Chapter [-]: The Spring Vegetables of Xilian Temple with Concerns

Lin Hui came to the outside of the yard and started to disassemble the "collecting and collecting emotion gentleman" according to the paper that Lala gave him, and then disassembled the entire machine bit by bit.

Every step of Lin Hui is completely completed according to the steps on the paper Lala gave him. After all, Lala is also a genius who made this thing in one day. According to Lala's instructions, there should be nothing. Question, probably!

After about a minute of dismantling, Lin Hui's eyes widened instantly, and he jumped up and kicked the machine directly into the sky. At this moment, Lin Hui really didn't Hiding any strength, he kicked directly into the air hundreds of meters above the ground.



With an explosion and a scream, Lin Hui took a moment of silence for Sustin in his heart, there was no way, this was really not his own fault, it was Lala's, and he came completely according to Lala's instructions, it's a pity , Lala is not only unreliable in inventions, but also in disassembly. Why did I just disassemble it for a minute, and this was going to explode.

If it weren't for his quick reaction, I'm afraid the house would be gone. Fortunately, only one Sastin was lost now.

However, Sustin is also pitiful enough, and it is estimated that he is used as Lala's test every day on Debbie Lux.

In the room, after half an hour of frantic crying, Riko Yuuki finally lost the effect of that emotion, and Riko Yuuki barely recovered, but she was almost sluggish, and in the end, Meikan helped her take a bath. Done, after such an interruption, Lin Hui estimates that Lizi and Meikan will not suddenly remember what Lala said before, and Sastin, does he dare to come?

"Okay, let's go and rest. I've been busy for a day today. I guess I'm tired?"

Lin Hui patted Lala's shoulder.


Following her escort, Lara jumped into the bathroom with a towel in hand.

Looking at the back of Lala leaving, Lin Hui's eyes became slightly sharp: "It's really not easy."

Although Lala's invention failed, but to be able to make such an invention in one day, it shows Lala's genius brain ability, and it is only one step away from the complete invention. Give Lala a little more. Time, maybe Lala can create a perfect, flawless "collecting and collecting emotion gentleman", that would be really amazing.

Just like Pei Kai, Pei Kai has its own thinking, and its own thinking means it has intelligence, which is the so-called intelligent robot. Having its own thinking is equivalent to the robot can evolve by itself. With the current level of human technology , it is still very difficult to create a robot that can be manipulated, let alone an intelligent robot.

And looking at the appearance of Lala and Pei Kai, they should be very familiar, not like masters and servants who have been together for a while, but more like friends, so how high is Lala's IQ?

Just by seeing how she taught Lala to read, Lala was able to master the spelling of hiragana in just one day, and her katakana was almost done, so you could see how talented Lala was. A genius mind that can rival himself.

"It's useless to think so much about it anyway."

Afterwards, Lin Hui rubbed his head and waited for Lala to leave in the living room before she went in to take a shower and was ready to sleep.


The next day, Lin Hui felt as if there was something heavy on his body. Lin Hui opened his eyes and saw that Lala was holding herself naked, as if she only had one right hand to move.

"La La, La La, it's dawn!"

"Huh? Xia Mu."

Lala stretched her waist: "Good morning, Xia Mu."

"Good morning, Lala, but Lala, it's better for you to sleep in your own room next time. It's not a good idea to always come to me to sleep!"

Lin Hui scratched his head, and began to pick up the quilt that had fallen on the ground and put it on Lala's body.

"Eh? Why, I want to be with Xia Mu!"

Lala pursed her lips.

Lin Hui rubbed Lala's head: "There is still more time in the future, don't be in a hurry at this time, if I get my feelings back, like you, and marry you, then we can be together every day from now on, I'm afraid you'll get bored by then."

"No, I will never get tired of being with Xia Mu!"

Lala said firmly.

Lin Hui smiled, and without avoiding Lala, he changed into his school uniform directly in front of Lala: "Lala, you should also go out and prepare, Meikan is probably coming up."


Lala ran out in a hurry.


On the way to school, Lin Hui and Lala were noticed by a large group of people. After all, one is a famous genius in this area, and the other is a lovely and beautiful transfer student. How could such a pair not attract attention?

Lin Hui had already warned Lala not to do too many amazing things in school, but Lala's character still caused a lot of trouble. For example, when she was in class, Lala painted A very strange-looking alien creature, and Lin Hui drew a picture like a camera at his own level to suppress the influence of Lala.

Lala threw more baseballs in gym class than most people could throw fastballs, and even sparks rubbed on the barbed wire, with some black marks, while Lin Hui threw it directly this time. He hit the ball as if he had run into it, and pierced the barbed wire directly, leaving everyone on the side stunned. Considering that if he tried to tie the ball thrown by Lin Hui, would he be killed by the ball thrown by Lin Hui? ?

Although he suppressed Lala and caused a commotion, Lin Hui also exposed a lot of his strengths, and only attracted everyone's attention to himself.

However, there is one person who has been paying attention to himself, and Lin Hui has also noticed that, and that is the squad leader of this class - Xilian Temple Chuncai.

And looking at the appearance of Xilian Temple Haruna seems to have a feeling of something on her mind, some want to talk to herself but don't dare.

Lin Hui touched his chin, thinking about whether to talk to the other party?

Chapter [-] Let's go on a date together!

"Lala, don't make such a surprising move next time, okay?"

For Lala, Lin Hui's tolerance is extremely high, touching Lala's head, Lin Hui advised.

"Okay, Xia Mu."

Lala can also see that Lin Hui seemed to be really embarrassed in the previous few classes, but Lin Hui still tolerates herself up to now. Lala feels very happy about this, because Lin Hui is really gentle , Although there is a lack of feelings, but even so, Lin Hui still loves himself, and uses himself to cover up the amazing performance of Lala.

Because if there is only one outlier, it will be very prominent. After all, there is only one, which will make people feel very strange, but if it is plural, they can only feel that their thinking is different from their own, which is considered a geek level.

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