"What's the hurry?" At this moment, a male voice came in.

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na's eyes lit up immediately: "King?!"

Lin Hui put on a black trench coat and walked in; "It's been a while since you haven't seen it? But, Hui, you seem to be getting stronger?"

"Hee hee, have you been seen by the king? Hui Na killed another god in the period after the king left! So among the king's women, apart from the leader of Luo Hao, Hui Na is the strongest! ' said Seikiuin Ena proudly.

"I can't agree with this!" At this time, Erica and Liliana also walked in: "Lily, are you here or me?"

"As a king's knight, you should go to battle!" Liliana said vigorously.

"That's right, let's try it out then!" Qingqiuyuan Ena said happily.

As a result, the ending was unexpected. One minute into the battle, Qingqiuyuan Ena was suppressed. Five minutes later, Qingqiuyuan Ena was defeated.

"It's not fair, it's not fair, Wang, you are biased!" Qingqiuyuan Huina said a little unhappily: "They all have them, but Huina doesn't!"

Lin Hui shook his head helplessly: "I said before, I broke one of your swords, and now I'll give you another one!"

Lin Hui directly took out a long sword: "The original dragon's obscurity!"

After Qingqiuyuan Ena took it over, the whole person fell into contemplation. In the next moment, a huge dragon-shaped spirit body emerged from Qingqiuyuan Huina's body and roared at the people present.

"Quiet!" Lin Hui spit out two words softly, and immediately, the spirit body was directly shattered by Lin Hui, and Qing Qiuyuan Hui Na suddenly woke up.

"I'm so sorry, Wang! Hui Na didn't mean it!" Qing Qiuyuan Hui Na immediately knelt on Lin Hui's Minqin.

"It's alright, I know, your talent for spirituality is unparalleled, and it's normal to be able to draw out the beast's soul sealed in it at once, be careful! This is a god-killing tool made from the soul of Apophis!"

"Apophis, isn't that the evil dragon in ancient Egyptian mythology?" Wanli Gu Yuri looked at Lin Hui.

"Yes, that's right!" Lin Hui smiled lightly.

"Be careful in the future, Hui Na!" Lin Hui looked at the girl kneeling in front of him.

Qingqiuyuan Ena nodded and said, "Yes, Ena must pay attention!"

After that, Lin Hui left with Qingqiuyuan Huina, and Erica and others were embarrassed to follow. After all, it took Lin Hui three days, and they were considered warm enough. These three days are enough to compare. last three years.


"Okay, Huina, I've sent it back to you! Yuri, are you relieved now?" Lin Hui approached Yuri Wanligu, who was holding Qingqiuyuan Huina, who was holding his arm.

Wanli Gu Yuli smiled bitterly. That's not what she meant: "Wang, that's not the case. I didn't mean to disturb you and Hui Na..."

"Wang! You are too bad, it's really been too long!" At this time, a young girl rushed over.

Lin Hui blinked and hugged the girl smoothly: "You are..."

"Xiaoguang! You can't be so rude!" Wanli Gu Yuli suddenly became anxious.

Yes, that's right, this girl is the Wanli Guguang who had an agreement with Lin Hui.

"It's okay, Xiaoguang, it's been a long time!" Lin Hui touched Wanli Guguang's head: "It's already so big?"

"That's it, Wang, do you still remember that agreement?" Wanli Guguang looked at Lin Hui eagerly, with hope in his eyes.

Lin Hui touched Wanli Guguang's little head: "Of course I remember, but your sister doesn't seem to agree!"

"No, it's not like this, Wang, I..." Wanli Gu Yuli was very anxious, but couldn't say anything.

"Hmph, my sister is too bad! Wang, I like you, and I've liked you since then. I was young at first, but now I'm grown up, it doesn't matter, Wang, I want to be your woman!" Wanli Guguang But he was much bolder than the original Wanli Gu Yuri.

Lin Hui looked at Yuri Wanligu, and felt a little funny in his heart, but in this world, indeed, whatever he wants is his own freedom!He is the king, the devil who dominates the earth, and the strongest among all the devils. As long as he gives an order, the beauties in this world can be obtained by himself, which is not too wonderful, but Lin Hui is not interested. What I like is still them, the girls with whom I have had feelings.

"Okay, I'll play with Xiaoguang today!" Lin Hui smiled, and then started today's journey with Wanli Guguang. Naturally, Wanli Gu Yuli couldn't stop him, so he could only sigh, his sister finally He couldn't escape Lin Hui's clutches!

When it was night time, Lin Hui and Wanli Guguang opened a room in an attack hotel in the human world.

Wanli Guguang walked out wearing a bath towel after taking a shower: "Wang, this is the first time for me, so be gentle!"

After saying that, he blinked mischievously.

Lin Hui is naturally welcome. This girl has waited for him for so long, and it is impossible for him to violate his agreement.

The ninth chapter is lonely, there is no one in ten thousand!

Wanli Guguang is very happy. Last night, his wish that he had been waiting for for many years was finally fulfilled. His many years of watching were not in vain. Wang still remembered the agreement with him to make himself the king's woman. At the same time, Wanli Guguang received a gift from Lin Hui. Artifact - Zero-type Demon Slayer Blade, has the power to eliminate all supernatural powers, but has a major disadvantage, that is, it must be self-centered, but it can be expanded with growth. , and even when it grows to a certain strength, it can be specified to completely eliminate the power of the opponent's abilities.

However, it will take time. Wanli Guguang is now only a witch with the ability to bring disaster. If Wanli Guguang also becomes a godslayer, then the two sisters becoming godslayers can be regarded as a good story.

However, there is no need to consider it in the near future, because in order to make the girls on his side stronger, Akashia learned about the acquisition conditions of the godslayer, and discussed it with Pandora and Athena for a long time before finally finalizing it. The plan, at least all the gods of disobedience here have been killed, so we have to wait until the gods of disobedience come again.

Although it is possible to use the ritual of summoning the god of disobedience, the girls who are kind-hearted will not do this. They would rather wait a little longer than hurt other girls. Even if they can not die, the girls are not willing to use it. This way to gain power.

In this regard, Lin Hui is quite relieved, but if Lin Hui is allowed to make a choice with the girls in one world, Lin Hui would rather be a villain!

The day after Wanli Guguang's wish was fulfilled, Wanli Guguang once again saw Lin Hui's side that was different from Wang. He took good care of him and took good care of him, which made Wanli Guguang feel a little flattered. The man of the Demon King in the middle of the world can actually do this. I'm afraid, this is one of the reasons why other girls are reluctant to leave Lin Hui, right?

After all, being able to enjoy the care of the most honorable person in the world is something that no one else can think of.

Wanli Guguang sticks to Lin Hui's side this day, no matter what Lin Hui does, Wanli Guguang is extremely happy, this is the mentality of just becoming a woman!


After accompanying the girls for a few days in the shrine in Liangjieyuan, Lin Hui left the shrine and went to a very quiet place in Liangjieyuan. It was cast by Lin Hui imitating Mount Lu on the land of China. It can be said that, It is exactly the same as Mount Lu in every respect.

Here, there is known as the strongest demon in the world, and here there is a woman who is known as the queen of killing gods. Here, there is the master of the martial arts alliance in the land of China. She is the leader of the Five Prisons - Luo Hao!

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