Fenrir let out a painful cry, however, there was only a crack on the tooth, and the god-killing tooth was actually cracked by Lin Hui.

"Well, it will take a few more punches to break, so please bear with me first!" Lin Hui said softly in a devilish tone.

"Bang bang bang-!"

Three punches in a row.


Fenrir's God-killing Fang was actually interrupted and removed by Lin Hui.

"Ow, ooh—!"

Fenrir was in great pain, and his entire body wanted to move, but because of Lin Hui's enormous strength, he was prevented from moving.

However, there was no killing intent in Fenrir's eyes when he looked at Lin Hui at this moment, only fear, fear and other dark colors. After all, the human being in front of him actually interrupted its god-killing teeth.

However, before the attack came into contact, Lin Hui took the God-killing Fang into his own space, and the whole person disappeared in an instant, grabbed Fenrir's tail, and slammed it in front of him.


Before Fenrir could finish howling, Lin Hui lifted Fenrir's tail again and smashed it in another direction, and then smashed it in one direction, treating Fenrir like a hammer, and smashed it violently. , With Lin Hui's strength, Fenrir was dizzy, and at this moment, Fenrir's eyes seemed to be glistening with tears.

Watching Lin Hui smashing around with Fenrir's tail, there was only one thought in his heart:

Poor Fenrir!

Chapter [-] There is more in my treasure!


A large pit was smashed into the ground, and Fenrir lay in the pit, his body still twitching from time to time.

When the other two god-killing wolves saw Fenrir being beaten like this by Lin Hui, their hearts were full of fluff. Lin Hui glanced at them, and they didn't dare to move, especially Hati, who was with Mo at first. Dredd fought back and forth, but after seeing Fenrir like that, he could only resist, not dare to resist.

Especially now, Skull was let go by Nangong that month, but he didn't dare to make any move. Like Hattie, he was all lying on the ground, for fear that Lin Hui would do something to them. You know, they are not like Fenrir. Defense, Lin Hui might kill him with a few punches.

Lin Hui looked at Fenrir and kicked Fenrir's head: "Fenrir, I know you can hear me now, make your body smaller!"

Fenrir didn't move, as if he had fainted.


Lin Hui kicked Fenrir to the wall on one side again, smashing the wall directly.

The next moment, Fenrir became the size of an ordinary dog, wagging his tail at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui looked at Hattie and Skool, and those two quickly became smaller. Can't he just wag his tail at Lin Hui without looking at Fenrir?Do the two of them still dare to fight with Lin Hui?I'm afraid I'll be killed!

Therefore, the two god-killing wolves became one size smaller than Fenrir.

"Okay, you three will take care of the house when I'm not at home in the future. If something happens, I think I'll be able to eat dog meat hot pot that night!" Lin Hui said with a deep meaning in his eyes. .

Fenrir and its two children were horrified all of a sudden, and they decided to show their strength when they decided to watch the house for the new owner, because Fenrir knew that Lin Hui could do it. .

Seeing that Fenrir and its two children have become Lin Hui's... After the watchdog, everyone was speechless. This is really an unimaginable result, but it seems reasonable. , because Lin Hui had already said that he wanted Fenrir to be the watchdog.

Lin Hui's beating made Fenrir less daring to resist, but there was no guarantee that Fenrir would not retaliate against Lin Hui, after all, he was beaten so badly.

"Don't resist!" Lin Hui put his hand on Fenrir's head. Suddenly, a green light appeared in Lin Hui's hand, recovering the injury on Fenrir's body. Then, those green rays of light appeared in Fenrir. Er had a collar around his neck, as did Hattie and Skool.

In front of the spirit of words incarnate in nature, after Fenrir was banned, he could no longer attack the people around Lin Hui, so he was not afraid to resist.

Afterwards, Lin Hui stood up and looked at Loki and walked in front of Esdes.

"What's wrong?" Esdes looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "It's nothing, but don't forget, Loki is the god of tricks in Norse mythology, and he is quite good at curses."

"With the skill of my speech, the justice of the world will be manifested. This speech is powerful and eloquent. It is the sword of wisdom that summons victory. This gold is enough to smash all things, and this wisdom is enough to smash everything. Therefore, this is a cut off. The sword of victory of the essence of all good and evil!"

Suddenly, a golden sword appeared in front of Lin Hui, Lin Hui held it and swung it out again, while chanting the words: "All injustice, all power, all fear me, I will. Cut off all impurity here!"

Suddenly, a burst of darkness disappeared from Esdes.

Loki didn't expect to be discovered by Lin Hui, and he hated it.

Nangong sighed a little that month: "The main god of Northern Europe, Odin, right?"

Odin looked at Nangong Nayue: "Who are you?"

"Just a trivial witch, I just remind you that the evil god has done the worst thing, get ready to collect the corpse for him!" Nangong knew that Lin Hui was completely angry that month.

Odin was startled and saw Lin Hui snap his fingers. Suddenly, the space where Loki was trapped was shattered.

"Huh? You actually let me out, so let me tell you that the last thing you should do is to let me out!" Suddenly, a powerful magic power erupted from Loki's body, and countless magic power turned into a long whip Sweep across the entire venue.

"No, if there is Thor's Hammer..." Odin said to himself.

As a result, a scene that shocked everyone's attention appeared.

Lin Hui smashed the magic whips with one punch, and crimson ripples appeared on Lin Hui's back. A golden hammer appeared in front of everyone, with purple-blue thunder emitting from it.

Lin Hui directly held the handle of the hammer: "Loki, what do you think this is?"

"No, it's impossible, it's actually the Thor's Hammer that punishes everything?!" Loki was shocked: "You... how could you have it?!"


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