Lin Hui listened, and immediately, the fierceness in his eyes began to dissipate, and then turned his head to look at Yumen Ryoko: "Mr. Yumen, what is the Galaxy Police? Also, you are... uh..."

Lin Hui fell down towards Yumen Ryoko.

Yumen Ryoko immediately hugged Lin Hui and looked at it urgently; "No, the poisonous gas has entered the bloodstream, and treatment must be started immediately!"


In a daze, Lin Hui opened his eyes and seemed to see a beautiful woman busy at the table next to her. There were many bottles and jars on it, as well as instruments similar to chemical experiments.

"It's so strange, how is it possible? It's so strange that there is such a thing."

In a daze, Lin Hui fell asleep again.



Lin Hui felt that his head was still a little confused, but it was much better than yesterday. As for why he was so confused, Lin Hui felt that he had not woken up yet.

"You're awake!"

At this time, a nice voice came from the side of the bed.

Lin Hui turned around and saw a red-haired woman in a white coat standing beside the bed.

"Master Yumen? Did you save me?"

Lin Hui shook his head, and his consciousness began to gradually return: "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, I said that I saved you, but in fact I just moved you back. As for your house, I have already called you back and told you that you will stay here for one night, but you... ...really Earthlings?"

Ryoko Yumen looked at Lin Hui: "I've never seen an earthling like you."

"Earth? It's like Yumen-sensei, you seem to be a cosmic person."

Lin Hui immediately began to sweat a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

"That's right, I'm still an alien, and I'm just staying on Earth. Besides, didn't you meet an alien yesterday?"

Ryoko Yumen looked at Lin Hui: "Isn't it because of sleeplessness? Did you even forget what happened yesterday?"

All of a sudden, Lin Hui remembered everything: "I was yesterday, by the way, Yumen-sensei, what about the man from yesterday?"

"He has been sent to the Galaxy Prison, and it is estimated that he will spend his life there."

Ryoko Yumen smiled at Lin Hui and said, "However, compared to that man, the person I am more curious about now is you."


Lin Hui pointed at himself, very puzzled.

"Yeah, if it wasn't confirmed, I even think you should be an alien, because you are so strange."

Ryoko Yumen seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of confusion in her eyes: "Even if it is an alien, I have never heard of such an alien."

"what happened?"

Lin Hui was even more puzzled.

"Look at your own wound first."

Ryoko Yumen untied the bandage wrapped around Lin Hui's left arm. Immediately, Lin Hui saw the scab on his left arm: "This... is this?"

Afterwards, Lin Hui looked at his right hand again, the skin on the tiger's mouth was extremely smooth, as if the scorched flesh yesterday was his own illusion.

At this moment, Ryoko Yumen touched the scab on Lin Hui's left arm. Immediately, the scab began to fall off quickly, revealing Lin Hui's intact left arm.

"It's not so much that it's healed, it's more that it's regenerated. Yesterday, I watched those charred flesh on your body fall off in a very short time, replaced by new flesh and blood, and you were cut off. The flesh and blood of your body is growing rapidly, and in just one day, the injuries on your body will heal."

Miyako Ryoko said in a very shocked tone; "In the universe, there are very few aliens with such a powerful recovery ability, plus there is one last point."

"Yesterday, the blood of the star Lankaris contained a strong poison. Although it will weaken a lot after contact with the air, if a large amount is inhaled, it will also be fatal. In addition, the blood volatilizes quickly, although as long as Five to ten minutes, the toxicity in the air will disappear, but you inhaled a lot of that poisonous gas yesterday, and it should be impossible to get up today, at least you will be paralyzed."

"One more thing, there is no antidote for that kind of poisonous gas on my side, at least not now, and I didn't expect to meet the Lankaris star person, but the problem is, although you are poisoned, but those poisons are still there. After entering your blood, it begins to be decomposed rapidly, as if your body instinctively produces antibodies, and in less than three hours, all the poisonous gas that is enough to cause death is decomposed."

"Your body is stranger than I thought."

This is what Ryoko Yumen said to Lin Hui.

Chapter [-] I don't want to be dissected

"and then?"

Lin Hui looked at Ryoko Yumen, but at this moment, Ryoko Yumen looked at Lin Hui with very strange eyes, as if he was very interested in Lin Hui.

"So, I took a lot of your blood yesterday for research. It's very strange that after your blood came into contact with the air, the activity began to decrease rapidly, and in the end, it was no different from ordinary people."

Yumen Ryoko thought: "I'm guessing, is it because your physique is very special, so I took some fleshy tissue from your body, and as a result, when it came into contact with your fleshy tissue, the activity of those flesh and blood increased again. That is to say, your blood is nothing special, but your body is special."

"With such a high activity and such strong resilience, in the years I have been practicing medicine, I have never seen such a strange physique in the galaxy, the resilience is frighteningly strong, and it has the ability to fight against various toxins. Yesterday For the test at night, I injected some toxins into your body."

Lin Hui's face changed when he heard this. Even Lin Hui felt that the woman in front of him seemed a little dangerous. Moreover, an indescribable feeling rose in Lin Hui's heart, that is, he wanted to stay away from this woman.

"Just kidding, I used your flesh tissue for experiments. Almost all the toxins will be decomposed by the antibodies produced by the blood that owns your flesh tissue. It's really strange!"

After hearing Ryoko Yumen say that, that feeling disappeared, Lin Hui was about to cry, you should say it later, it's hard to recover a feeling again, although for Lin Hui, it may be in front of him. This woman felt disgusted, but this woman was really dangerous, she was an alien, and she seemed to have taken a fancy to her own body.

Ryoko Yumen sat on the chair and started drinking tea: "Would you like a cup? Don't worry, it won't be poisoned."

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