Chapter 97 Canglan Academy 1

  Song Zhao returned to Zhaoyang Courtyard and found a strange young man in the courtyard.

   Bell reported, "Second girl, this person said that you asked him to come."

   The young man was shocked when he saw Song Zhao, and then lowered his head slightly.

  Song Zhao's face was as usual, and he asked Bell to lead the maids in the yard to retreat.

  The young man said, "The resurrected doctor is fine, I am Jin Yang, the receiver of the doctor's door, and I will be the intermediary to send messages in the future.

   This time, we bring you a reward of 500,000 taels for the relief of the epidemic in Shu County. "

   He opened the box under his feet, revealing the thick silver notes inside.

  Song Zhao calmly asked Jin Yang to help him into the house, and then handed Jin Yang a few prescriptions.

  Jin Yang was deeply shocked. When he heard that the master said that the resurrected doctor was the second girl of Song Bao, he felt that the master was joking.

   It was only now that he saw the real person that he realized that there really were metaphysical myths in this world.

  After Jin Yang left, Song Zhao changed his composure, holding a box of banknotes with a frowning smile, "500,000 taels, this is the first time I've seen so much money."

   The most important thing is that she earned it all.

   She is amazing.

   "I really made a fortune!" Song Zhao kissed the bank note again and again, and rolled on the bed in excitement.

Half an hour later, when Su Lie came to get the incense recipe, Song Zhao gave him the box of money by the way.

   "How can there be... 500,000 taels?" Su Lie almost fainted when he saw this amount, his face flushed red, and he was shocked.

   He wanted to know where the master got the money, but he dared not ask.

  Song Zhao did not explain, but calmly ordered, "If you want to make it bigger, you can take half of the money to expand the incense shop and buy and sell people. The remaining half, go to various places to buy rare treasures for me."

  My sister is going to get married at the end of the year. As a younger sister, she must be given a red makeup for ten miles, so that no one can underestimate the Song family!


  Song Zhao, carrying ten thousand taels of silver bills in his arms, went to the Star Picking Building.

   The afternoon sun is shining brightly.

  The skirt passed through the winding veranda, and Song Zhao came to the door of Siyu's bedroom lightly.

   raised his hand and knocked on the door, with a crisp little soft voice, "Fourth brother, sister, please take care of you."

   After an hour, a low voice came from inside, "Come in."

  Song Zhao pushed open the door and entered, and saw Si Yu was wiping his sword by the window.

  The young man who just took a bath, wearing only a middle coat, his wet long hair tangled on the ground, looks particularly attractive.

   He raised his eyes and looked very cold, "What?"

   "Fourth brother, can you tell me when you are in the Song family and when you are not there." Song Zhao quietly inquired about the news.

   Si Rui was thoughtful.

   The little girl wants to see him all the time?

   He has already lived in, why is he so clingy.

   "I won't tell you." She must not encourage her evil spirits.


   Lord Quanchen is so naughty.

   Song Zhao drummed his cheeks, took out 10,000 taels of silver notes, and shook it, "Actually, I gave money to the fourth brother. It's 10,000 taels, the fourth brother please accept it with a smile."

   Siyu's eyebrows moved.

   lowered his eyes and glanced at the silver note, which was more complicated.

  The Song family is an eunuch's family, so the 10,000 taels is probably the New Year's money that Song Zhao has saved for 12 years, so he gave it so generously?

   She was so infatuated.

   The corner of his lips hooked, and he asked playfully, "You want to seduce me with money?"

   "You can think so too."

  Siyu's expression turned cold, "Don't think about it."

  Looking at the little girl's appearance as a chicken thief, it seemed that he was trying to beat him, because he was afraid that he would not marry her if he became her brother.

  Song Zhao said with a small face, "Fourth brother, don't refuse me, I just want to learn martial arts from you. You contribute, I contribute, and the business is negotiated."

   After being figured out by Duan Yingying today, Song Zhao deeply hated that he did not practice martial arts because he was afraid of hardship when he was in Penglai Mountain. At the critical moment, he did not even have the strength to protect himself.

   As long as she can use her skills and run faster, she will not be hit.

   Tomorrow is the second round of pk, which will last until Tuesday. It is very important and is related to the next recommendation~

   You can continue to be free if you have a recommendation.

   Save the child ō



   (end of this chapter)

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