"Okay, okay, today's book signing event is over here. Please come here to get your number plate. The day after tomorrow, I will start the signing conference here again. Please pay attention to the time!" Gao Xianquan naturally wanted to pounce. In Lin Hui's arms, she enjoys Lin Hui's love, but she used to be the leader of a big organization, at least she is very capable of handling the current commotion scene!

After waiting for the people to disperse, Lin Hui stepped forward and took Gao Xunquan's hand, and the others were very sensible and did not come up to disturb the two of them.

"It's been a long time this time!" Although Gao Xianquan was relatively calm, he felt a little resentful at this moment.

"Yes, yes, my Aite!" Lin Hui apologized with a smile.

"Forget it, but you disturbed my new book signing conference! Is there any compensation?" Gao Xunquan stretched out his hand.

"Here!" Lin Hui handed an item to Gao Xunquan's hands.

"Dragon of Blood and Riot?" Gao Xianquan smacked his mouth: "This name is really not good!"

What Lin Hui gave Gao Xunquan was an equipment-type melee combat artifact. When using it, he could choose a part of his body to transform into Jackie Chan's power, and even after banning his hands, he could transform his entire body into Jackie Chan, and at the same time make all the surrounding enemies indistinguishable. The riots between the enemy and us are adorned with blood. The name is quite suitable, but it is really not very pleasant.

"Yes, my ability to name names is definitely not as good as a great writer!" Lin Hui rolled his eyes.

"But as a gift of apology, I accepted it!" Gao Xunquan took it back with his backhand: "Speaking of which, I have a restaurant I want to go to, come with me!"

Gao Xunquan led Lin Hui to a restaurant.


Gao Xunquan also knew that he couldn't take up too much of Lin Hui's time, so he just let Lin Hui go with Lin Hui for a day. Being together, but not the kind of person who always puts Lin Hui's everything in the first place, like Hina Dikou, and doesn't even think about himself at all.

The two of them respected each other very much, and there was a tacit understanding between the two. Gao Xianquan knew that Lin Hui was a very busy and tired man, so all she could do was to appease Lin Hui's inner fatigue, no Increase Lin Hui's burden.

Afterwards, Lin Hui found the traveling god of the gods in another country, at least the gods were established in the night empire, and after eliminating the organizations initiated by the gluttons, they began to travel around the world, because in addition to the island countries, Other worlds may also have remnants of gluttons, so the Night Empire often organizes people to travel around the world, and this year it happened to be the turn of the gods.

Shendai Lishi is different from other people. Although her fighting strength is good, she is a trophy herself. The spoils that were collected after being defeated by Lin Hui, although they were later recognized by those in the family, but Shendai Lishi always regarded herself as a trophy. She was placed in the position of a maid, so many things were rushed to do, in order to respond to Lin Hui's care for her!


"Everyone seems to have some grudges this time!" Shendai Lishi looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui shrugged: "It's nothing, I just lost my temper anyway, I'm used to it!" Lin Hui smiled.

There is nothing wrong with Shendai Li Shi, because he puts himself in a lower position, so the psychological gap cannot be said to be absent, but it will not be too different.

"But it seems that this world should be much better than it used to be!" Lin Hui sighed.

"Yeah, although there are still some people who become gluttons for gluttony, the situation is much better! I believe that in more than ten years, there will be no gluttons in this world, right?" Shi Kai said, over the years, God Dai Li Shi has also seen a lot.

Lin Hui leaned on the railing of the bridge: "How can it be so simple, as long as you are human, you will have greed, you will want to act, and you want to try, so this kind of thing will definitely exist!"

"Hehe, it's a pity, we ghouls are not human!" Shendai Lishi licked his lips: "Although I still want to taste your flesh and blood!"

"Even if you come, but you need to think about how to make amends when you go home! I'm very careful! I treat everyone equally!" Lin Hui responded with a smile.

"So forget it!" Shendai Lishi looked at the calm river: "When?"

"It's coming! But I can stay with you for a day or two!" Lin Hui sorted out his clothes for the gods. "By the way, I'll give you something for self-defense!"

"The ferocious soul of gluttony?" Shendai Lishi was slightly taken aback when he got it, because this artifact was so compatible with her that it was tailor-made for her!

All the attacks can be swallowed as food, and at the same time improve your physical ability and combat effectiveness, in short, the more you eat, the stronger you are!

In the previous ghoul period, the code name of the goddess Rishi was "Gluttony"!

Chapter [-] The Lolita that has been perfectly developed!

Lin Hui seemed to start thinking after going around the world of ghouls. Looking back, it has indeed been a long time since he left some people, and there are still several people who need to travel by themselves!

It's just that the former self was unable to perform due to various reasons. Although there is no time limit, if it is delayed for too long, it is estimated that they will feel resentful. After all, other people are not like Xiaoguang because they have always known about it. The king, the god of disobedience, etc., so it doesn't matter.

Returning to the Empire of the Forest, the empire built over the Pacific Ocean is a hundred times larger than it was during the Isshinjima period. The housing prices here have always been high, and being able to own a property in the Empire of the Forest is enough to show that this person of money and power.

You must know that there are two true ancestors in the forest empire, and one of them still killed the true ancestor of the culprit Cain, and later, during the vampire king incident, although the real ancestor did not shoot, but the vampire king He came three times, he was defeated twice, and the last time he was completely left here, in this era, he couldn't even escape.

This is enough to show that even without the True Ancestor, the Lin Zhi Empire is an indestructible place, and it is equivalent to having a guarantee of safety here!

The whole world is headed by the tyrants of time and space. After all, the tyrants of time and space are the existences that stand at the top of this world!

And the private Caihai Academy is the world's leading aristocratic school. It is absolutely impossible for you to have money here, because tuition is free here, but you must have the right and ability to enter here, after all, as long as you can be here After graduating, you will have the opportunity to get a job in the Lin Zhi Empire. This kind of opportunity is something that everyone has to steal!

However, the probability of dropping out of the private Caihai Academy is also one of the highest in the world. If one can graduate from the private Caihai Academy, it is not bad to have one in ten people, and the number of Caihai Academy always remains at There are [-] people up and down. It can be said that all the teaching equipment and teachers here are top-notch, and every year, a large number of people are dropped out or go to schools outside to exchange with the super-excellent students in those schools, but the exchange There is also a need for evaluation, and once the number of students is less than [-], it will be evaluated from outside schools based on their grades, personality, and other aspects, and some students will be drawn to supplement!

It can be said that there may even be only a few dozen or even a dozen people who can graduate from the private Caihai Academy in the end, but all of them are the talent pool of the Lin Zhi Empire!

Competing for fame and fortune in the private Caihai Academy is tantamount to courting death. Once you are caught using some crooked means to do petty tricks, you will be immediately expelled from the school, unless you are confident enough that you will not be discovered.

However, this situation is very rare, because there is a teacher who can be called a devil here, ah, not referring to that Yue-chan, after all, that Yue-chan is so cute, how could it be a devil?

The name is Yutong Eguchi, and she also has an identity, that is, the successor of Lilith, the strongest nightmare in the world, with another existence of Gregory, which is basically revealed by Yutong Eguchi on weekdays, but Liliu usually randomly senses the thoughts of the people around her, and once she finds that she can't even resist, she will immediately reveal her feelings.

And the most important thing is that very few people can cure this little devil except the high-level executives of the forest empire. After all, she has a very good relationship with the god-made weapon Leviathan, which is the beast of the forest empire. Anyone who wants to attack the Empire of the Forest must consider the existence of Leviathan.

The second attack of the Vampire King was cracked here, and the power of Leviathan's divine weapons was undoubtedly revealed in that battle.


"Ah, ah, it's so boring! I want to do something!" This time, it was Li Liu who was particularly obvious. After all, she had to come out occasionally to breathe, and it was not very comfortable to stay inside the body all the time!

"Don't make trouble for me, I've heard that Yue Sauce said that the last time you made trouble, it made the Lin Zhi Empire jump!"

A voice came and slapped Li Liu directly on the head.

"Ah, who is it? Who dares to hit me, Lord Liliu...?! Brother Lin Hui?" Liliu was a little confused when she saw the man in front of her. The tyrant of time and space who sees the dragon but does not see the end - Lin Hui?

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