"O covetous snake, make people fall! O cunning snake, make people sad! O devil snake, make people despair! Tell it, dragon snake whose name has been erased, talk about it, God blesses you The curse of the dragon, the hatred of dragons and snakes, this sin, even if it falls into the underworld, it cannot be eliminated, bear it, bear it, this is your sin!"

At this moment, Lin Hui exudes the ultimate power against dragons and snakes. This is the ultimate power against dragons and snakes that cannot be resisted as long as he has the attributes of dragons and snakes!That's the scary thing about Samael.

"what is this?"

"Scary stuff!"

"Dangerous! Dangerous!"

The three heads of the three-headed dragon suddenly felt a very terrifying existence, but the whole body was extremely stiff and could not move at all.

"Bastard, food, what did you do?" Nidhogg was still shouting, but the fear in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"No, I can't stop it, I can't stop it, what kind of power is this?" Even Ladong's frenzied formation of a barrier couldn't resist the cold invasion.

Apophis, on the other hand, looked at Lin Hui with horror in his eyes. At this moment, the aura emanating from Lin Hui's body Apophis felt a feeling called a natural enemy: "Is that the one?"

Lin Hui smiled slightly: "Bingo! Congratulations, you got the answer right, but unfortunately there is no reward!"

Lin Hui's hands were covered by the black mist, and a large amount of mist was released in an instant, which directly divided it into four straight lines, broke through the many obstacles, and directly tied the four evil dragons.

"Go in!" Lin Hui opened the underworld and threw the four evil dragons in. As long as the opponent possessed the power of dragons and snakes and was trapped by the power of Samuel, no matter how strong the opponent was, he would not be able to break free.

"Okay, Lezevim, the helper you prepared can't help you anymore, what are you going to do next?" Lin Hui approached Lezevim step by step.

"You...don't come here!" Rezevim shouted in horror, and at the same time, in an instant, the ground shook.


Countless evil dragons broke out, covering the sky densely.

"How is that possible? There are actually so many evil dragons?" Lin Hui suddenly trembled in his heart, and then looked at the Holy Grail of the Netherworld in the hands of Lizevim: "Is that so? Those so-called screams are using the Netherworld. The Holy Grail transformed those vampires into evil dragons one by one?!"

Lizevim suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, what are you going to do now? Are you here to hunt me down, or to clean up the evil dragon? No matter which one you choose, you can only give up the other!"

Rezevim's body has become very light: "But, uncle, I will not accompany you, let's go first... ah!"

Lin Hui directly used the space split that had not been used for a long time: "Since you want to leave, you can leave me something first!"

Lin Hui snatched the Holy Grail of Netherworld from Lizevim's hand, and Lizevim himself had disappeared, leaving only one arm, a large pool of blood and a golden cup on the ground.

Lin Hui picked up the Holy Grail: "Then we will clean up those evil dragons!"


"Why are dragons attacking us!"

"Run away!"

All the vampires in the house rushed out of the room and fled to the outside, but because the place was covered by a barrier, they couldn't escape at all, and they all crowded on the street and stepped on each other.

Lin Hui immediately flew high into the sky and released the pressure of the true ancestor: "Calm me all!"

All the vampire residents were immediately oppressed by their blood, and they all worshipped the figure in the air.

And the evil dragons flying in the air also found their targets, and all rushed towards Lin Hui.

"Alright, let's get rid of you all at once!" Lin Hui found out that the strength of these evil dragons transformed from vampires is only the strength of upper-level demons, and most of them are at the level of intermediate-level demons. It's not that difficult to solve!

"Feel the fear!" Lin Hui opened his hands, and Samuel's power directly shook the spirits of all the evil dragons. Suddenly, black ropes tied all the more than hundreds of evil dragons.

Lin Hui threw all these evil dragons aside: "You guys, send a few people to take them away, don't let them escape, at least, now they have no power!"

"Yes!" The vampires below were all excited. Although they didn't know who Lin Hui was, they could feel the nobility that came from their blood, which only the upper-rank, no, the highest-rank nobles could radiate. strength.

Lin Hui immediately flew towards Camilla.

A Camilla faction here, I saw that the buildings here are also badly damaged, and many places are burning. With Orpheus and Ddraig, and Vali's team, Azazel, Rias and their entourage, it's strange that they can't deal with an evil dragon that is only a mid-level demon.

Feeling the breath of the True Ancestor emanating from Lin Hui, the queen of the Camilla faction immediately knelt down in front of Lin Hui: "Respected True Ancestor, I welcome your return!"

Lin Hui suddenly looked confused, what the hell?

Chapter [-] The Aftermath!

After the evil dragon disaster passed, all the vampires who were transformed by the evil dragon were imprisoned. Azazel said that he would also contact the major forces to help rebuild the vampire territory, and he would also start to study the vampires who were transformed by the evil dragon. Although the vampire evil dragon transformed by the Holy Grail can use the Holy Grail of Netherworld to reverse its form, Lin Hui only transformed some people, that is, the innocent people who were identified.

As for the other evil vampire dragons who collude with the League of Calamities and intend to overthrow the existing vampire government, in order to show punishment, they will continue to maintain the appearance of evil dragons and provide Asazel with research materials. to change it back.

This is what Lin Hui told Valerie Tzepesh, who was awakened by putting back the Holy Grail, not to do things that shouldn't be done because of soft-heartedness.

If you do something wrong, you will naturally be punished, especially for those who are ambitious. This is a necessary process, and it is also a process to deter those who are still careful.

This is an order issued by Lin Hui himself. Naturally, all vampires will obey, and they will obey them from the heart. Even those vampires who have transformed into evil dragons do not dare to be presumptuous in front of Lin Hui. Because of this, they lost their sanity, but Lin Hui used the Holy Grail of Netherworld to call back their sanity, and at the same time showed the power of Samuel, that is, the ultimate power against dragons and snakes. These only have intermediate demon strength. The evil dragon was completely powerless to resist in the face of Lin Hui's power.

Coupled with Lin Hui's identity, these evil dragon-like vampires did not dare to obey.

Only because of the breath of the True Ancestor emanating from Lin Hui.

That is the existence standing at the top of the vampire, that is the most noble existence among the vampires, and the breath of a high-ranking person that even the current chiefs of Tepesh and Kamila cannot match.

Even these two can only kneel in front of Lin Hui, which is why the queen of the Camilla faction knelt down directly in front of Lin Hui in the previous scene.

Although Lin Hui has already explained that he is now the king of humans, and the identity of the true ancestor of vampires has been abandoned, but all the vampires still agree that Lin Hui is the one who has the ability to be the true king of the vampire family.

Under the instigation of Asachel, Lin Hui can only become the first existence in history to become the king of the vampire clan as a human. After all, the breath of the true ancestor is not covered.

And in fact, the vampires are also a little careful. What if Lin Hui suddenly gave up his identity as a king and changed back to the identity of the true ancestor of vampires?

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