
All the previous contestants were eliminated in one go.

Those contestants also wanted to fight hard, but when they stabbed into Berserker's body, they were bounced off by Berserker's body, as if Berserker's body was made of steel.

Directly eliminated the surrounding contestants.

Some contestants went back to the eighteenth floor when they saw this scene. They didn't want the original sin token anymore. Although they thought they had the ability to fight for it, in the face of such an indestructible monster, let's forget it.

However, Reverse Izayoi found something: "Is that so? But what is the upper limit?"

Kuyuan Asuka steered Dean back. She also went up to fight Berserker just now, but Dean's fist was completely useless to Berserker's body.

"Miss, don't waste your energy, the current Berserker is not hurt by two types of attacks, one is shock and the other is spear stab. After he is killed, he will be resurrected, and after resurrection, he will be immune to such attacks. So, the attack of the eagle and the spear just now is useless after his resurrection!"

Backward Izayoi analyzed: "Although I know that this original sin leader is not invincible, the question is what is the upper limit of his resurrection? If there are too many, although there is a way to clear the customs, it means that there is no way."

"Resurrection upper limit?" Jiu Yuan Fei Niao bit his finger, and at the same time began to think, according to reason, it is impossible for Lin Hui to set up an enemy who can't get past. This is not in line with Lin Hui's behavior!

Some other groups stepped forward to try, but were directly knocked out by Berserker, and even a few were disqualified due to serious injuries and were directly eliminated from the competition.

At this moment, the scorching flames rolled over everywhere...

Chapter [-] Trial ([-])

"In this case, I will burn you to ashes!"

With a coquettish scream, Kaling directly wrapped Berserker's whole body with the billowing flames.

"It's Kaling, if it is the gift of Kaling, it is possible to succeed!" Someone said excitedly.

After all, even if the gift of Kaling is touched by a little bit of the gods, even the soul will not be left behind.


"Boy, your calculations have failed!" Shiroyasha said suddenly with a smile. After all, she also believed that Kaling's strength could completely kill Berserker.

Lin Hui showed a mysterious smile: "Indeed, in the outside world, Jialing's attack has already established the victory, but it's a pity, this is a gift game, so Jialing can't win! Because, think To win, it must be solved according to the solution of the gift game I set!"


After the flames went out, Berserker disappeared, but, strangely, there was no original sin token on the ground.

Jia Ling was shocked: "Impossible!"

"Because this is a gift game, even if this young lady can burn him with flames outside, it is impossible to do so in this gift game, because this gift game has its customs clearance method, As long as this clearance condition is not met, then it is impossible to win!"

Reverse back Izayoi stood up and said: "Look, that resurrected guy has appeared again, and your flames can no longer cause damage to him!"

Berserker reappeared in front of everyone, intact, and slashed towards Kaling with his axe and sword.

"Get out of the way!" The golden wings behind Jialing blocked Berserker's axe and sword directly. When even the gods could burn to the point where the soulless flames hit Berserker again, the flames bounced off directly and could not cause any damage to Berserker at all. any certain damage.

"How could it be?" Jialing didn't expect such a thing to happen, although she didn't want to believe it, but in this gift game, her role was to contribute one kill, but Berserker's life There is absolutely a limit to the upper limit, otherwise this game will not be able to clear the level.

"call out--!"

Reverse Izayoi kicked Berserker directly.

Berserker stretched out a hand to directly block the kick from Izayoi, and then drew out his ax and sword and slashed towards Izayoi.

"It's up to you!" Reverse Izayoi made his arrangements before he went to battle. He knew that with Lin Hui's character, he would never do anything that would make it difficult to pass the level. Therefore, the number of times Berserker can be resurrected There are not many, so, you just need to keep killing them, using different methods to kill, and it must be close to or a gift of godhead level.

Griffith's impact definitely reached that level, and the long spear that the community finally took out was also a kind of equipment close to the godhead, otherwise it would not be able to penetrate Berserker's body.

And now, if you want to talk about the gift of godhead level, they really have such a person here.

There are nine chances of resurrection left!

Jiuyuan Asuka looked at Berserker and directly asked Dean to rush up and hug Berserker: "Yao!"

At this moment, Kasugabe Yō, something like sharp claws appeared on his hands, which directly penetrated Berserker's head.

Eight times left!

In the moment after Berserker's resurrection, Jiuyuan Asuka threw five beads in his hand, directly embedded in Berserker's body: "Break it!"


The terrifying explosion ripped Berserker's body into pieces, leaving only the lower half of his body.

However, Berserker revived again and charged towards the long-distance bird again, but unfortunately, Dean stopped him again.

"Tear it apart!"

The five whirlwinds directly tore Berserker's body to shreds.

The blood was flying, and the flesh was all over the sky. At this moment, all the flesh was gathered together.


Berserker roared frantically, his whole body seemed to be furious, and he slashed directly at Jiuyuan Asuka.


When Dean was waving his arm to stop Berserker, Berserker hit Dean's arm with a blow, and then hit Dean with his own body, knocking Dean out, and at this moment, Jiuyuan Bird has Appeared in front of him without any precaution.


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