Chapter 98 Canglan Academy 2

   Siyu rubbed his sword for a while.

   Oh, just to practice martial arts.

   The boy's eyebrows and eyes darkened for two points. He put the long sword into the scabbard, and his tone became colder and colder, "How do you know that I can do martial arts?"

"Naturally, I can see it." Song Zhao rolled his eyes and smiled at him, his immature face was very charming and lovable, "The fourth brother is heroic, his feet are as light as swallows, he is unpredictable when he comes and goes, he must be a master of martial arts. If you can get the guidance of the fourth brother, you will benefit from one third of the learning for a lifetime!"

   The little girl babbled a lot, and Si Yu heard four words...

   is heroic.

   His face was unpredictable, thinking of the scene where Song Zhao had a skin-to-skin kiss at Bailu Villa.

  It must have been at that time, when this little girl secretly saw her naked body.

   "Shameless." Si Yu gritted his teeth and hummed, turned around and took off a dark red brocade robe from the screen, and dressed himself meticulously.

   I'm afraid that if one step is slow, the little girl can't help but pounce on him.

  Song Zhao is obviously not in love, and she doesn't know that the powerful minister has made her brain into a **** woman who is as hungry and thirsty as a wolf.

   She compared her fingers, and said pretty lively, "Fourth brother, think about it! If you think 10,000 taels are not enough, you can add more."

  Siyu pursed her lips tightly.

   Is he the kind of superficial person who is obsessed with money?

  The boy fastened his belt, the dark red color made him whiter and more handsome.

   He leaned forward, his robes laid out in layers, arrogant and wanton.

   He rested his cheek with one hand, turned slightly sideways, and hooked his fingers loosely towards Song Zhao.

   Song Zhaodian Dian'er, who was asking for help, came forward.

  Siyu's slender and articulated fingers pushed on the little girl's forehead, "Your fourth brother is not available."

  Song Zhao, "..."

   Lord Quanchen likes to play with people so much?

   She didn't force it either, and said in a muffled voice, "Si Xiaolang-Jun is not free, I'll find someone else to teach me."

"you dare!"

  Siyu's expression darkened, and he scoffed in a low voice.

  The people who practice martial arts are generally men. When teaching martial arts, physical contact is inevitable.

  Song Zhao looked up at him, and the innocent eyes revealed four words.

  Why not dare?

  Siyu's throat slid, an inexplicable fire was simmering in his chest, his face was half cold, and he gritted his teeth, "You are a woman who hasn't left the cabinet, how can you contact an outsider.

  Do you want to be famous if it spreads out? In order not to fall into the limelight, I have to do it for my brother! "

  Song Zhao's eyes were shining like stars, and he said sweetly, "Fourth brother for your hard work, thank you fourth brother! You are really a kind and affectionate person!"

  Thousands of wear, but no flattery.

  Siyu, "..."

   Really, there is something wrong with the fourth brother, and the death of the older brother.

   The little girl turns her face faster than she turns a book.

   His face was cold, but the corners of his lips were slightly raised.


  Siyu first taught Song Zhao to shoot arrows.

   The two came to the shooting range opened by the General's Mansion, and Song Zhao made an archery move according to Si Yu's instructions.

  Siyu stood behind her, his hands passed through Song Zhao's armpits, guiding her to hold the bow and arrow steadily.

very close.

  Song Zhao smelled the familiar cold fragrance on Si Yu's body.

   She eliminated her distracting thoughts and focused on adjusting the bow and arrow.

   Shoot three times in a row, getting closer to the bullseye each time.

  Siyu was a little surprised.

   The little girl was so small that it completely enveloped him.

   Good fragrance.

   The hands held in the palms are also soft.

  How can the girl's hand be so soft?

  Siyu was so confused that he couldn't help but intensified his strength and kneaded it in the palm of his hand.

  Song Zhao shook his hand, and the arrow hit the ground.

   She frowned, "Fourth brother, you hurt me."

  Siyu let go of his hand slightly, not wanting to let people find out that he was different.

   maintained an inscrutable expression and said indifferently, "Don't be distracted."

  Song Zhao, "..."

   So shameless!

"What are you doing?"

   (end of this chapter)

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