That is, the mutants among the demons, each of them has extremely powerful abilities that are different from other demons, so powerful that people even doubt whether they are demons.

The abilities of Sazex and Achuka are ten times the power of destruction and the equation of the tyrant, respectively, while Lezevim's is different. That is an extremely terrifying ability, for those who have artifacts!

The artifact is nullified, this is the ability of Lezevim.

As long as a person who has an artifact faces him, his special ability will invalidate the ability of the artifact. In the original work, it was Hingdou Issei who used the power of dragon deification, resonating with Orpheus, and surpassing the artifact with infinite power. It was only after the upper limit of transformation that Lezevim was defeated, which was enough to see how difficult Lezevim was.

In fact, Divine Artifact Neutralization has similar abilities to Lin Hui's simulated star creation map, except that one is aimed at people who have Divine Artifacts, and the other is aimed at people who do not have human blood.

"Hehe, the king boy is really sharp and sharp, but I'm curious, uncle, why?" Lezevim's tone began to change to a certain extent, and it seemed to become gloomy.

"Why? Why? Why? Why do you always want to sabotage my plans? Why can't you just follow my plans in peace, and then be tortured and killed by me, why are you always disrupting my progress one by one? ? Orpheus's strength, heroic attack, even Hades' provocation, and even Loki's attack were destroyed by you!"

"Why do you always smash my carefully arranged content again and again?!"

Chapter [-] Evil Dragon!Evil Dragon!Evil Dragon!

"Because you always have to involve the people around me, Lezevim, I understand now, why you, known as the 'son of the morning star', are not one of the four demon kings in the underworld, because you don't have one at all. That qualification, you are always just a little bastard!" Lin Hui looked at Lezevim with a chill in his eyes: "I finally caught your little handle, this time, don't try to escape!"

"Little bastard? Run away? It's you who should run away now! Don't try to run away!" Lezevim was very angry: "Come on, let me introduce you to you!"

Immediately, three huge transfer magic circles appeared beside Lezevim, each of which was different but possessed a very strong evil spirit, and three large or small figures emerged from magic. appeared in the array.


A sound of dragon roar came from the three figures.

The terrifying sound wave turned into a shock wave and directly destroyed everything around it, whether it was a vampire or a group of disaster. Now, there are only six people who can still stand around the shock wave, Lin Hui, Lizevim and Four evil dragons.

"Come on, let me introduce you to me solemnly, lest you don't know me!" Lezevim said with a smile.

"This one is the evil god of Zoroastrianism, who mastered thousands of magic spells, Az Dakaha-kun, the source dragon of the forbidden magic!"

Lezevim pointed to the three-headed dragon beside him and said.

"kill you!"

"Tear you apart!"

"Destroy you!"

The three-headed dragon looked at Lin Hui with scarlet eyes, and his whole body exuded an extremely violent aura. The fact that his magic was shattered by Lin Hui's punch just now is still hated by the three-headed dragon.

"Beside us, Lord Az Dakaha, is the legendary black dragon who lives in northern Europe. Even if he is attacked, he will still be resurrected in the end. Even if the twilight of the gods comes, he may survive, and even the legendary black dragon who dares to gnaw on the world tree. Rizevim's face showed a very happy expression: "The evil dragon full of greed, who will devour everything he sees - Nidhogg!"

An evil dragon with black scales and a khaki abdomen, like a slender snake, with a body of more than [-] meters, but with four limbs and dragon wings, looked at Lin Hui with disgusting saliva: "The legendary human king, I don't know how the taste is different from other humans? I really want to try it!"

"Next to our Lord Nidhogg is the golden apple guardian who was defeated by the great hero Hercules in Greek mythology and is best at barrier barriers and defensive seals!" Lezevim introduced enthusiastically: " The evil dragon born by Typhon, the king of monsters, Radon-kun!"

The whole body is made of wood, but there are heads one by one, which completely fits the image of the "Dragon of Wood" and looks at Lin Hui: "Magic that can't cause damage to gods or doesn't work for gods can't Cause any damage to you, then, can you shatter my barrier and defense? The legendary godslayer!"

"Qiangqiang, the next one is the highest level among the evil dragons, and everyone is afraid of him, even the gods are afraid of him!" Rezevim pointed to a person and said: "In Egyptian mythology Apophis, the incarnation of chaos and destruction that seeks to shroud the whole world in darkness!"

A handsome young man with brown skin in a priestly costume raised his eyes and looked at Lin Hui with an expression of interest on his face: "I've long wanted to meet the legendary king and godslayer. , I don't know if it can make me happy?"

"How's it going, this is Uncle's strength and helper on my side, the king boy, do you have a solution?" Lezevim seemed to be full of malicious provocation again: "Speaking of which, it seems that some people Entering the place on the other side, unfortunately, there is a big gift waiting for them there!"

"Che, since that's the case, if all are there, then we can solve it at one time! Ddraig!" Lin Hui shouted at the scarlet miniature dragon on his shoulder.

"Understood, mate!" The mini dragon became enormous in an instant, and a crimson dragon appeared in front of everyone.

"Red Dragon Emperor? Ddraig?" Apophis looked at the red dragon in front of him: "Have you been resurrected?"

"Even you have been resurrected, why can't I reappear? Let me tell you first, you are not my partner's opponent!" Ddraig immediately left here and flew towards the other side of the king city.

"Isn't it your opponent? This is really interesting, it really makes me want to eat more and more!" Nidhogg's saliva became more and more.

"Come and see, can you break through here!" Ladong was also ready to start.

"We'll take care of you together!" Lin Hui stretched out his hand.

"Wait a minute, you can't use that ability that makes magic power completely ineffective!" At this time, a golden cup appeared in Lezevim's hand: "Otherwise, even if the evil dragons are defeated, Uncle, I can continue to revive them, and at that time, maybe you will win, but the vampires here don't know how long they can live!"

"Let's make a promise! You don't need that ability, and I don't need the Holy Grail of the Netherworld, how about that?" Rezevim seemed to have settled for Lin Hui.

"Did you take out the artifact?" Lin Hui looked at the Holy Grail in Lezevim's hand and knew in his heart that Gasper's childhood sweetheart seemed to be in danger.

"Hahaha, how's it going? Isn't this deal a good deal?" Lizevim also tried his best to limit Lin Hui's power.

Lin Hui looked at Lizevim: "It's really interesting, but why didn't you resurrect Glendale? It's very interesting to me, after all, wasn't he killed by me?"

A smile appeared on Lin Hui's mouth: "Do you think this is the only way I can deal with evil dragons?"

Chapter [-] Instant Kill!Wang Lin!

Cold sweat broke out on Lizevim's forehead instantly: "Difficult... Could it be that you have a way to deal with the Holy Grail of the Netherworld?"

Lin Hui grinned: "Do you think I have it?"


"Oh, I still used this method in the end, but my partner guessed it very accurately." Ddraig, who was flying in the sky, did not expect that the situation was really guessed by Lin Hui.

Originally, Lin Hui and Ddraig discussed it when they were walking towards the royal city. If the other party came one by one, then he or Ddraig would take action to knock them down. Grid left immediately, as far away as possible.

"Those guys are unlucky, who let them meet their partners?" Ddraig didn't like those evil dragons, after all, they are a group of dangerous and uncontrollable beings.


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