Originally, when Lin Hui looked for a while and wanted to leave, he heard such a blunt voice: "Damn, isn't that the principal's voice? That pervert also got in?"

Lin Hui looked over and saw the doll bear pounce on Kyoko Kirisaki. If he pounced, once his identity was revealed, Lin Hui felt that his face as a student of Cainan High School would be dull.

After all, the headmaster of the school is a pervert who molested girls.

Thinking of this, Lin Hui felt that he had to protect the face of Cainan High School, otherwise, when he went out in the future, others would say, "Look, the principal of that school is a pervert, and it is estimated that the students in this school are not good either. where to go."

If the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, if he acts like a teacher, Lin Hui will feel a headache.

Lin Hui casually pulled out a weird white mask that he was just about to inspire Caipei Yuuki from his plastic bag, put it on his face, and then threw the bag in his hand on the ground. Leaping, directly crossing the white line pulled up around, the whole person rushed into the shooting scene.

Just as the principal was about to pounce on Kyoko Kirisaki, a white-haired man with a white mask appeared, kicked the doll bear aside with one foot, and stretched out the other foot directly on the doll when he landed. The bear kicked dozens of times in a row, directly kicking the doll bear into the lake.

Afterwards, Lin Hui looked at Traemi: "You, do you want me to take you down, or go down by yourself?"

The actor was frightened through the mask, and jumped into the lake without thinking.

Afterwards, Lin Hui turned around and extended his hand to Kyoko Kirisaki: "Are you alright?"

Kyoko Kirisaki took Lin Hui's hand and was pulled up by Lin Hui: "It's okay, thank you this time."

"Magical girl Kyoko, there are still many strong enemies in this world. If you want to protect these beautiful things, then go and become stronger!"

Chapter [-] Is it really omnipotent?


The director immediately shouted: "Okay, great! It's really great!"

At this time, the chubby director came over: "Well, when the magical girl is in danger, it is very good to lend a helping hand and successfully rescue it."

Lin Hui immediately took off his mask and bowed to the director: "I'm very sorry for disturbing your filming."

"It doesn't matter, and you acted very well just now. Although it happened suddenly, your wonderful performance made this section even more exciting, and what you said to the warriors of the Dark Star highlighted the domineering power of your mysterious character, Your words to Kyoko also reveal your mystery and tenderness, and I think this role can be added."

The director was very discerning and immediately fell in love with Lin Hui.

However, although Lin Hui was an impromptu performance, because Lin Hui also wanted to become addicted to acting, he adapted it according to the words in the passionate anime he had seen, and the result was beyond everyone's expectations. .

"I wonder if you are interested in getting involved?"

The director looked at Lin Hui: "I think it's very good, and it is estimated that only you can play this role."

Lin Hui blinked: "But, I'm still a student. If you don't mind, I can come here every day."

"OK, then it's settled, okay, by the way, do you have anything else to do now? If it's okay, then let's talk about the specific character of your character and what kind of position it is, I'll let you know later. Edit to add."

The director can feel that although Lin Hui is improvising, Lin Hui's behavior this time can add more enthusiasm to the shooting of this animation.

"The things I bought are still there, and I will send them home later."

Lin Hui thought for a while.

"Small things, pass, you're here, help this guy take things home."

The director greeted a errand man and came over. After Lin Hui told him the address, he took his things and left.

"Okay, it should be fine now, right?"

The director looked at Lin Hui. The director also knew Lin Hui. After all, Lin Hui was well-known in Cainan, a very powerful genius.

"Thank you, it's all right now."

Lin Hui thanked the director.

"Then let's talk about your role. Let's talk about the setting first. Combined with what you said just now, I think you can become Kyoko's master in the later appearances. What do you think? Come and train Kyoko, Then make Kyoko stronger so that he can deal with stronger enemies."

The director expressed his opinion. If he wants to include the mysterious character Lin Hui, then this is undoubtedly a very suitable role.

"Then what about my role? What should my identity be?"

Lin Hui took this into consideration.

"Also, it's a bit inappropriate to insert a character suddenly. Let me think about the positioning."

The director began to think, after all, he had to give Lin Hui a reasonable identity explanation for the role he inserted.

Lin Hui began to look at the script. This was the script that Lin Hui did not join. Lin Hui directly watched the plot of the last episode.

"Oh, talk about it."

The director is interested, and the director is also very interested in Lin Hui's talent.

"Director, look, is this okay? Here's another episode. My identity is the prince of this dark star, the son of the final boss of the dark king, but I don't like fighting, so I ran away from home, come to earth."

"Looking at the beautiful earth, I like it very much, but the dark star suddenly started to invade. Originally, there was a magical girl Kyoko guarding it, so I just kept watching, until this time, the magical girl Kyoko couldn't resist, and I shot. , which would explain my sudden appearance and great power."

"However, this doesn't quite match the setting."

The director took into account that if Lin Hui, as Kyoko's master, was from the Dark Star, then there would be some difficulties in the subsequent plot.

"Director, I don't know if I can mention a word."

"Tell me."

"I don't think I can be Kyoko's master, because Kyoko is the protagonist of this magical girl, so I can't grab too many scenes in it, I think I can't be Kyoko's master, and I don't either She knows flames, but Kyoko is a magical girl, she lacks a comrade who can fight head-on, I can join in as this, only when Kyoko encounters a strong enemy, I need to take action and fight with her."

Lin Hui expressed his thoughts: "If it is two people back to back who can trust each other, I think this should be very good."

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