"Two beauties, long time no see!" At this time, a silver-haired young man looked at the two and said with a smile.

When he saw the man in front of him, Dikouchu was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he rushed into Lin Hui's Huaizong like a milk swallow returning to his nest: "Brother Lin Hui! Brother Lin Hui! It's really brother Lin Hui. !Great!"

Looking at Hina Dikou's appearance, Lin Hui knew that this time, Hina Dikou had indeed been neglected. At least Dongxiang Kirishima had seen it once before, and Hina Dikou seldom met for various reasons. The last time I met was probably after I came back from the forbidden world, and I haven't seen each other since.

"You still know how to come back?!" Akatsuki Mato also expressed her dissatisfaction. She was not for herself, but for Dikou Hina. It took so long to come to visit once. Man's style?

"Okay, I know I'm wrong! So I'm not coming back? Don't worry, I'll be with you these days! Don't be like this as soon as you come up! I also want to save face!" Lin Hui directly apologized, No way, although Akatsuki Mato looks like this, but the mother's breath is full.

"Okay, little sister, it's rare for Brother Lin Hui to come back once, so don't be so stern." Dikouchu actually grabbed Akatsuki's hand and shook it: "Okay, sister Xiao!"

"Hey, you're just too used to him! That's why he doesn't want to come to see you!" Akatsuki Mato taught Hina Miguchi a serious lesson.

Lin Hui scratched his cheek, well, this time it was indeed a bit too much, so Lin Hui also expected such an outcome, and it is estimated that there will be many such situations in the future, after all, he is really too Busy, there are only a few who can meet.

Chapter Fourteen Our King!

Mato Akatsuki really regards Hina Dikou as his younger sister. Although the two seem to be enemies of life and death to outsiders, they are both pitiful people in a fundamental sense, because of their race. Only the difference of the position will lead to the opposite. However, when all this can be solved, it can be found that the two people are so similar.

It is precisely because of having such nearly the same experience that two people can be sisters to each other.

It is the responsibility of the elder sister to complain about her own sister, and Akatsuki Mato has implemented this very well, but as a younger sister, she also has the right to act like a spoiled child to her sister. As a younger sister.

Lin Hui touched Dikou Hina's head, and then hugged Akira Mato into his arms: "I'm sorry, I'm back late!"


Mato Akira slammed Lin Hui's stomach with a punch: "I'm not as easy to deal with as Hina!"

Lin Hui didn't feel anything. After all, his body had already reached an extremely tough level. Such a shock had already been resolved by Lin Hui's body, but Lin Hui still pretended to be in pain and squatted down directly: "Yes, yes, yes. !"

"Brother Lin Hui, are you all right?" Dikou Hina looked at Lin Hui with some worry.

Akatsuki Mato shook his head helplessly, and dragged Hatsuki Dikou to the outside: "Hatsumi, don't worry about this guy, even if you cut this guy into pieces, he can still be alive and kicking, how could it be because he was beaten by me? Can't stand up with one punch? Let's go!"

But Dikouchu actually looked back at Lin Hui in three steps.

Seeing that the two were about to walk outside on the street, how could Lin Hui be able to pretend?

"Wait, wait, you really don't care about me?!" Lin Hui was stunned and ran out.

"Look, I'll just say it!" Akatsuki Mato is very familiar with Lin Hui's behavior. Lin Hui used this method when he taught her a lesson, but he was too naive at the time, and was caught by Lin Hui. I was stunned, and finally was deceived by Lin Hui. When I look back on it now, Akatsuki really wants to scold myself for being too stupid and naive at the time.

"Okay, okay, don't do this! Tell me, what do you want to do these days, I can let go of everything to accompany you!" Lin Huitian comforted Akatsuki Mato with a face, and at the same time, he launched an attack on Hina Dikou. Consolation Offensive.

After all, Akatsuki Mato's anger is for Hina Dikou. As long as Hina Dikou is appeased, Akira Mato will naturally lose her anger. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

"It doesn't matter, as long as brother Lin Hui can accompany me, I'm already very happy!" Dikou Hina is such a girl, she doesn't fight for anything, all she can do is to bless and Put it down, such a little girl is not suitable for living in troubled times, because she will always think about not herself first, but the person she misses most in her heart.

"Okay, then, Hina, this is for you!" Lin Hui took out a rattle and handed it to Dikou Hashi.

"This is?" After Dikou Chushi took it, the whole person was a little stunned, and murmured: "The sound of the masked dance party?"

"Well, in a sense, this artifact doesn't have much attacking ability now, but it can add more physical enhancements to the user, but after the hand is banned, its power can be fully revealed. Come out! Under the forbidden hand, it can detonate everything around it, even the enemy's attack can detonate it!"

Lin Hui explained the information to Dikou Chu Shi in a more simple and easy-to-understand manner.

"Wait a minute, what will happen to Hina? Isn't it very dangerous?" Akatsuki Mato looked at Lin Hui angrily.

"So, I have to use this artifact for you, Xiao!" Lin Hui took out a mirror-like artifact: "False mockery!"

After Akatsuki Mato took it over, she was stunned, because she understood why Lin Hui said that the fake dance sound should be accompanied by fake mockery, because "fake mockery" is an enchantment-type treasure Tool, all the attacks caused in the enchantment will be transmitted to the outside world through the power of the enchantment, and when the outside attack hits the enchantment, as long as the attack in the enchantment continues and exceeds the strength of the outside attack, the enchantment will The world will never be broken, and it can gather those powers and bounce them all back to the opponent, as if laughing at the opponent's attack.

Even after being banned, as long as you have enough strength, you can even directly lock the opponent into the barrier, become the barrier's wall membrane, and turn it into a steady stream of energy. As long as that person doesn't die, even if the barrier doesn't launch an attack , the outside attack cannot penetrate the enchantment.

The combination of these two artifacts will definitely not be worse than the ordinary gods, and they are even extremely dangerous artifacts!

After accompanying Hina Dikou and Akira Mato for three days, Lin Hui came to the scene of a new book launch.

The title of the book is "The Demon King of Conviction"!

It tells the story of a chaotic world where the gods went mad and devastated the earth. A man with infinite luck killed the gods, took away the power of the gods, and embarked on a bumpy road of resistance. In the story In the end, the man who was called the Demon King by the gods fell on the road of resistance, but he left a flame of hope for the world...

Lin Hui flipped through it. Isn't this the story of the world of the godslayer, it was just borrowed and tampered with by someone, but it was interesting. Generally speaking, it symbolizes all kinds of beautiful prayers, but this author describes the gods as evil spirits, and the story ends in tragedy. The whole book is full of dark styles, but it has attracted many people. 's favorite.

Because the author of this book is one of the trump cards of the Eve Empire who has retired - the one-eyed owl, Fangmura Aite!

"Mr. Gao Xian, I don't like your book very much, because the Demon King actually lost in the end, that's not good!" Gao Xianquan was delivering his autographed novel to his readers when a male voice passed come over.

The people around were glaring at the man, as if to say, what right do you have to criticize Teacher Gao Xun?

And Fangcun Aite explained after seeing the person in front of him: "Because the protagonist of the story is not that person, so he will lose!"

"The only one who can truly win is our king!"

Chapter [-] The Fierce Soul of Gluttony!

king? !

There is only one person who can be called the king by the trump card ghoul of the Eve Empire!

Yes, the people around didn't recognize him at first, because the current Lin Hui's image is different from the previous one. At the beginning, Lin Hui was called an EX-class ghoul, with a ghost mask on his face. Later, Lin Hui was born in the third Owl Crusade. At that time, Lin Hui was wearing a black trench coat with half-black and half-white hair, possessing unimaginably terrifying strength.

Defeat CCG's strongest trump card - the white death god Arima Guisong and the members of the zero team, finally pulled out the old two blessings, crushed with absolute strength, ascended the throne, and became a human being based on the will of the world With the king of the ghouls, changing the ghoul's physique, ending the confrontation between humans and ghouls, carrying all the sins on his back, the founder of the night empire.

That's right, the appearance of the man in front of him has not changed for more than ten years. At first, everyone was just filled with righteous indignation, but they didn't expect the man in front of him to be that tyrant.

The strongest king standing at the top of this world!

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