Chapter [-] Lions and Fairies!

I spent two days with Alice and Yuri Wanligu, but Lin Hui didn't spend all the time in bed during these two days. After all, if he did that, he wouldn't be a human, but a bulldozer.

Back in the world, Lin Hui accompanies Alice and Yuri Wanligu to wander around the world, shopping for clothes, eating food, looking at the scenery, and so on, without wasting any time.

As a result, in the middle of the process, it was suggested that magic would be ineffective for some people. After all, they are also magicians in a formal association. The moment they saw Lin Hui, everyone's research came out, but Lin Hui and the three did not seem to find them. The same, walked right past them.

Those people didn't dare to say anything. After all, he was a legendary figure who solved the disaster of the god of disobedience for the earth. Since people ignored him, then he and others should not disturb others, otherwise Lin Hui would be angry, I'm afraid A million corpses may be buried.

However, after the two demon kings found out, they also ordered their subordinates not to disturb them. Instead, the two of them went to Liangjieyuan together to wait for the return of Lin Hui and his two maidens.

When Lin Hui returned to Liangjieyuan, he was stunned when he saw the two women standing at the door, and then said with a smile, "When did you come, why didn't you tell me?"

"How dare we disturb Wang's interest? Lily and I are both very knowledgeable!" Erica said with a chuckle.

It has been so long, Erica naturally learned about Lin Hui's character from other people's mouths, and naturally she will be a little more presumptuous.

"Erica, don't be rude to the king!" Liliana was still stern.

Erica chuckled and did not refute, but looked at Lin Hui: "Wang, how long are you going to stay this time?"

Lin Hui lightly touched Erica's forehead: "Little goblin, don't think too much, I have time this time, but do you want to fight with Hao'er?"

Erica shook her head immediately. Although Erica has also become a godslayer, she is not confident that she can defeat Luo Hao, the strongest godslayer who is only under Lin Hui!

"Also, Wang, please pay attention, I Erica is a lion, and Lily is a fairy!" Erica blew a breath in Lin Hui's ear.

Liliana blushed suddenly: "You mother fox, it looks like you need to teach you a lesson!"

"Oh, I didn't expect Lily to fight me too! But did you know that you and I lost thirteen fights?" Erica said with a smile.

"You mother fox, you didn't use some despicable means, or I wouldn't lose!" Liliana yelled.

The serious Liliana will definitely be eaten to death by the cunning Erica!

"Ah, my empty heart! No, I never regret it, even if I'm just waiting alone and lonely, I..." Erica suddenly read out some inexplicable words.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Almost out of breath.

"Oh, so Lily is lonely? It's easy to handle!" Lin Hui gently hugged Liliana from behind.

Liliana's body froze immediately: "King, please forget those words just now! Don't remember!"

"Then it depends on Lily's performance! Otherwise, I will be able to memorize every word and every rhythm! After all, Erica recites so well, of course, if Lily uses her own voice to cover it up If it does, then it will be fine, right?!" Lin Hui held Liliana's earlobe, and immediately, the silver fairy slumped into Lin Hui's arms.

Erica exchanged glances with Lin Hui.

It's hard to see each other once, and Erica naturally misses Lin Hui very much. Don't forget, Erica was the one who followed Lin Hui at the beginning, and she knows Lin Hui's thoughts very well.

Now that Lin Hui is here, it's impossible to let the two of them go, and Lily's rigid personality has not changed after so many years, it's really fun to tease.

Lin Hui sat up from their delicate bodies, Erica leaned on Lin Hui's body, and Liliana seemed to be busy with something under the quilt.

Not long after, Liliana also got out and looked at Lin Hui, as if she had suffered great grievances.

"Okay, take out your two weapons! I remember Reinhardt and Silver Master, right?" Lin Hui asked.

"Yeah!" Erica responded, her whole body still seemed a little powerless, but she summoned Reinhardt according to Lin Hui's words, and Liliana did the same.

Lin Hui took out two gem-like items with his backhand and put them into the two long swords.

Suddenly the two swords changed.

Reinhardt changed from the original knight's sword to a red long sword surrounded by flames, which seemed to have a flaming lion roaring.

On the other side, on Liliana's sword, white and silver flying dragons surrounded it, like a sword spirit.

"This is?" Both Erica and Liliana doubted that their research was wrong.

"The burning heart of the lion and the fierceness of the White Dragon Emperor!" Lin Hui said softly: "This is the name of the evolution of Reinhardt and the silver master. You two will know it after trying it!"

When Erica heard the words, the moment she picked it up, her whole body was a little dazed, because she could feel the horror of the two gems Lin Hui put in: "King!"

Lin Hui smiled and said, "Are you happy? If you are happy, then come and kiss!

Erica rolled her eyes at Lin Hui, but unexpectedly, a figure flashed past, and Liliana kissed Lin Hui directly on the face.

This time, even Erika was stunned. I didn't expect Liliana to look quieter on weekdays, but she didn't expect to be so bold at such a time.

"This, this, this... This is a thank you gift, please don't misunderstand!" Liliana hurriedly explained what she had done before she came back to her senses.

It made Lin Hui smile bitterly.

Chapter [-] to complete the agreement!

Under Liliana's attack, Erica was naturally unwilling to be outdone. The two started a fight again, and in the end Liliana on one side was also involved. Anyway, for Lin Hui, this advantage was always his own. what.

However, in this world, the two kings, the Crimson Demon King and the Silver Queen, may only be able to enjoy the top of the world of King's Landing and the Godslayer, the absolute king among the Godslayers - the tyrant Lin Hui.

Moreover, there are not only these two demon kings beside the tyrant Lin Hui, but there are also two other than Wanli Gu Yuri!


"Yuri, I heard that the king is back?" At this time, a girl with a wild feeling like Yamato Nadeko walked in.

"It's Ena! That's right, the king is back! It seems that Erica and Liliana are serving the king, so Ena, please wait a little longer!" Tea.

"Well, okay, but it's really frustrating to be preempted again!" Qingqiuyuan Ena said somewhat boringly.

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