The alias of Delphi's haunted house, Barris, is called Lamia.

The alias of the young female ghost who hunts children on the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea is also called Lamia.

There is even a monster named Lamia in Bulgarian folklore.

Not only that, the creators of the outer universe have added a lot of appalling elements to the legend of Lamia. Lamia has been turned into an image of "jealous mothers and cannibalize their sons" by a large number of temple fairs, and most of them are. being modeled as women.

Regarding the spread of Lamia's monster image, it can be said that there are countless numbers all over the world. In Western society, many mothers even use the legend of Lamia to intimidate their children and ask them to obey.

All in all, Lamia basically belongs to the image of a mouse crossing the street.

But Lin Hui knows that these are not the most real situations. These rumors like "curses" are actually songs made by the poets of the small garden to slander the vampire clan. Become a monster in people's hearts.

And the ballads weaved by the poets of the little garden can be turned into real inheritance. It is these ballads and inheritance that have eroded the outer universe and created the image of Lamia's monster.

As the saying goes, language is a sword, a gun, a bow, and a glory!

This is the fourth strongest species of Hakoniwa that can bind and change the infinitely vast outer world!

It was them who imposed the titles of many monsters on Lamia.

During the dawn of Little Garden, the gods were busy fighting for the sovereignty of the stars. When the unmanaged middle and lower classes were ravaged by many demon kings with "host authority", they took the initiative to stand up to crusade the demon kings, and guard and maintain the order of the middle and lower classes. It is the vampire family, which is why the vampire family is called the "Knight of Hakoba".

At that time, the [-]-year-old vampire princess Leticia arrived at the position of "Dragon Knight" and led the "Knights of Hakoniwa" to protect the city of Hakoniwa, successfully established the "class ruler" system to protect the lower class, and won the first Thirteen Zodiac Signs - "Ophiuchus" Sun Sovereign.

In addition to Leticia, there is not only one princess in the vampire royal family. Besides Leticia, there is another one, Leticia's biological sister, who is the second princess in the vampire royal family.

Its name is—

Lamia Decrea!

Chapter [-] The way to change all this!

Vampires are cannibals.

Vampires are immortal.

Vampires are piercing fiends.

Since the fall of Leticia to the Demon Lord, the poems woven by the poets have spread in the little garden, and these poems have also eroded into the outer universe.

In different worlds, there are even fanatical reports that vampires are cannibals that devour even corpses, the origin of monsters, and so on.

As the last royal family of vampires, Lamia endured all this in place of her older sister Leticia, who became a demon king.

Therefore, the spread of these poets' recitations, whether good or bad, eventually became her "merit".

And these cursed "merits" were all codified by the world into her spiritual personality.

In the end, Lamia won the favor of rivaling hundreds of millions of demon gods.

If it weren't for the paradox game "Almighty Paradox" to seal the spirit, her power could even surpass the "Almighty Realm".

But the price is very huge, or in other words, these are not what she wants to get, but she can't help but bear the price that can make a beautiful woman crazy.

The white skin grew scales, the gem-like pupils lost their luster, the once beautiful blonde hair was as rough as a camel-colored serpent, the once delicate red lips were split to the ears, and they were covered with sharp and sharp fangs.

If she is pregnant with offspring, she becomes a monster that cannot survive without eating it.

This biting curse is deadly to the vampire royal family.

Therefore, Lamia had to seal it up, in this way to keep the blood of the royal family.

Rise and fall, success or failure, this is an inevitable destiny for every race.

However, the vampire family, who did their best for the sake of public justice, was involved in the whirlpool of scandal and ridicule and dissipated. This kind of destruction method is no different from irony. Even people who are used to seeing tragedy will feel in their hearts when they know it. A little bit of uneasy fluctuation.

However, no matter how full of heartache, Lamia, who is a vampire royal family, can only endure the bitterness in her heart, swallow all the resentment and pain, and seal herself into the endless hell.

As the last royal family, if even she fell into a demon king and took revenge on the world, then the scattered and secluded vampire survivors would bear an even more painful reputation and would never be able to lift their heads in front of others for the rest of their lives.

Lamia is very clear that this is a point that must be avoided. Even though the foolish king who has never fulfilled the duty of the royal family, she wants to perform this minimum duty well.

This is the real reason why Leticia can continue to appear in front of others like this. Although she used to be a demon king, she is not ridiculed and ridiculed by others.

Because all the things that should have been carried by Leticia were carried by her younger sister Lamia.

And Leticia herself doesn't know this, and she doesn't know what her lovely sister has endured in the years after she became a devil, because in Leticia's impression, all the vampire royals are She was already dead and was killed by those rebels, but she didn't know that she still had the only blood relative who had endured the pain in her place.

Lin Hui This is also a place of dissonance that was accidentally discovered from various epic records.

Even if the ballads woven by poets can change history without a trace, the Akashic records will always fluctuate a little if they go against the most original records.

It is precisely because Lin Hui has entered the Akashic records of several worlds, and even Lin Hui himself is the carrier of human history in many worlds, that Lin Hui can find the reasons for the inconsistencies in these records.

I can't tell Leticia about this yet!

Lin Hui thought like this, after all, Leticia knew that she would be extremely angry and sad, and she would even hate herself to the point where she couldn't make it any more. All these changes were made by herself.

So, all this is back to the original point. If you want to rewrite the legend of Lamia, you still need to use the poet's Lingge, because it is the poet's ballads that make Lamia's story become like this.

And after countless times of inheritance, it is uncertain whether Lin Hui can use the poet Lingo to change the legend of Lamia back to its original state. The most important thing is that Lin Hui has no idea about the dawn of the little garden at that time. What the legend of Lamia looks like.

At least Alger still has traces to follow, but the legend of Lamia has been changed beyond recognition. Up to now, almost a large part of the myths that Lin Hui knows about have the shadow of the legend of Lamia. , If you want to change such a legend, even the spirituality of the canary, which can trigger a historical transformation period as a poet, is not enough, far from enough, because this is a struggle with countless myths and legends, and the legend of Lamia is removed from it. Pulling it out and restoring it is even more difficult than restoring Alger's spirit.

Argol only occupies a more important position in Greek mythology, and although the legend of Lamia is not important, the quantity is huge, and the change in quantity is enough to cause qualitative change!

Therefore, if you want to restore Lamia's original posture, then the poet's path can be taken, but it cannot be taken, because it is too dangerous.

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