Orpheus took Lin Hui's little hand, and Lin Hui tore open the space and walked into the dimensional gap.

In this silent world, Orpheus dared to feel the slightest discomfort, perhaps because he was used to the noisy environment.

However, if someone breaks into the interdimensional gap, it will surely disturb the big guy who is wandering in the interdimensional gap. After all, this is its territory. In this world, it can attract the true Red Dragon God Emperor. There are only wonderful dreams.

No one really knows where it will be. If Lin Hui wants to attract it, he can only provoke it with a powerful aura. Otherwise, it is estimated that even if it notices it, it will not necessarily pay attention to it. .

Chapter [-] There is one more guardian in the world!

Lin Hui waited silently. After a while, Orpheus suddenly moved and moved in one direction. Lin Hui immediately followed. When he was moving with Orpheus, Lin Hui was holding Orpheus' small hand. , Because in this dimensional gap, he will enter other spaces from time to time, and it is precisely in this space that the True Chilong God Emperor is wandering, so it is difficult to find.

In order to avoid separation from Orpheus, Lin Hui would hold Orpheus's little hand, otherwise, Orpheus would be gone after a while.

There is no concept of time in this dimensional gap, and I don't know how long it took. After passing through a space again, Lin Hui saw the behemoth in front of him, with red scales like flames all over his body. wings and solemn gesture.

Orpheus was a little insignificant in front of him, but the moment Lin Hui saw the real Chilong God Emperor, he laughed and finally found it.

It is said that the True Chilong God Emperor has the ability to see the dreams in the hearts of others, so he possesses extremely strong power. From the time of his birth to the time he was driven out of the dimensional gap by the True Chilong God Emperor, Orpheus was immersed in eternity. In the silence of , so there will be no dreams, it is estimated that this is the reason why the real Red Dragon God Emperor will be expelled from the interdimensional gap.

Orpheus flew to the back of the True Chilong God Emperor at once, and began to slap: "Down with the True Chilong God Emperor!"

The corner of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, Orpheus was so cute, so cute that he had a bloody look on his face.

However, Lin Hui didn't really want to overthrow the True Chilong God Emperor. After all, Lin Hui now possessed the ultimate dragon killing power and released it directly. It is estimated that the True Chilong God Emperor would also be unlucky.

One person and one dragon just stared at each other like this, um, here we must ignore the cute thing that slapped the back of the True Chilong God Emperor angrily.

"Human, you have a very beautiful dream!" The True Chilong God Emperor said rarely, at least, except for Orpheus, no, maybe Orpheus has never heard of the True Chilong God Emperor sound too.

"You're welcome, the real Red Dragon God Emperor!" Lin Hui was not in a hurry, after all, he could still afford it.

"It's just that you haven't realized your real dream yet!" The True Chilong God Emperor broke through Lin Hui's thoughts.

"My... real dream?" Lin Hui couldn't help but wonder, what is Lin Hui's dream, no one knows about this, but the real Red Dragon God Emperor can see it, but the real Red Dragon God Emperor However, he denied Lin Hui's dream, and said Lin Hui's subconscious dream. What is his real dream?

Lin Hui pondered for a while, then looked at the real Chilong God Emperor: "I only have two purposes for coming here, the first one, please tell me why you want to expel Orpheus from the interdimensional gap, after all, this is the where she was born!"

Orpheus sat on the back of the True Chilong God Emperor. Hearing Lin Hui's words, he was shocked and came to Lin Hui's side, grabbing Lin Hui's big hand.

The Emperor Zhen Chilong glanced at Orpheus, then said: "Here, outside the world, that is, outside the world, she is still too young and doesn't understand human affairs, even if I talk to her, I guess she They won't pay attention to me, so I can only use rougher means to drive them into the world!"

Orpheus didn't understand yet, but Lin Hui suddenly understood: "You said this is the outside of the world? We have already come to the outside of the world?"

The real Chilong God Emperor nodded: "There are many connections between the space of this world and the outside of the world, and they are very thin, so it is easy for people to appear here, and Orpheus itself is the power bred in this world, But because Orpheus' power is too strong, he was sent to the outside world to be born!"

This time, Lin Hui has solved the reason why Orpheus has infinite magic power. It is the power born in the world. It is precisely because of the backing of the world that Orpheus can have infinite magic power. magic.

And here is the outer side of the world. The actions of the True Chilong God Emperor can also be said to be protecting Orpheus, because outside the world, if you encounter other powerful enemies, although the power of Orpheus can meet the enemy, it may be They will be defeated. After all, even the True Chilong God Emperor may not be able to beat them. Therefore, in order to protect Orpheus, or to protect the world, the True Chilong God Emperor will drive Orpheus away.

Lin Hui explained to Orpheus a little, then Orpheus was relieved, raised his head and said "thank you" to the True Red Dragon God Emperor.

Orpheus is like this, no, it is better to say that dragon is like this, the stronger it is, the purer it is.

"Visitor, tell me your second purpose!" The True Chilong God Emperor looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui said: "This world is about to be connected to other worlds, and although that world group has my power as a guardian, I also hope that you can protect those worlds while protecting this world, those worlds with dreams. There are also a lot of them!"

The Emperor Zhen Chilong looked at Lin Hui, then nodded: "I understand, with your protection, I'm just doing patrol work, and being able to see other people's dreams, this is also me fun of!"

"Then please, I have to deal with it for a while!" Lin Hui waved at the True Chilong God Emperor, and returned to the world with Orpheus.

"Will there be many more interesting dreams? It's a pity, if he can realize what his real dream is, I guess..." The True Chilong God Emperor continued to wander outside the world, as a guardian, after all The connection with other worlds has not yet begun, and it cannot let go of its responsibilities!

And Lin Hui also started the final finishing work!

Chapter [-] Another world? !

When Lin Hui first entered this world, he already felt that this world is not as simple as he imagined. It is not so simple just from the outside of the world to the whole world. Lin Hui can feel that this world is not so simple. Big changes are coming.

And the pawns laid for this purpose are the backhands to prepare for this day.

The World Anti-Terrorism Organization has been initially formed, and its members include Ranivia Renee, a member of the Gray Magician Association, a subordinate of the famous demon Mephisto Ferrers, who owns the "Eternal Ice Princess", the current Asa Shell's assistant.

Valli Lucifer, known by Lin Hui as the "White Dragon Emperor of the Stars", possesses the "White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings", and is currently the captain of the first team.

Dolio Jesuardo is the strongest trump card in the heavens, the ten-winged angel reincarnated by human beings, has the second-ranked "Huangtian Thunder Prison" among the gods, and is currently the captain of the second team.

Sairaog Baal is praised by Lin Hui as the most persevering and extremely talented person among the new generation of demons.


The World Counter-Terrorism Organization has set up a total of ten teams. The captains of each team are the super young generation powerhouses from all over the world, and the members of each team are extremely elite. Under the establishment of such an organization , the World Counter-Terrorism Organization has been formed.

During these days, Lin Hui also checked the information of these people, and at the same time ate Roseweather quietly. Rias didn't know about it until after the incident, because it had been several days, and it was not until she was killed. It was only when Rias met that she knew that Roseweather was already lying on Lin Hui's bed.

Rias was instantly enraged, the female members of her family were really wiped out by Lin Hui, and even herself was no exception.

And Gaspar has Valerie, at least the two of them are still very tired of being together, and Gaspar's artifact is also defined as a god-killing tool, and has inherited the title from Lin Hui, and already has a powerful strength.

Originally, Yuto Kiba and Issei Hyoudou had a good relationship. Later, Yuto Kiba actually found a surviving person in the holy sword project. His name was Tosca, a girl with white hair. Yuto Kiba vowed to protect this girl.

Although Nangong Nayue knew about Lin Hui's behavior, he didn't say much, just told Rias, don't look at Lin Hui like this, in fact, he also had a lot of pressure, because Nangong Nayue knew Lin Hui very well, This kind of appearance is actually just relieving his own pressure, and he doesn't want to let himself be crushed by the pressure.

After all, the next world is full of huge crises, and only a few people have the ability to stand in front of this crisis.

At home, Lin Hui occasionally flirted with the girls, played tricks, bullied everyone, and sometimes made artifacts. After all, not everyone in the family had artifacts, and it was the god-killer. Kind of, Lin Hui took great pains for the sake of the girls!


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