In addition, Lin Hui does not have the spirituality and gift of a poet, how can he change it?Even Alger can't recover now!

However, Lin Hui himself is not the kind of person who will wait. Lin Hui considered that if the poet's path does not work, there is another path. Of course, it is also the most risky and impossible path to take, because this This kind of thing has little chance of success.

However, this is the fastest and best shortcut for Lin Hui!

After letting Leticia leave, Lin Hui began to think about the feasibility of this method. After all, if it doesn't work in the end, it would be a wasted opportunity. It's a little troublesome, unless all of your spirituality is restored, and you can restore yourself to the most prosperous period, so that you can not be afraid of anyone.

However, in that case, it would be the time for a full-scale declaration of war against Hakoniwa.

Chapter [-]: The Hidden Power in the Gift of the Long-Time Bird

In Little Garden, the Akashic Records, that is, the origin of the world also exists. If you rewrite there, everything will be rewritten.

Although it is impossible to change history without a trace like a poet can, it can change what happened in the past most definitely and practically.

For example, in order to automatically dissipate the final trial of human beings and the closed world, the "Arcadia Grand Alliance" to which Canary and others belonged promoted the liberation of minds by causing plagues such as the Black Death and erasing them (not really defeating them).

This is precisely the use of the sovereignty of the sun to change the activities of the sun, so that the Black Death began to spread from the [-]th century and lasted for more than [-] years. Finally, the social status of serfs was raised in advance, and the development of ideas such as enlightenment and liberalism was promoted. The emergence of dystopian thinking interrupts the connection to the future of the "closed world" and makes the dystopian devil disappear directly.

And all this was caused by the change of the Akashic record through the sovereignty of the sun.

Now, if you want to rewrite the Akashic records, you must use the sovereignty of the sun.

However, at present, Shiroyasha has fourteen sovereign suns on his body, and the Queen of Halloween has six sovereign powers of the sun. It is not known who has the remaining four sovereign powers of the sun. However, if you want to rewrite the Akashic records , must obtain more than half of the sun's sovereignty to be able to achieve.

That is to say, unless Bai Yasha and the Queen of Halloween are both willing to lend the sovereignty of the sun to Lin Hui, otherwise, Lin Hui will not be able to rewrite it.

That's the rules of the little garden!

Unlike other worlds, it can be rewritten by Lin Hui at will.

First of all, Bai Yasha can use the conditions to solve it, but the Queen of Halloween is not easy to judge. At least Lin Hui only knows that she is a capricious person and wants to take away the sovereignty of the sun from her. I am afraid this is a joke. And the remaining four Sun Sovereign words are scattered in the little garden, who knows who is in their hands, that is to say, Lin Hui can't use it for the time being.

"Tsk, what a headache!" Lin Hui put down the teacup in his hand: "It seems that I need to think about it and see if there is any other way!"

At this time, Gurefia came over: "Lord Lin Hui, Miss Jiuyuan Asuka is here to visit."

"Flying Bird? Let her go to the living room, just right, I have almost thought about it! By the way, help me make another pot of tea, and use the tea leaves that Leticia brought back last time!" Lin Hui slowly walked towards the living room. go.

"Yes!" Gurefia took the order.


"Asuka, long time no see, why are you here all of a sudden?" Lin Hui greeted Jiuyuan Asuka, who was sitting in the living room chatting with Haase Natsuyin.

"It's really rude to actually call a lady by her first name. The leader of the Seven Deadly Sins seems to be a little bit ignorant!" Jiu Yuan Fei Niao glanced at Lin Hui.

"Okay, Sister Asuka, Brother Lin Hui is such a person, don't know him in the same way!" Yase Xiayin smiled softly.

"Okay, Xia Yin, even you have become like this. You used to stick to my side all the time!" Lin Hui walked to the main seat and sat down directly.

Ye Lai Xia Yin gently covered her mouth and smiled: "Because you are such a person, Brother Lin Hui!"

Lin Hui scratched his head: "It's really a headache, it looks like someone else has ruined you!"

"Yeah, Lin Hui is really a busy person! He even forgot what he promised me last time!" Jiu Yuan Fei Niao said angrily.

Lin Hui clasped his fingers with both hands: "Don't worry, Miss Asuka, I haven't forgotten what I promised, but I've been dealing with some things recently, and I don't have time to tell you. Since you have come in person, then I will follow you. I'll come! Is Xia Yin coming too?"

"Okay!" Yase Natsuyin smiled sweetly, quite healing.


Coming to Lin Hui's dedicated battle arena, Lin Hui looked at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao: "The last thing you asked me to do was to study your gift. I can tell you that your prestige is not an ordinary gift of spirituality. If it's just a gift of spirituality, if it can't even limit the actions of the gods, it can't be the gift of the highest level of human beings!"

"The so-called gift that dominates the gift is just a popular word. If you really want to say it, it is the ability to give the gift the ability to enhance the spiritual status, which is the so-called gift of the godhead!"

"Give Godhead?" Yase Natsuyin directly covered her mouth.

What is Godhead?It can raise the rank of the race to the highest rank, raise the spirituality of the species to the highest rank, and make the individual's life level and strength level rise geometrically.

In this small garden, it can be said to be the highest-level gift, and obtaining this gift is not an easy thing to do.

Since it is called a godhead, this kind of gift can only be bestowed by those gods.

But it is not an easy thing to get the recognition of the gods and to be given a godhead.

"Of course it can't be a real godhead, but a simulated godhead. The power of Asuka is to give everything the power to simulate a godhead, that is, it will enhance the power of the godhead!" Lin Hui explained, and at the same time handed a scroll to Asuka: "Maximize the spirituality presented by the gift, and it is even possible for the gift to release the power of the god-level under limited circumstances."

"In other words, give Asuka a lot of ordinary gifts, and you can turn them into, um, like those god-level weapons in my king's treasure. Now you are holding someone else's Bring me a scroll that can only emit a small fireball!"

Lin Hui tore one at random, and a small fireball was sprayed out, but the power was not very strong.

"Come and try it!"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird took a deep breath, held the scroll in his hand, and tore it apart, the moment he saw a small fireball appear: "Bombardment!"

Chapter [-] The gift of burning money!


A small fireball the size of a basketball that didn't have much power in the first instant became a huge fireball with a diameter about the size of an adult, and the temperature in it also reached the nuclear heat level in an instant. The battle field dedicated to Lin Hui was directly melted into a large pothole, and the surrounding ground was also charred black. a huge crater.

"Okay... It's amazing!" Yease Xiayin was stunned when she saw Jiuyuan Asuka's gift, she never thought that it would have such a powerful power.

Even Jiuyuan Asuka couldn't believe it: " this my gift?"

"That's right, giving gifts to imitate Godhead, this is the ability of your gift 'pretty light'!" Lin Hui snapped his fingers: "That is to say, as long as you have enough gifts, no matter how good or bad, you can make them Demonstrate the ability to rival the gods and gods of this world! This is the power of the highest gift of humanity."

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