Chapter 99 Canglan Academy 3

   is naturally Song Jinfu.

   He passed by the shooting range and heard that Si Yu was teaching Song Zhao to shoot arrows, and came in curiously to take a look.

   As a result, I saw Si Yu and my little sister were so close.

   He rushed over and pulled Song Zhao behind him, and asked Siyu with a frosty face, "How can you take advantage of my little sister?"

   Song Zhao explained in a low voice, "Third brother, don't get me wrong, fourth brother is teaching me martial arts."

  Song Jinfu's face was absurd, "You can't get married, how can you ask Siyu to teach you martial arts? I can find you a female soldier."

   Song Zhao's eyes lit up.

   Almost forgot about this.

  Siyu narrowed his eyes, for some reason, he didn't want the little girl to be taught by others.

   Not even a woman.

   "My brother, why are you nervous?" Si Yu raised his eyebrows and said in a lazy voice, "Could it be the third son of Song, who doesn't treat me as a family?"

  Song Jinfu defended, "Even if it's my brother, it's not suitable for you..."

   "Didn't I just touch the second sister's hand? Haven't you touched it?"

  Siyu has a good time.

  Song Jinfu was asked.

   He not only touched it, but also hugged it.

  However, he is the younger cousin, Siyu is just a godfather.

   But speaking like this, will it be a bit too hurtful?

  Song Zhao didn't want the third brother to offend Siyu by accident, so he acted as a mediator with sincerity, "The fourth brother is right. Do you remember the third brother? You kissed me before? My family, there is nothing to avoid."

   Anyway, a perverted person like the power minister is not interested in female sex.

  Song Zhao just regarded Siyu as a tool man.

  Song Jinfu's brain was instantly insufficient.

   So is he making a fuss?

   Siyu touched his chin.

   It turns out that if you are an older brother, you can also kiss your younger sister.

   At this moment, the powerful minister seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

  The dazzling young man in the world, his dark eyes fell on Song Zhao's delicate lips, and his Adam's apple rolled slightly sexy.


  Song Jinfu was finally fooled away.

  Song Zhao has mastered the archery skills, so he doesn't need Si Yu's hands-on teaching to practice seriously.

   Shooting for an hour without stopping.

   The bell came over to deliver tea to Song Zhao, and Song Zhao did not rest.

   "If you are tired, just practice for half an hour every day."

  Siyu knew that Song Zhao was dressed in brocade and food, and his body was squeamish. He could last for an hour, which was an eye-opener for him.

   "I'm not tired, I can!"

  Song Zhao's face was tired, but his eyes were bright.

   It is too late for her to practice martial arts now. If she is not diligent, she will not be able to learn at all.

   Having experienced life and death, this hardship is really nothing.

   Only by learning martial arts well can you protect yourself and the people around you in the future.

  Siyu was silent.

   He watched the fine sweat on the tip of the little girl's nose, and the firmness that did not match her age.

   She is still so young, so she has the qualifications to be spoiled.

   For some reason, my heart twitched slightly.

   It hurts slightly.

   But the pain was quickly ignored by him.

  Song Zhao finally finished his training. When he put down his bow and arrow, his knees became weak because of standing for too long, and he swayed back.

  's small waist was suddenly held by a warm palm and pulled slightly.

  Song Zhao fell into Siyu's chest intact.

   The tip of his nose brushed the collarbone between the boy's slightly open neckline.

  Siyu's body suddenly stiffened, and his heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat.

   "My feet are numb."

  Song Zhao grabbed Si Yu's cuff with a sad face, pitiful.

   Being able to hold on for so long is not easy for the little girl of Jiao DiDi.

  Siyu picked her up silently, walked all the way through the veranda, and took her into the dormitory of Zhaoyangyuan.

  Song Zhao was hugged by him and collapsed.

   She rubbed her calf, a little embarrassed, "The fourth brother has taught me hard, next time you write the essentials directly on paper, you don't have to wait for me to waste time."

   Mr. Quanchen has something important to do, how could she be detained in the inner house.

   Siyu glanced at her lips again.

   is about having too much physical contact with the little girl.

   was very dry.

   He suddenly had the urge to kiss him hard, but he resisted it.

   "Next time, be more restrained." He pressed her head, turned and left.

   In order to charm him, the little girl started to do it herself.

   But damn, he actually got hooked.

   I'll dig your pockets to see if there are any tickets.

   Song Jinfu: Many years later, I shed tears of remorse.



   (end of this chapter)

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