For example, Fangcun Gongshan, who was once rated as an SSS-level ghoul by CCG, the largest organization of mankind, is known as the "Owl Who Does Not Kill", and Fangcun Gongshan's daughter, the most famous novelist at present, and the ace of the Night Empire. The first Fangcun Aite, but more people know her by her pseudonym - Gao Xianquan.

After nightfall, the two figures lingered, as if to make up for everything they had missed over the years.

"Brother Lin Hui, can I have a child?" Kirishima Dong Xiang looked at Lin Hui and had some thoughts in her heart. After all, so far, Lin Hui has only a few children, although there are several who can't be regarded as Lin Hui's daughters. , At present, there is only one girl who is Lin Hui's real daughter, no matter in blood or soul, she can be regarded as Lin Hui's real daughter!

In this regard, Lin Hui said apologetically to Kirishima Dong Xiang: "Dong Xiang, it's not that I don't want to, but it is difficult for me to give birth to a child now with my strength! But don't worry, I will definitely find a way to solve this problem. The problem, when the time comes, I will definitely give you a child!"

"Well, I believe Brother Lin Hui, because everything that Brother Lin Hui promised me has been fulfilled, even if it takes a while, it doesn't matter, because we still have a lot of time!" Kirishima Dongxiang leaned against Lin Hui's On his chest, he kept drawing circles on Lin Hui's chest with his fingers.

Lin Hui lovingly touched Kirishima Dong Xiang's little head. Time is endless and the future is eternal. How many people can truly survive endless time and years?How many people in all the world have really experienced endless years?

Jia Da is one of them. After all, she is one of the true ancestors who survived when the gods still existed. What about the rest?Pandora, Athena?These are all goddess-level, and they can't be counted. So far, apart from those people, Shen Bin's girls have only been the longest for decades.

Eternal life is very painful, because you need to watch the people around you die one by one, but Lin Hui will find a way to eliminate the pain of the girls, and Lin Hui will do his best!

"Dong Xiang, this is for you!" Lin Hui flipped his palms and took out an item.

"This is?" Kirishima Dong Xiang looked at what looked like a scale in Linhu's hand.

"The Swallowing Heaven of the Dead Dragon!" Lin Hui put the item in his hand on Kirishima Dong Xiang's hand.

Immediately, Kirishima Dongxiang received this information, and at that moment, the Heko behind Kirishima Dongxiang also appeared, and Yuhe was covered with a layer of things like scales just now.

This is an alternative artifact specially made by Lin Hui for the ghouls, because the main ability of the artifact is aimed at the utility of humans, so although the ghouls and humans look the same, they are still different in terms of physiological functions. Therefore, it is necessary to Specially made, this is a gift from Lin Hui to Kirishima Dong Xiang.

Nidhogg's scales are attached with some of Nidhogg's soul ability and Lin Hui's power, which can provide Kirishima Dongxiang with faster movement and stronger bursts. When the scales are fired at the same time, the scales hit The target will be swallowed by the scales in an instant, this is the ghoul god destroyer!

Once in the forbidden state or even under the power of the beast, Kirishima Dongxiang's attack power will skyrocket.


After appeasing Kirishima Dong Xiang, Lin Hui came to a house, where he used to live!

"It's been a long time since I came back, I wonder if it was replaced by someone else?" Lin Hui suddenly came to the door of his former room, and saw that the word "Lin" was still written on the door number. He smiled and opened the door to take a look. , Lin Hui subconsciously thought that he had walked through the wrong door.

"Welcome home, Brother Lin Hui!" X2

At this moment, the two twins, one black and one white, were wearing maid outfits of opposite colors and made a welcome home gesture to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui looked at the two of them and shook his head helplessly: "What are you two doing! Scare me!"

At this time, Anjiu Heina walked up: "Can brother Lin Hui be scared too?"

Anju Nabai took the opportunity to answer: "Impossible, impossible, Brother Lin Hui can't be scared!"

Lin Hui held one in each hand, pinching the small faces of the two of them: "Don't pretend to be stupid! Well, it must be Dong Xiang who is in contact with you, right?"

Yasukuni stuck out her tongue, and Yasukuni was a little embarrassed.

"By the way, I should say something now, Brother Lin Hui, do you want to eat first? Or take a bath first, or~eat~me~?" Orchid.

"No, no, Xiao Hei, you are too cunning, it should be me~!" Ankuna White was a little unhappy.

The corners of Lin Hui's eyes twitched. The twins are indeed very attractive. Although they look exactly the same, they have two personalities, and the black and white are distinct, giving people a different sense of temptation. Totally different feeling.

"Okay, don't make trouble, you all know what I'm here for today, don't you? Then come and sit down!" Lin Hui pulled the two girls to the sofa and sat down, facing the two girls, Lin Hui was also quite apologetic Yes, after all, the life experience of these two girls is quite regrettable!

Chapter [-] The bridge between humans and ghouls!

Lin Hui gave away two items. These two items can be used together or individually. They were prepared for the twins. After all, it took a lot of money to use these two artifacts together. Kung fu, and the most important thing is that if one person's artifact begins to evolve, the other person's artifact will also begin to evolve. This is the benefit of twin artifacts, but Lin Hui spent a lot of money on making this artifact. It took several days to make it.

"The trembling of the four beasts!"

This is the combined name of these two artifacts, Qiongqi, 梼杌, Chaos, Taotie, and the four great beasts. The souls of two of the four beasts are encapsulated in one artifact. The two artifacts may only be used alone. It is stronger than the general artifact, but if used together, it can be compared to the upper god destroyer.

Especially when entering the tyrant beast form, don’t forget, the ability of the tyrant beast form is to use the souls of the beasts or monsters sealed in the artifact to reach their strength state before their death. However, two beasts are sealed in one artifact. The soul of the beast, how strong it will be once the overlord state is used, let alone the two of them use it together, it will be an explosive force.

Lin Hui can at least be sure that if the two of them join forces, even the demonized Vali will have the power to fight.

After all, it's not that Lin Hui is biased towards giving black and white sisters such a powerful god-killing tool, but Lin Hui doesn't know that the combined power of these two god-killing tools is so great, but it's good, at least it makes people happy .

The black and white sisters were greatly moved when they learned about it. Originally, they felt very uncomfortable when Lin Hui couldn't help when he was involved in the battle, but now it's even more so. Lin Hui has come a long way, the two sisters It can be said that even Lin Hui's back cannot be seen. For this reason, the two sisters are very excited to obtain such a powerful force this time, and hope to contribute to Lin Hui's journey in the future.

"There will be a chance!" Lin Hui is very clear about the thoughts of the two sisters, not only Anjiu Henai and Anjiu Naibai, but all girls have this idea, but it depends on them whether they can do it or not. tried.

Lin Hui went to another place after accompanying the two sisters for two days.


On this day, Dikou Chuzheng placed a bunch of flowers on the tombs of his parents, and then looked at the tombstones of the two with a smile on his face: "Dad, mom, don't worry, I'm living well now, just have One point, Brother Lin Hui spends a little time with me, but I don't care, because as long as he can remember me, that's enough!"

After finishing speaking, Dikou Hina started to compose the composition outside.

"Is it over?" A blond woman looked at Hina Dikou.

Dikou Hina nodded obediently: "Well, because everything that needs to be said has already been said, so it doesn't matter, Sister Xiao!"

Yes, the name of the woman in front of her is Akatsuki, the daughter of Wu Xu, who once killed Hina Dikou's parents, and Lin Hui was the one who killed Hina Dikou's parents in revenge. It can be said that he is Akatsuki's enemy.

However, Hina Diguchi is willing to let go of her hatred for Akatsuki, and is with Akatsuki, and Akatsuki is also willing to let go of her hatred for Lin Hui and Gao Xianquan, which makes people turn into ghouls and humans bridge.

Maybe it's inappropriate to say that, but Lin Hui really admires Akatsuki's behavior, and being able to let go of hatred is not something ordinary people can do. After all, it is the revenge of killing his father and mother.

However, if it is Lin Hui, it is absolutely impossible to let it go, because this is hatred. Lin Hui is a person who will retaliate. No matter what kind of hatred can be solved on the same day, it will be solved on the same day. There is no ambiguity. For a moment, when you have the ability, you will definitely take revenge!

Ten times, a hundred times the revenge, this is Lin Hui's style.

But no matter whether you really let go of hatred or not, decades have passed, and you have lived for so long. Even if you didn't let it go at the beginning, it's almost done now.

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