"Yeah!" Kasugabe Yao nodded.

The numbers behind the gate on the nineteenth floor had indeed changed, and this change was visible to Kasugabu Yō through his eagle eyes.

Yes, Reverse Izayoi confirmed that Lin Hui would not fail to give hints, especially this one either requires special methods to defeat, or how many times it needs to be killed, so Reverse Izayoi from one At the beginning, I was looking for it, and finally Kasugabe Yō discovered the strangeness behind the door on the nineteenth floor. After putting it together, I found that it was a number. As a result, after constantly defeating Berserker, the number behind the door kept changing.

From this, it can be determined that Berserker needs to be killed by a certain number of different methods to be completely defeated.

And this number plus the number of defeats at the beginning, a total of twelve times.

And the reminder is not only these, Lin Hui also specially marked it at the bottom of the door, only the gift of Godhead level will kill him once without any accident, the rest depends on luck, if you get close, it may be in the Immunity develops before death.

For this reason, the imitation of Godhead is especially useful for Jiuyuan Asuka's gift. It can be said that this original sin leader is almost tailor-made for Jiuyuan Asuka.

Although there are many people participating in this gift game, and there are hundreds of people on the nineteenth floor, there are only a few who can really fight Berserker and consume one of their lives.

Most of them came to join in the fun, or to see if they could pick up the slack.

However, after reversing Izayoi and killing him again, and even beheading him directly, Berserker's body changed again as expected, and now there is only one last kill left to kill Berserker, and he can be completely killed by Kuyuan Asuka. died.

After killing Berserker once with an axe, Izayoi threw the axe away in reverse, and the axe was useless.

"Izayoi-san, buy me some time!" Kasugabe Yao walked over and said.

Going back to Izayoi looking at Kasukabe Yō's gaze, he nodded, "Then, I'll leave it to you, Kasugabe!"

Reverse Izayoi charged directly at Berserker, knocking the newly resurrected Berserker to the ground again.

When Kasugabe Yao received Lin Hui's help, he gained the power of a divine beast. In fact, this divine beast's power was very strong, but Kasugabe Yao was not able to use a lot of power, and even said that it would take a certain amount of time to use it. .

It's called Sun Candlelight.

The Sun Candlelight is a sacred beast jointly transformed by the absolute yang energy and the essence of the sun (an eye of Pangu) in ancient mythology. It is the most powerful and noble sacred beast in the universe. called the Holy Spirit.

The appearance of Zhuzhao is a huge black sphere. Some people think that Zhuzhao creates all things.As we all know, candlelight is the sun, and the sun candlelight, together with Taiyin Youying, transforms into the four-image holy beast.

The power of the candlelight that Kasugabu Yao can use is to kill instantly. This power is too strong. Even Kasugabu Yao will have to use it slowly after a certain period of time. Otherwise, even Kasugabu Yao will be seriously injured. Yes, this power itself is not something she can master now!

"Izayoi classmate, get out of the way!"

A small black ball appeared in Kasugabe Yō's hand, and pushed it directly towards Berserker...

Chapter [-] Trials (twenty-seven)

The powerful force of swallowing directly swept all the surrounding gravel into it. At that moment, the surrounding temperature rose by an unknown amount in an instant, and the surrounding earth began to melt directly and began to turn red, as if it was flowing. , the lava that can melt gold fossils is normal!

Reverse Izayoi heard Kasugabe Yō's voice and the whole person quickly ejected in an instant, but even with a considerable distance, Reverse Izayoi felt a little dry mouth, and the whole person was a little dry. The clothes on his body were almost soaked with sweat and then steamed dry by the terrifying high temperature.

"What a powerful force!"

Looking back at Izayoi, he couldn't help but smacked his tongue.

Usually, Kasugabu Yao would not show such power, but in this festival, Kasugabu Yao showed a lot of special power that they had never seen before. It seems that in this festival, Kasugabu Yao's The strength has grown by leaps and bounds in an instant.

But Berserker didn't have time to dodge, and he was hit by a small black ball. In an instant, Berserker's body was melted directly there.

After killing Berserker, Kasugabe Yao collapsed to the ground. In order to try his best to control this power, Kasugabe Yao also put out a lot of energy, and now he is just a little out of strength.

"Thank you, Izayoi-kun, Yao, leave it to me next!" Jiuyuan Asuka immediately drove Dean to the depths of the nineteenth floor.

"Could it be? Are they about to defeat the original sin leader?" At this time, someone probably guessed their intention.

After all, there is a reason for the three people of no name to fight so desperately.

"Come on, you must not let them get the third original sin token!" At this time, someone shouted in the crowd.


"Hey, can you not treat others as fools? If you want to fight, I can accompany you to have a good time!" Reverse Izayoi said while pressing his fist.

"Just a human, that original sin leader is ours!" Griffith growled.

Reversely, Izayoi laughed: "However, we killed his life, and at most you have consumed one life. Even without you, we can kill the original sin leader! You are The leader of the 'Second Wing', isn't it, if you're not convinced, it doesn't matter if we have another fight!"

In the previous Boon game, Reverse Izayoi had a fight with Griffith, but Griffith was overturned by Reverse Izayoi. He used to mock Reverse Izayoi like that. , No, he mocked the human race, but he was eventually picked up on the ground by the race he despised, which was a great humiliation for Griffith.

As a result, now that Izayoi brought up this matter again, how could he not make this arrogant Junying angry?

"you wanna die!"

Griffith rushed towards the reverse direction Izayoi, and the terrifying speed directly swept up the gust of wind. On the ground where Griffith ran over, lightning rushed and the strong wind shattered, leaving a huge trail directly behind. gully.

"What an idiot, you are still injured by Berserker, how much strength can you exert with such a body? It's too slow!" Reverse Izayoi suddenly left a huge crater on the ground, The whole person rushed in front of Griffith, his body directly smashed the lightning beside Griffith, shattered the strong wind with one foot, and hit Griffith's chin with a punch, directly smashing Griffith. Griffith's huge body slammed into the upper rock wall.

Afterwards, Reverse returned to Izayoi and clapped his hands: "Who else wants to go there, come and give it a try!"

Suddenly, everyone look at me, I look at you, are you kidding me?Griffith, who had at least five-digit strength, was instantly killed by Izayoi, who else would dare to go up!


In the depths of the nineteenth floor, Jiuyuan Asuka encountered the resurrected Berserker, and Dean shot again, directly punching Berserker to the ground.

Jiuyuan Bird opened several scrolls directly: "Piercing him!"


Numerous ground thorns directly penetrated Berserker's body, strung it up, and picked it up in the air. Since it is a different force from the previous spear stabbing, this time the kill was effective, making Berserker lose again. took a life.


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