"No, I don't. It should be said that I no longer have the power of a dragon. It's a pity that I'm not someone you can observe!" Lin Hui shook his head.

"That's really a pity. I played against Arubion's host before. His way of the dragon is very interesting, and he showed his incomparable power. Unfortunately, he couldn't fight me in the end and left!" Clone Kurcher has some regrets.

"However, I can show you the human side of me! Take a good look at the difference between humans and dragons!" Lin Hui restrained his strength and took a step, without using anything beyond the limits of human beings Physical ability, but has always maintained his strength and speed at the peak state of human limits.

"Crack—!" Clone Korcher was a little puzzled, but he fought with Lin Hui.

However, this time Lin Hui did not confront Clone Korcher head-on, but directly fought with Clone Korcher with his extraordinary reflexes.

"Humans are much more fragile than you think. Most people are very fragile, but ah, in the mythology, the evil dragons are all beheaded by humans, why is this?"

"Because humans are very weak, humans are much weaker than dragons!" Lin Hui bypassed Clone Kourch's claw and slapped it on Clone Kourch's chest, shocking Clone Kourch. Erhe took three steps back, then immediately approached, punching Clone Kurhe hard in the abdomen.

Clone Korcher didn't expect Lin Hui's attack to be so fierce: "So, what does it have to do with me?"

"At first glance, it really doesn't matter, but ah, evil dragons can't think, they only know how to fight, and they only know how to despise humans, but in the end, they all died at the hands of humans, why is this? Why is it obvious that the evil dragon's With such a strong power, how can you still lose? Because human beings can think, they will find the enemy's weakness, and target that point to attack!"

Lin Hui focused on Clone Korcher's back with a punch, and suddenly, Clone Korcher's body began to twitch, "This is?"

"My several blows caused your body to be temporarily paralyzed. If you were to bear it with a human body, you probably wouldn't be able to move for a few hours, but it only took a few seconds for you to recover, the dragon's The body is really scary!" Lin Hui sighed.

"Why did you tell me this?" Clone Korcher looked at Lin Hui.

"I'm interested in you, because you are special, one is that you have broken your own limit to reach the level of Tianlong, and the other is that you are thinking about the future of the dragon, so I would like to see what your future will be like. Yes! If you survive this battle!" Lin Hui smiled.

"Humans are very stupid, very greedy, very cunning and very treacherous creatures, but it is undeniable that it is these qualities that make human beings continue to perform similar mistakes, but it is precisely because of these qualities that A lot of heroes have been born!"

"Isn't it all because of human greed and cunning to kill evil dragons, repel monsters, etc.? Humans are not as powerful as your dragons. They can only rely on their own wisdom to think and rack their brains. Thinking of ways to defeat the enemy! It is because of the weakness of human beings that the wisdom of human beings can be highlighted!" Lin Hui said softly.

"Clone Korch, you are already heading towards another dragon's path. Since you have decided to go on, don't look back and think hard. I think there should be no answer to this question, or Say, there are countless answers, it just depends on what kind of conclusions you can draw!" Lin Hui said, looking at Clone Korcher.

"Human's wisdom? Dragon's power? Thinking? There are countless answers, this is really interesting! Is there another dragon's path?" What should I do next?"

"Just follow your own heart, continue to observe the dragon, continue to find your answer, and find the answer you want among countless answers. After all, this is what you have always done!" Lin Hui Haha laughed: "If you get the answer so quickly, doesn't it seem too boring?"

"That's true, but I'm curious, as the king of humans, do you know the essence of human beings?" Clone Korcher looked at Lin Hui, as if he wanted to get his own inspiration from Lin Hui's mouth.

Chapter [-] Why always destroy it?

"The essence of human beings, in fact, I just have my own ideas. The essence of human beings is nothing more than seven categories. In these seven categories, there are two sides of yin and yang. The seven original sins and the seven virtues correspond to each other: arrogance corresponds to humility. Or justice, anger corresponds to mildness or tenacity, envy corresponds to frugality, greed corresponds to generosity, gluttony corresponds to temperance, lust corresponds to chastity or loyalty, laziness corresponds to diligence or hope, all people should contain more than one of these specialty."

Lin Hui said to Clone Kurcher, "This is what I think is the essence of human beings."

Clone Korcher pondered for a while, then looked at Lin Hui: "Is that so? So, are you too?"

"Of course, the seven original sins and the seven virtues, I have completely integrated into my body, loyal to my desires without affecting my reason, loyal to my heart without being affected by it, this is me, I am a human being Wang, is the direction of mankind's progress, the road I have traveled will become the direction of mankind's future!" Lin Hui said very proudly.

There seems to be a glimmer of understanding in Clone Korcher's eyes: "Aren't you afraid of limiting the future of mankind?"

"What's there to be afraid of, I'm just giving a direction to those who have reached the limit, or that they have set a limit for themselves, how to go, this is what they should think about themselves, Because the direction I gave is just a possibility, and human beings have uncertainty and infinite possibilities, and this is human beings!"

Clone Korher seemed to understand why Lin Hui was able to become the King of Humans: "Is that so? Well, it is so! Let me tell you one thing, be careful of that guy, that guy is not a good person, it seems He looks very upset with you, as if he is going to stab you."

"Then let him try it out!" Lin Hui turned around and left.

After watching Lin Hui leave, Clone Korcher left the city: "Should my wandering be over?"


Ddraig continued to lie on Lin Hui's shoulders: "Partner, it looks like you're getting close to your destination!"

Lin Hui nodded: "I can already hear the screams that are left here!"

Lin Hui closed his eyes, he could still hear the heart-piercing screams that remained here!

"Break in!"

Lin Hui slammed into it directly, smashing all the various spells set on the door with one punch.


"who is it?"

"It's actually broken!"

At this time, a black dragon with three heads appeared in front of Lin Hui.

"'The Origin Dragon of Demon's Forbidden' Azi Dakaha!" Lin Hui looked at the three-headed demon dragon in front of him and said the name softly. Among all the evil dragons, Azi Dakaha was also First-class, it can be regarded as the strongest evil dragon, after all, it bears the name of the evil god of Fire Worship Cult.


"Just a mere human?"

"Humans shattered magic?"

The three heads each have their own words, making it feel as if the three heads have their own thoughts.

"Azi Dakaha, are you the only one? Then, let's make a quick decision now!" A powerful magic power began to rise from Lin Hui's body.

"This can't be done! After all, this is the uncle, I was resurrected with great difficulty, but I can't be solved by you as easily as that idiot, the legendary king and godslayer!" At this time, a look a bit like He looks like a middle-aged uncle, about forty or fifty years old, with silver hair, and he wears the same clothes as Sazeks, except that Sazeks is really red, while his is silver. of.

From the appearance, it seems to be somewhat similar to Vali.

"Speaking of which, the respected man Wang Xiaozi probably still doesn't know who I am, right? Then allow me to introduce myself, uncle, and I am Lizevim Lihuan Lucifer, please, more~ More~instruct~teach~!" Lizevim greeted Lin Hui in a very playful manner and in a provocative way.

"Lezevim, is he a person above the bible in the name of 'Li Lin'? It doesn't look like the rumors, but an incompetent waste wood!" Lin Hui directly replied, after all, Lin Hui Hui is not the kind of person who will endure the anger of others.

However, Lin Hui didn't want to underestimate this person. Like Sazex and the others, this person was a transcendence.

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