  The little girl fell softly on the rockery, and the ginger-colored shirts and skirts were spread out on the bluestone, like delicate flowers blooming.

   Her eyes filled with surprise, and she brought a bit of pure gratitude, "You came in time, did you come here specially to save me?"

  Si grinned, "Little idiot."

  Song Zhao, "..."

  Siyu leaned over, his peach blossom eyes were gloomy and attractive, and the tip of his tongue was against his teeth, "You are not always cunning, how could you still be calculated by Duan Yunsui?"

  ...So it turns out that she had this impression in Lord Quanchen's mind.

  Song Zhao said angrily, "I didn't expect him to harm me, but I have a silver needle in my hand, and he can't help me."

  Siyu pinched her chin and sneered with thin lips, "This is what happens when you just trust an outsider."

   Thinking that Duan Yunsui would touch her body when he came a step late, Lord Quanchen felt very uncomfortable, as if he had knocked over a vinegar jar, and the sourness was unbearable.

   The little idiot likes him, how can he be taken advantage of by other men.

  Song Zhao didn't know how to answer this.

   "Do you dare to be so stupid in the future, huh?" Si Yu suppressed his voice and pinched the little girl's cheek punitively.

  Song Zhao was exhausted and let the other party knead and make a circle.

   It hurts so much, she whispered aggrieved, "Why do you always bully me."

   The little girl puffed out her cheeks, charming and cute.

   She is arrogant and strong,

   "I'm still a little girl, it's okay to be stupid."

   Little idiots make a bunch of things.

  Siyu said in disgust, "You're so stupid, who don't you bully?"

   "Si, Xiao Langjun, if you want to scold me, you can help me up first, and I will turn around and scold you as you please."

  The rockery is so dirty.

  Song Zhao felt uncomfortable.

   "Call me brother!" When asking for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help.

"elder brother!"

   The little girl's voice is sweet and glutinous, and her lack of discipline is really... so cute.

  Siyu's eyes were deep, he raised his hand and tugged at his neckline, his voice was hoarse, "I used to be number four."

   "Fourth Brother~" Song Zhao was very polite, for fear that Si Yu would leave her behind, "Will you give me a hand~ OK?"

   She might as well follow her heart instead of being humiliated here.

   The little idiot's coquettish voice was so soft, he just looked up at him like a **** cat.

"not good."


  Song Zhao felt that her two brother calls made her lonely.

  I really wanted to let Lord Quanchen get out of his anger, but thinking about his sister, Song Zhao chose to endure.

   She grabbed a corner of Si Yu's robe and shook it lightly.

  The boy looked at her coldly, but didn't speak.

  Song Zhao stretched out his little tail finger again and poked the back of his hand.

   The little idiot whispered, "Please, fourth brother~"

   His throat seemed to be blocked by something, so he couldn't make any sound.


  Foul, foul.

   (end of this chapter)

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