"Too much nonsense!" Lin Hui smashed Loki's face with a hammer. Immediately, Loki's originally evil and handsome face was smashed into a big cake face, blood was flowing, and his nose and mouth were full of The blood is painful to look at.

"I originally wanted Odin to take you back, but you shot my woman just now, so I'm sorry, please die here!"

The voice fell, and the space behind Lin Hui burst into waves again. At this moment, a bright red spear slowly emerged.

Odin's eyes were straightened: "No...impossible, that is...!"

Lin Hui held it with his backhand, threw it high, and raised it with his forehand: "I swear by this gun, it will penetrate the heart of the evil god Loki and make it fall!"

A shot was thrown, directly piercing Loki's heart and nailing it to the ground: "How... how is it possible?"

Loki can be said to be dead. He can't imagine that Lin Hui's strength can subdue Fenrir, and he also possesses Gungnir and Thor's Hammer. How to fight against such an opponent!

After solving Loki, Lin Hui put away Thor's Hammer and Gungnir.

"Hey, kid, what's going on with that? Why do you have Thor's Hammer and the Great God's Declaration?!" Odin looked at Lin Hui as if looking at a thief.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, after all, I have a lot of treasures of this kind!" After Lin Hui dealt with Loki, he felt a bad breath in his heart, and he felt a lot better.

Chapter [-] Son-in-law beats father-in-law!

"Your... treasure?" Even Sazex was a little stunned now, what was going on?Why does Lin Hui have artifacts from other mythological systems?

"Yes, my treasure, shouldn't I have my own weapons as a human king? I said before, I don't need artifacts, after all, I have collected all the myths and legends from ancient times to the present, the weapons of heroes and warriors, or It can be called a Noble Phantasm, not only those Noble Phantasms, but even the prototypes of the Noble Phantasms are all included, or it is a gift to me, the King of Humans!" Lin Hui said to Ling in a very casual tone. Silly words.

This time, even Asachel and Michael were speechless, and the information that Lin Hui broke out was amazing.

From ancient times to the present, all the artifacts in myths and legends, the weapons of all heroes and warriors from ancient times to the present, and the weapons of those legendary heroes have been attached with mysterious colors, and some have even been completely invisible.

The representative is the holy sword, the sword of the king. It is said that the holy sword that the first generation of King Arthur got from the fairy in the lake, but it was broken into pieces in the war a long time ago, so there will be Xenovia and Wisteria in the past. A holy sword made from fragments of the Sword of Kings that Lina held in her hand.

However, now it looks like Lin Hui has the full version in his hands.

It's unbelievable. Whenever you think you know enough about him, Lin Hui will reveal another shocking secret. This time, the secret is really too big. Lin Hui can be said to be a Move the humanoid treasure house, as long as Lin Hui is sacked, the weapons obtained from Lin Hui are enough to form an army that sweeps the world.

However, looking at the three god-killing wolves who were like loyal dogs following Lin Hui, and then looking at Loki, the evil god who fell to the ground and turned into a corpse, trying to sack Lin Hui?It's better to wash and sleep, there is everything in the dream!

Odin is now having a headache for Lin Hui to kill Loki. In any case, Loki is also a member of his pantheon. Even if there is a trial, it should be judged by the Nordic pantheon, but now it is directly handled by Lin Hui. The land was slaughtered, and Odin didn't know what to say to those in his own pantheon.

After all, no one wants their own gods to be directly crippled, but the killing of Loki will definitely have a big impact. However, if the gods of the Nordic gods want to seek revenge on Lin Hui, well, then it is not revenge at all. Instead, it will become a group to die.

Lin Hui's strength was too strong and terrifying.

Now Odin understands Lin Hui's terrifying strength. A fierce man who can even beat Fenrir, who is ranked seventh in the world, is at least the top three in the world, and maybe even Ophe The strongest existence under this.

However, what Odin didn't know was that Lin Hui was actually the one who defeated Orpheus. Otherwise, Odin would definitely forbid people from the Nordic pantheon to trouble Lin Hui, because if that was the case, it would really become Sent to death, and even kneeled together with the Nordic gods.

After solving the incident of Loki's rioting at the venue, Odin re-signed the peace treaty. This time, Odin finally saw the terribleness of the restraint of the peace treaty.

Lin Hui conquered Fenrir and its two children, and the secret of possessing all the artifacts and weapons in the world will be spread all over the world in the shortest possible time. In this way, some ambitious careerists may act.

But these are not things that Lin Hui manages. Just kill him if he dares to come. Lin Hui wants to catch the group of self-proclaimed heroes in the group of misfortune. If he knew that Lin Hui had all the weapons of heroes, he would definitely Those who came to contact him, and according to Lin Hui's understanding, would never use peaceful means to contact him, so he would have enough reasons to snatch away their artifacts and god-killing tools.

However, if you want to fish, you need a certain amount of patience. After all, fishing is a technical job. Taking advantage of this song's free time, Lin Hui plans to do some other things.


"So, Zhu Nai, why did you bring me here?" Lin Hui yawned and walked to an open space outside the venue, where he saw Himejima Zhu Nai and a bearded man confronting him.

"Okay, Lin Hui is the person I have decided to entrust my whole life to. He is much more reliable than you!" Ji Dao Zhu Nai hugged Lin Hui's arm when he saw Lin Hui's appearance, causing Lin Hui to be in awe Messy.

what the hell?How could I hear such a powerful speech as soon as I came up!But looking at the man with narrowed eyes, Lin Hui immediately understood.

"Shuna, is this your choice?" Baiqiu said with some misery. After all, the death of Himejima Zhu Li was the reason why the two were opposed to each other.

Baiqiu also heard Lin Hui's evaluation of himself from Asa Sheer, and Baiqiu couldn't refute anything. He couldn't even protect his beloved woman. He was indeed a waste!

But Lin Hui is different. His strength is strong enough. In the battle just now, he subdued a god-killing wolf like Fenrir, so he can protect Himejima Akeno. But the problem is that there are too many women around Lin Hui. !

"But, Akeno, can you..." Baiqiu seemed to want to persuade Himejima Akeno.

"Shut up! You are not allowed to call my name!" A lightning bolt was released directly from Jijima Akeno's hand.

Baiqiu blocked the blow with his hands, and he felt a little bitter in his heart. It was not the first time he was attacked by Himejima Zhunai. He used Lin Hui's power to beat himself, a father, now. It's no surprise to start again.

Lin Hui touched his nose. He probably understood why Jijima Akunai wanted to find himself out. He probably wanted to use his own strength to beat Baiqiu again. However, if this is the case, Ji The relationship between Shima Akeno and Baiqiu will be even worse, and Baiqiu's tolerance will only make Himejima Akeno more uncomfortable.

"Hey, Baiqiu, I didn't say you. As a man, you must show up when your woman is in danger. Even if you can't show up in time, you must take precautions!" Lin Hui suddenly appeared in Baiqiu. In front of Qiu, he severely punched Baiqiu in the face.

Chapter [-] Resolve grievances!

Baiqiu snorted and was directly knocked into the air by Lin Hui, hitting a tree. Looking at Lin Hui, he opened his squinted eyes with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Lin Hui slowly tidied up his collar, walked in front of Baiqiu, grabbed Baiqiu's clothes, lifted it directly, looked at Baiqiu, looked him in the eyes and said, "Baiqiu, You are not a man!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui threw Baiqiu aside and slammed him to the ground.

Hearing Lin Hui's words, Baiqiu reluctantly stood up and looked at Lin Hui: "What did you say? If you thought you were the man Zhu Nai chose, wouldn't I dare to touch you?"

"You dare!" Ji Dao Zhu Nai shouted directly, "If you dare to touch Teacher Lin Hui's hair!"

The thunder in the hands of Akeno Himejima is ready.

"That's why I said, you're not a man!" Lin Hui strode forward and punched Baiqiu directly in the face: "Do you need to hesitate at this time?"

"Don't forget, I'm trampling on your dignity as a man now! How long are you going to endure it?" Lin Hui looked at Baiqiu: "Indeed, for the sake of your family, it's great to swallow your breath or something. But ah, Baiqiu, now you are not swallowing your voice for the sake of your family!"

"You are for yourself, you are swallowing up the guilt and grief in your heart!" Lin Hui directly grabbed Baiqiu and lifted him up.

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