However, if some small problems break out, it is very likely that they will not be small problems. For example, it is like the "butterfly effect" that affects the whole body. Maybe some small problems will eventually evolve into big troubles. maybe.

"Dangdang, Xia Mu Xia Mu, look, this is my gift to Xia Mu!"

At this time, Lala took out an item similar to a vacuum cleaner and said to Lin Hui as if asking for credit.

Lin Hui took a deep breath in his heart and secretly said, "Come on, let me see the "little problem" of Lala's invention!

"La La, what is this? A vacuum cleaner? I already have one in my house!"

Lin Hui looked at the item in Lala's hand. Indeed, the suction port and leather tube on the top, as well as the rolling storage case attached to the back, were similar to those of a vacuum cleaner.

"nonono, Natsuki, this isn't a vacuum cleaner, it's my invention - collect and collect emotions!"

"By pressing this switch, you can collect and copy other people's feelings without causing other problems to the other party. It can be regarded as copying the other party's emotions. In this way, when you hand over the contents to Xia Mu, Xia Mu can feel those feelings. Feelings! In this way, Xia Mu's feelings can be restored!"

Lala said proudly.

Lin Hui covered his face all of a sudden. It's over, I'll go. Lizi and Meikan are still here, and Sustin is also here. Didn't Lala reveal all her secrets?

"Emotional... recovery? What's going on?"

Yuuki Riko stood up and looked at Lin Hui and Lala, and suddenly felt that the two seemed to be hiding some secret from herself.

However, Yuuki Meikan didn't seem surprised at all, she just glared at the two of them angrily.

Instead, Sustin looked at Lin Hui suspiciously: "Lord Lala, what are you talking about?"

Lala suddenly realized that she seemed to have said something she shouldn't have said, so she immediately shouted: "Collecting and collecting emotions, start!"

Pressing the switch in his hand, an extremely powerful suction immediately began to suck at Sastin.

"Eh? Lara-sama, what are you doing!"

Sastin kept going backwards and grabbed the corridor of the yard with his hands to prevent himself from being sucked in.

"Eh? It seems that something went wrong."

Lala looked at the "Collecting and Collecting Emotions" in her hands. This is no longer collecting and copying other people's emotions, but directly sucking the other person's whole person into it.

Coupled with the fact that the target is Sastin, it is very miraculous that other than Sastin, other people and items are not affected.

"Well, it seems that Sastin's emotions fluctuate too much, so he was targeted by 'Collecting and Collecting Emotions'."

Lala muttered to herself.

"Lara-sama, Lara-sama, now is not the time to think about this!"

Sastin couldn't hold on anymore, the cloak behind him was not affected by the suction at all, and fell directly on Sastin's back.

"No, I can't hold on anymore!"

The corridor floor in Sastin's hand was directly cracked, and the whole person hit the suction mouth.

In an instant, all the rest of Sastin's body except the body was outside, but the body was sucked into "Collecting Emotions".

"Di-! Copying begins!"

"Lara-sama, help!"

"Lara-sama, help!"

"Lara-sama, help!"

"Copy complete!"

A small ball of light flew out of the loader behind and fell into Lala's hands.

"Come on, Xia Mu, give it a try!"

Lala said to Lin Hui very happily: "Is there any effect!"

Lin Hui took the ball of light, and immediately, Lin Hui felt that there was an extremely strong consciousness interfering with his own consciousness, and Lin Hui subconsciously shot the ball of light directly into the body of Yuuki Riko who had just come. among.

Immediately, Riko Yuuki felt as if her emotions had collapsed: "Lord Lala, help!"

Yuuki Riko knelt down on the ground and began to cry, rolling and rolling, and she kept crying, which made Lin Hui look at Lala for a while.

Lala stuck out her tongue at Lin Hui: "It seems, it failed!"

Lin Hui suddenly sighed, no wonder Sastin had a look of fear when he talked about this just now. It is estimated that he had been playing with Lala for a long time, and he was almost stunned. As a result, he still couldn't escape becoming Lala when he came to Earth. The fate of the test product, while Riko Yuuki has been bullied by Lin Hui since she was a child. Therefore, Riko Yuuki cannot escape being bullied by Lin Hui now, and was used by Lin Hui to become Lara's invention Test item.

Sustin and Riko Yuuki were both used as pranks or experiments by the people around them. It's really hard!

"Cough cough, Lala, if you want to give me gifts in the future, you don't need inventions, it's enough if you have the heart. I think you, Lala, are the best gift!"

Lin Hui touched Lala's little head, which moved Lala for a while: "Xiamu!"

Lala was so happy that she almost burst into tears. She hugged Lin Hui directly, and kept rubbing against Lin Hui's face with her own face; "Xiamu Xiamu Xiamu! I'm so touched!"

Lin Hui patted Lala's back and looked at the constantly wagging tail behind Lala's back. It seemed that Lala's mood could also be reflected from the tail, which was as easy to understand as a puppy.

"Cough, interrupt your LoveLove time, but can you deal with this one and the one inside now?"

Yuuki Meikan coughed, interrupting the sweet and warm atmosphere between the two.

Looking at Yuuki Riko, who was lying on the ground and was about to go crazy, and Sastin, who was locked in a different dimension, Yuuki Meikan reminded her kindly.


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