"It's amazing, I've come up with so much in such a short period of time. Very good, I adopted your opinion, and I'll let the screenwriter revise the script later!"

The director made a decision.

Lin Hui's mouth twitched, it's really casual, well, forget it, it's not bad for him anyway.

"By the way, why did you include identity disclosure at the end?"

The director suddenly thought of this question.

"Director, even if you don't ask me, it's like this, as the prince of the Dark Star, I was controlled by the Dark King in the final battle, and then I was forced to fight Kyoko. Take me out of control, and the two of us together defeat the Dark King and drive him back to the Dark Star."

"Originally, two comrades who could be friends with each other were forced to fight each other. Such a tense and abusive atmosphere is absolutely fine. Finally, after the control was lifted, the two fought against the BOSS together. I think it will be interesting.”

Lin Hui said with a smile.

The director nodded: "You are really amazing. You are indeed a genius of Cainan. No, he should be a versatile person. You can even think of the story so wonderfully. It makes me a little moved."

"However, in this case, the script will have to be revised a lot!"

The director thought, after all, if the script is to be revised in this way, it must not only add an episode, but also link the previous and the next. This kind of thinking must be flexible. The director also began to worry about the screenwriter he invited, wondering if he is competent?

As a result, Lin Hui thought about it for a while, and started typing on the computer next to him. Lin Hui's typing speed was extremely fast, comparable to a typewriter.

"Director, look, this is the plot of the next episode, how about it?"

It took Lin Hui less than [-] minutes to revise the plot, which left the director dumbfounded. Is Lin Hui really omnipotent?

Chapter [-]: God Wrestling Reappears!

"Good boy, you really don't know what to say, this plot is also ups and downs, exciting! Then, according to your opinion, by the way, you can go and discuss the plot with Qingshan, Qingshan is the The screenwriter of this animation."

The director said, and at the same time recommended Lin Hui to Qingshan.

As a result, Lin Hui found that the screenwriter was very good, and when discussing the plot, it could be said that he went crazy at once. Some ideas Lin Hui proposed were basically adopted by Qingshan, and Lin Hui also adapted himself. Show Aoyama's new episode.

Qingshan not only didn't get angry, but clapped and applauded. At the same time, he also began to work hard to revise the plot after that. Lin Hui's idea was immediately used by him, and many of the plots and scripts that followed were rewritten in one breath.

"Thank you before."

Kirisaki Kyoko came over to thank Lin Hui after filming the last scene of the day.

The battle was far away before, so I couldn't see clearly. Now I look at it from a close distance and find that Kyoko Kirisaki is more beautiful than I imagined. Dust, not like a human at all.

"You're welcome, as long as you don't think I'm causing you trouble."

Lin Hui scratched his head naively.

"Okay, okay, can you stop pretending? Do you think I don't know the famous 'genius' Yuuki Natsuki?"

Kirisaki Kyoko smiled slyly.

Lin Hui was stunned. Yes, it was normal for Kyoko Kirisaki to know him. Although in Lin Hui's opinion, today was the first day that he and Kyoko Kirisaki met, they both knew each other but had never talked.

"By the way, Miss Kyoko Kirisaki, please come here."

Lin Hui pulled Kyoko Kirisaki aside.

"What's wrong? Mysterious?"

Kirisaki Kyoko was a little unclear.

Lin Hui coughed lightly, and then whispered, "Miss Kirisaki Kyoko, are you also an alien?"


Kyoko Kirisaki screamed at once, causing some people around to look over. Kyoko Kirisaki immediately smiled and apologized to everyone, then turned to look at Lin Hui: "How did you know?"

Lin Hui pointed to Kyoko Kirisaki's hand: "Although others think you are special effects, but I can see that it is definitely not something that can be made by props, it should be that you are born with the ability to set fire, if not I live at home If you are with an alien, I would think that you might be someone with special abilities."

"Eh? Aliens live in your house too?"

Kirisaki Kyoko blinked: "Aren't you afraid?"

Lin Hui sighed: "What's there to be afraid of? The one in my family is rather cute, but he is very nice, gentle and kind. It can be said that he has a very beautiful and innocent heart, which makes him I'm quite envious, to be able to live as carefree as she does, and I'm quite happy for her."

"So, I feel that one must be very happy. By the way, this is a secret, don't tell others."

Kirisaki Kyoko whispered to Lin Hui: "Also, you can call me Kyoko, you don't have to be so unfamiliar, we will work together in the future!"

"Okay, Kyoko, you also call me Xia Mu. I will definitely keep the secret that you are an alien, but why are those directors not surprised at all?"

Lin Hui thought it was amazing.

"Ah, the boss of my company is actually an alien, and he's from the same planet as me, so he helped me cover, in fact, I can't be considered a pure alien, I'm a half-blood, inherited The Fereim star who can manipulate flames, so this animation "Hot Girl Magic Kyoko" was specially tailored for me."

A spark appeared on Kyoko Kirisaki's finger, and she smiled lightly at Lin Hui.

"So that's the case. By the way, it's not too early today. I should go back first."

Lin Hui looked at the time, and it was indeed late: "Tomorrow I have time in the afternoon, so I will come over. I would like to ask for more advice on filming."

"Where, let's work together!"

Kirisaki Kyoko made a "come on" gesture.

Lin Hui smiled and left.


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