"Where are you looking!"

A heavy punch directly knocked Berserker's body back several steps, and Izayoi appeared before Jiuyuan Asuka: "Hurry up, Miss!"

"I see, Izayoi classmate!" Five beads appeared in Jiuyuan Asuka's hand again, and threw them directly at Berserker: "Let's thunder!"

Countless thunder and lightning erupted directly, and the terrifying force directly blew Berserker and the place where he was in a huge pothole.

And Berserker's body had turned black.

However, as before, the body turned fiery red again, and the whole person was resurrected again.

Six times left!

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao counted silently, the whole person was a little tired, and it was indeed tiring to use his own gifts continuously, especially in such a situation.


Jiuyuan Asuka threw five beads again, and the strong poison directly knocked Berserker's huge body down, making a violent roar.

However, Berserker was resurrected again. At this moment, Berserker was even immune to the poison. If it was in the outside world, if Berserker was trapped in the poison, it would be very difficult to die. This ignores the poisonous situation.

In fact, the situation is not optimistic. There are not many types of attacks that Jiuyuan Asuka can use to simulate the godhead, probably only five or six.

Now Berserker has five remaining chances to revive, but Longyuan Asuka has used four attacks before, and the remaining number of resurrections must depend on his teammates to be able to do it.

"Miss, you've done a great job, let's take a break for now!" Reverse Izayoi stopped in front of Berserker: "Let me play with this big guy!"

Reverse Izayoi is also trying to find a way to make Berserker die a few more times, but through the previous attack, shock, spear, flame, sharp golden breath, explosion, whirlwind, lightning and poison, a total of eight methods are gone, the remaining There are only three kinds of Asuka left, and what needs to be considered is that Berserker can be resurrected twelve times.

That is to say, Berserker has a total of thirteen lives. If you want to kill Berserker in thirteen different ways, Jiuyuan Asuka alone cannot do it. There are still two ways.

Chapter [-] Trial (twenty-six)


Berserker roared and slashed towards Izayoi.


Reverse Izayoi's fist directly greeted him.


The impact force that erupted from the two made people stunned, and the terrifying force directly and directly suppressed Izayoi's body slowly.

"What a lot of strength! Could it be some kind of Hercules or something!" Reverse Izayoi made a joke, but the whole person did not dare to relax.

"Get up!"

Inversely, Izayoi put down his fist, one foot bounced up, kicked Berserker's axe and sword directly, kicked Berserker's axe and sword out of his hand, and stabbed directly into the rock wall above. middle.

"Okay, where are you looking!"

Reversely, Izayoi rushed towards Berserker, and slammed Berserker's body with a punch, completely defeating Berserker's entire body.


Berserker's whole body reacted, and he suddenly stopped his backward steps, and directly started a hand-to-hand fight with Reverse Izayoi.

The fists of the two constantly greeted each other.


Like a muffled groan, Izayoi was punched in the chest by Berserker, and the whole person almost didn't catch his breath, but there was also a sharp look in Izayoi's eyes, and he kicked it directly and fiercely. swept Berserker's body to the ground.

However, before Berserker fell to the ground, Berserker grabbed one of Izayoi's hand and threw it directly into the rock wall above.


Reversely, after Izayoi was thrown into the rock wall above, he stepped on the rock wall with one foot, rushed down at a faster speed, and stepped on Berserker's body with one foot. It directly slammed Berserker's body into the ground.


Berserker threw a punch, but Izayoi succeeded in reverse, and the whole person retreated, causing Berserker's attack to fail. However, with the shock just now, the axe and sword that had pierced the rock wall fell down.

Reversely, Izayoi stretched out his hand and grabbed the dropped axe and sword: "It should be called Berserker, right? Then, borrow your weapon and use it! Although it's just a guess, I hope you can confirm my guess for me. !"


Berserker threw himself towards the reverse Izayoi, and slammed it down with his fist.

Reverse Izayoi is very excited. Facing such a powerful opponent, Izayoi feels great, especially Berserker's endurance, and the more he fights, the stronger he is, he can hardly be beaten to death. kind of.


Although Reverse Izayoi can't use an axe or sword, he can still hack a few random times, plus the gift of Reverse Izayoi, that kind of speed and power, even if it's not a subtle move, power or something. Also big enough.



A sturdy arm flew straight up, blood spurted out directly, and Izayoi's attack was reversed and he immediately retreated.

Afterwards, the retrograde Izayoi was confirmed, and it was indeed useful, and the next step was to make Berserker usher in his ninth death!

Reversely, Izayoi directly held the axe and sword, and slashed fiercely at Berserker's neck, with a sword and a head!

Going back to Izayoi heaved a sigh of relief: "Kasugabe!"

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