However, it is not over yet, yes, it is not over!

Lin Hui knew, what did he rely on along the way?is the system?Is it Yakumo purple?No, not at all, apart from myself, the world that helps me the most is the world!

All the worlds place their hopes on themselves, and killing the world by themselves will definitely make them dissatisfied. Even if Lin Hui is eliminating an enemy, it is not desirable, because no one will guarantee When there are other worlds that threaten Lin Hui, Lin Hui will not continue to kill that world. This is unknown, and there is no world that will guarantee all this.

The things that each world consciousness considers are different, but all worlds have a point of view, that is, their own continuation, no matter how many creatures die in the world, this is not a problem that the world needs to consider, because as long as the world's consciousness is still alive Existence, then the creatures in the world can continue forever, and as many times as they go extinct, new life will be born!

However, if even the world is killed, then the world is completely over!

Lin Hui has come all the way, relying on the support of the world to be able to reach such a point. It seems that he has not helped Lin Hui in any way, but he conveys the world's qi to Lin Hui, making Lin Hui the son of qi, the world's qi. In the center, all of this is paving the way for Lin Hui to become stronger and subtly.

However, now Lin Hui is exercising the act of extermination, and he can't help feeling a little ungrateful.

However, it is precisely because of this that Lin Hui will continue to stay on this lifeless land.

Lin Hui put his hands together, and a little green light emerged from Lin Hui's body. At this moment, the infinite magic power on Lin Hui's body completely exploded. Although the world was gradually collapsing, Lin Hui was at this moment by himself. The force stabilized the collapse of the whole world.

"The shining light of justice, bloom, and bring hope to a desperate world! Simulate the original sin!"

At this moment, the simulated star creation map in Lin Hui's body expands infinitely like a banner, knowing that the world is all wrapped in it, Lin Hui dispels the death of this world and brings new hope to this world.

Life and death, every second of the alternation between the two is almost equivalent to all of Lin Hui's previous magic power output. If it wasn't for Lin Hui's infinite magic power, it would have been unbearable at this moment.

Whether it is killing the world or restoring life, it cannot be achieved without enough magic power. However, it still takes too long to kill the world. It cost Lin Hui three days of the world, and restoring life is even more difficult. Know how much time it takes.

Destruction is always easier than casting!

I don't know how long has passed, Lin Hui dispelled death, but this world has only stabilized and collapsed, and there is still no life.

"Turn it!"

Lin Hui softly recited a sentence, at this moment, the infinite light and the interlaced darkness cast down at this moment, directly sprinkled on this dead land.

"Creation · Reincarnation!"

An infinite green light erupted from Lin Hui's body. At this moment, Lin Hui was like the real god of creation. With Lin Hui as the center, the whole world began to regain its vitality.

The lava began to erupt, the rain began to fall, and the whole world was like the end of the world.

But it is this apocalyptic vision that is how life begins.

The lava brought countless minerals and various energy sources to the earth, washed the filth of the earth over and over again, and the rain washed the earth, bringing a touch of coolness to the world like a hot hell, and making the whole world begin to balance.

Life and death are only on the line.

Lin Hui looked at the moment when the world gradually regained its vitality, and felt as if he felt something in his heart. He closed his eyes, and the whole person melted again, merging with the simulated star creation map.

In the past, Lin Hui had never felt this way. He only had one life, and even he could not revive a life whose soul had died out. However, as long as a little consciousness still existed, Lin Hui could save it, just like Like Olga Marie, he saved her, but Lin Hui thought he couldn't really create life.

However, now, Lin Hui originally just wanted to save this world. After all, although this world was killed by himself, as long as it is stabilized immediately after killing, there is hope to save it.

Destroying the world is not a difficult task. As far as Lin Hui is concerned now, even if he uses other means, Lin Hui can still do his best to defeat the world.

Just like what Misaka Mikoto said in the forbidden world, if Misaka Mikoto is finally expelled from the world, then Lin Hui will try his best to suppress or even kill the world consciousness.

Fighting a world may have been difficult for Lin Hui at that time, but it is not difficult for Lin Hui now. The real difficulty is how to recover the killed world.

Now, Lin Hui has done it, but unexpectedly received the gift of the restoration of the world. Lin Hui has made a world-shattering act of creating the world!

At this moment, Lin Hui felt how amazing his actions were!

Chapter [-]: The truth of the universe!Full power field!

Because Lin Hui can feel that his spirituality is rapidly improving, reaching an unattainable level in the past. It can be said that after reaching the peak of three figures, Lin Hui's spirituality was almost limited to death. No matter how you improve your strength, no matter how you change yourself, no matter how you guide the future of mankind, the growth of your spirituality is too small, and it can almost be said to be negligible.

However, this time, Lin Hui killed a world and then restored it. This move can be said to be breaking the back and creating a new world. Under such circumstances, he also made a relative A big event, for this world, no, for all worlds, Lin Hui's actions undoubtedly pushed him to a peak.

At this moment, Lin Hui has completely changed his own historical transformation period.

It is not a cosmic-level historical transition period, but a world-level historical transition period. Lin Hui directly raised his spiritual level to a very high level. Lin Hui's strength also increased rapidly at this moment, growing to a level. extremely high point.

The originally suppressed infinite magic power filled the vacancy after Lin Huiling's level was upgraded in an instant.

Lin Hui officially broke through the three-digit level, reached the two-digit level, and became a two-digit level in the true sense. However, no one knows how strong the peak strength of the two-digit number is. After all, that is no joke. of.

The real two-digit powerhouses seldom fight each other. At the beginning, the demon king of Bai Ye was also cracked because of the Heaven Movement theory, which led to the shrinking of the spirit. He would only be defeated in the battle with the twin goddesses. After that, The spirituality was reduced again, until finally he took the initiative to downgrade and obtained the Yaksha spirituality of Buddhism. He became a white Yaksha and became a four-digit existence. However, even a four-digit Baiyasha cannot be underestimated.

Later, he took back his spirituality and became a double-digit existence, and sealed the three-headed dragon in his own game in one breath. If it wasn't for Az Dakaha's BUG-level simulated star creation map, Ah As for Sveta, I'm afraid Az Dakaha will never come out at that time.

This is enough to show the power of the two-digit number. As for the real one-digit number, no one knows what it is.

The only one-digit number that is truly confirmed is the wind of decadence. Before the time limit arrives, if all the final trials of human beings cannot be completed, then the wind of single-digit decadence will appear and become the existence that blows everything away. Because of its title of the strongest godslayer.

Even a two-digit number is vulnerable in the face of the wind, this is a single-digit, this is the strongest level.

And now, Lin Hui can be considered to have stepped into the existence of two digits. If he enters the small garden, it is estimated that the two digits that were originally only seventeen will immediately become eighteen, but two digits, no, even Even triple digits can't be in the lower class because it would be damaging to the lower class.

Each of the two digits represents the existence of the truth of the universe, and each of them is a monster that has mastered at least one kind of truth of the universe. A human being can actually grasp a cosmic truth.

Just as the spirit of the devil in the white night represents the Tiandong theory, it is a very terrifying representative of the spirit, and it also represents the truth of the universe mastered by the devil in the white night.

Like all two-digit numbers, Lin Hui also holds a cosmic truth. The moment Lin Hui's spirituality was raised to two-digit numbers, Lin Hui's spirituality was completely formed, and the reflected cosmic truth. There is no doubt that it is exactly what Lin Hui insisted on all the way!

Human Original Sin!

However, human beings alone are not enough. In addition to human beings, Lin Hui's spirituality also possesses another kind of cosmic truth, and that is the power that truly allows Lin Hui to reach double digits!

life and death!

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