"It's time to wait for your news! How's the situation?" Lin Hui was reading a book when he suddenly received a message.

"It's alright, but the situation here is not very optimistic. It was only because we joined in that the situation was barely held, but the other party has a very terrifying existence. Even I and that guy perished once, but the other party did not. Die, I think you may need to take action!" said the person on the other end.

"I understand, you take your people out of that world first! Next, you probably have to give up that world!" Lin Hui said slowly.

"What do you want to do?" The person on the other side felt that Lin Hui was about to make a big move.

Lin Hui said casually, "It's nothing, I'm just learning from you and destroying a world!"

The person on the other end was silent: "You are really ruthless, are you, who once served as the savior, now become the destroyer?"

Lin Hui looked into the distance and seemed to say thoughtfully, "I have never been a savior. From the beginning to the present, in all the worlds I have experienced, I have always been just a slayer!"


Yes, the person who is in contact with Lin Hui is Gaitia sent by Lin Hui. He and Fufu are now in another world fighting against a group of extremely powerful beings. Yadu was forced to perish together.

That world is a different world called EXE. There are two groups of forces in that world. One is the spirit force led by the good god Thorashi, and the other is the mechanical life form force led by the evil god Melvazoa. And the evil god Melvazoa is extremely powerful and almost immortal. Even if Goetia and him die together, the other party can still reappear alive, although Goetia has nothing to say on this point. .

Lin Hui was actually thinking about it, if he didn't have to make that move, would it be possible to take down the opponent?

Lin Hui is not easy to judge, because he has not fought against the opponent, so Lin Hui will not jump to conclusions easily, but it should be a little difficult, mainly because he does not know what the opponent's ability is. To be honest, in the past memory, there is no Just, no, there was a mention of a being called the "Milk God", and according to Getias, the Milk God was on their side.

However, Lin Hui also thought about it. Time may not be enough, so Lin Hui plans to make a quick decision. After Getia and the others withdraw, they will greet him directly. By the way, he will test his strength and see if he walks the other way. , the extent of their true strength!

Lin Hui sat quietly on the chair and looked at the scenery outside the window, his thoughts had drifted to somewhere...

Chapter [-] A blow to destroy the world!

One person after another appeared in the interdimensional gap. The leader was a man and a beast. Gaitia looked at the huge red dragon in front of him. Even if he knew about it, he couldn’t help but feel a little shivering. No matter how many times he watched it, he felt so Tremble!

Such an existence, such a strong man, if he is in the FGO world, then no matter what means he uses, he will not be enough to defeat the opponent, and the human principle will be burnt out?It's just a joke in front of such a terrifying guardian.

The True Chilong God Emperor looked at the elves and gods of the EXE world brought out by Getia and Fufu, and let them enter the DXD world.The Good God Trust looked at the True Chilong God Emperor, and didn't know what he was thinking. Then, a figure came over and patted Trust on the shoulder.

Trust looked back at the figure, and the figure pointed to the front.

Trust looked shocked.

Silver-haired and black-clothed, about twenty years old, he was full of vigor. However, Trust couldn't sense when he came here. He didn't notice anything at all. Lin Hui's existence cannot be found, unless you look at it with your eyes, otherwise you will not be able to detect Lin Hui's existence at all.

"Hello, I'm Trust!" Trust walked towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui nodded: "I'm Lin Hui. Has everyone brought them out?"

Trust sighed slightly: "Most, but there are a small number of people who are too late to evacuate or don't want to leave. They plan to buy time for us to evacuate, but is there really no way?"

Getia and Fufu came to Lin Hui's side, turned back into a mirror and a pagoda, and were taken back by Lin Hui.

"The world consciousness of that world has been absorbed by Melvazoa, which is also his strongest point. In that world, no one is his opponent, no one can defeat him, he even manipulates With the help of the power of the world to make himself immortal, unless the world is destroyed, otherwise, there is no way to kill him, and even the seal cannot be done, because the consciousness of the world is his consciousness, as long as He is willing, no matter how powerful the sealing technique is, it will not work! You are able to fight against each other now, it is very good!"

Trust smiled wryly, fighting?It can only be reluctantly resisted, the strength of the other party is really terrible, how can such an existence be solved!

Could it be that he can only rely on this person to destroy the world in which he and others have lived?

The trusts now have some understanding of the wishes of those who do not want to leave, because there is their world anyway, but here, it is not.

Of course Lin Hui knew what Trust was thinking.

Destroying the world is also a very difficult thing for Lin Hui, especially if Lin Hui wants to destroy himself, or the world where girls exist, Lin Hui is unwilling to do so. However, sometimes, it must be done. To make a choice, and Lin Hui's efforts to improve his strength is also to prevent this kind of thing from happening, whether it is destroyed or to the point where it must be destroyed, Lin Hui will do his best to save this situation!

Lin Hui moved directly to the EXE world following the guidance given by Getiah. Not surprisingly, the whole world seemed to have fallen into a dead silence. There, there was no hope, and only a dark future was left.

The strength of the evil god Melvazoa has surpassed the true red dragon god emperor and the infinite dragon god Orpheus because of the fusion with the world consciousness. However, this is also limited, and the other party will only be like this in the vicinity of this world. Nearly invincible ability, and once you are farther away from this world, the less this ability can exert. Therefore, the other party will definitely eat away at the power of Trust and others, in addition to making himself stronger. In addition, it is also to make oneself more compatible with the world.

Lin Hui stretched out his hand. At this moment, no one except Lin Hui could perceive the changes around him.

"The evil star, the despair of convicting sin, wipe out all life! Simulate the star chart original sin (original sin)!"

Because Lin Hui injected his own understanding of life into the simulated star creation map, the simulated star creation map representing human beings was finally fully activated, and Lin Hui was also able to use its power.

At this moment, Lin Hui's figure became blurred, like a vast universe shining with a little light, directly blasting the outer wall of this world, rushing into it, and including the whole world.

"Maximum output!"

Inside this world, it seemed as if a pair of huge eyes had opened, directly hitting the consciousness of the world.

"Ah, who is it?" A voice full of evil energy came out.


Following Lin Hui's words, a figure rushing towards him turned into powder in an instant and disappeared.

At this moment, Lin Hui's simulated star creation chart erupted with extremely terrifying power, the transformation of life and death, hope and despair, the universe in which Lin Hui was incarnated had extremely terrifying power, and countless mechanical lifeforms died at this moment. .

Lin Hui endowed the world with the power of death, directly cutting off the life of this world at the most fundamental level. If this world dies, then the life in this world will naturally die.

Although this is theoretically unrealistic, because to make a world completely die, the number of worlds needed is unknown, even if Lin Hui used the power of the simulated star chart to make this power unlimited Zoom in, however, and the magic required is endless.

However, since Lin Hui has obtained infinite magic power before, magic power is the least valuable thing for Lin Hui. It can be said that it is this miracle of infinite magic power that makes it possible for Lin Hui to wipe out a world now. .

Chapter [-]: Reincarnation of the World!

Everything is destroyed, life is dead, and all life is lost at this moment, whether it is animals or plants, whether it is strong or weak, regardless of status, all are equal in the face of death.

The starry sky returned to a human form again. Lin Hui looked at this world that had been killed by himself, and couldn't help but feel a little sigh in his heart. He has always been protecting the world. He blew himself up and wanted to kill Lin Hui, but was countered by Lin Hui. At that time, Lin Hui acted as a hero to save the world.

In the FGO world, Lin Hui even risked his own life in order to save human history and the world. Under such circumstances, Lin Hui actually destroyed a world in this world. What a sharp contrast!

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