Lin Hui immediately shook his head: "Forget it, Yumen-sensei, I still have something to do, so I'll go first!"

Lin Hui immediately lifted the quilt, only to see that he was lying on the bed completely naked, his eyes were about to pop out, and he quickly covered the quilt.

"No way, you must take off your clothes when you start treatment!"

Ryoko Yumen explained that because she was the only one here, it was impossible for someone else to take off.

"Then why do you have to take off your underwear, I haven't been hurt there!"

Lin Hui felt bad when he heard it, why did he even take off his underwear?What is this woman thinking?

"Okay, your clothes are all there, and the blood on them has been washed off."

Ryoko Yumen pointed to the clothes on Lin Hui's bedside table.

Lin Hui took the clothes into the cup, and even Lin Hui would be embarrassed when a woman watched them put them on.

"By the way, Xia Mu, come back here the day after tomorrow."

Suddenly, Ryoko Yumen shouted to Lin Hui.

"Is there a problem?"

Lin Hui now just wants to leave quickly.

"Well, your blood is running out, so come over and send me some blood the day after tomorrow. It's not enough for the experiment."

Mikado Ryoko laughed with a little black belly.

Lin Hui's face turned black, and the whole person left at once, and never went to Yumen Ryoko's residence again.

By the way, as soon as Lin Hui touched his pocket, the wallet inside was empty. At that time, Ryoko Yumen also called Lin Hui and told him that he was charged for treating others, but he still gave Lin Hui a discount. , Lin Hui just took all the cash in his wallet.

This made Lin Hui want to scold people, because Yumen Ryoko didn't help him heal at all, he recovered all by himself.


"Well, Yumen-sensei, do you have anything else to do?"

Lin Hui was wearing a sheet and sat on the side. You must know that since she knew Ryoko Yumen's identity and she had a coveted heart for her body, Lin Hui would often hide from Ryoko Yumen. The opponent caught him.

"Really, the last time I asked you to come to my place and give me some blood, you didn't come, which interrupted my experiment. Give me more this time!"

Ryoko Yumen looked at Lin Hui and smiled.

Lin Hui suddenly felt a little hairy all over his body, but Yumen Ryoko's medical skills should also be very powerful. At least Lin Hui sometimes went to see it. There are often people from Yumen Ryozi who go to Yumen Ryoko to see a doctor, and they are probably from the universe. Bar.

"Also, if you don't come this time, you will be dissected next time. With your resilience, you should be able to recover quickly, right? Maybe, you can have more dissections."

Ryoko Yumen showed a charming smile, which in Lin Hui's eyes was undoubtedly a poisonous rose with thorns.

"Anatomy? By the way, there is an anatomy class in the afternoon. Is Teacher Yumen coming to teach us?"

At this time, Haruna of Xilian Temple walked into the infirmary with a pile of clothes, her face was still a little red, she probably saw something very shy.

This is what normal girls should have. Unlike aliens, they don't feel anything at all when they see nakedness and underwear of the opposite sex.

"Okay, then in the afternoon, let's talk to Mr. Guchuan."

Miyako Ryoko slapped open the quilt and began to put it on.

"Mr. Yumen, there is still... Fortunately, Xia Mu has turned around, Mr. Yumen, please pay attention!"

Xilian Temple Haruna was frightened by Yumen Ryoko's actions, and even started to put on clothes regardless of the boys here.

"Xilian Temple, don't worry about that woman, you can help me get my clothes."

Lin Hui closed his eyes when Ryoko Yumen made a move, but his clothes were all on the bed where Ryoko Yumen was, and he couldn't see it when he turned around now.


At this time, a pair of underwear was handed over, and Lin Hui's face froze when he caught it, because this was obviously Ryoko Yumen's behavior: "How are you thinking?"

"I don't want to be dissected by you, do you want blood? I'll give it to you!"

Lin Hui gritted his teeth and said.

Chapter [-] Fighting Frogs

Lin Hui covered his arms and left, while in the infirmary, Ryoko Yumen looked at the 400cc blood bag with a smile on his face, and then frowned again: "It's really hard to do, he doesn't know at all. !"

Ryoko Yumen took out a test tube, and there was a little black substance flowing in the test tube, like mercury, but Ryoko Yumen did not dare to release it at all.

"Natsuki Yuuki, who are you?"

Ryoko Mikado continued to work with this question in mind.


"Xia Mu-kun, are you alright?"

Xilian Temple Haruna looked at Lin Hui, although she didn't know why Lin Hui was drawn blood by Yumen Ryoko, but it could be seen that Lin Hui seemed a little reluctant, otherwise, Lin Hui would not be able to reveal This expression.

"It's okay, it's okay, the wound has almost healed."

Lin Hui bent his arm and signaled to Haruna of Xilian Temple that he had nothing to do. Originally, Lin Hui could feel that the pinhole in his arm had healed long ago, but it was because Haruna of Xilian Temple was by his side. , so I have to pretend, otherwise I will give others a feeling that my wounds heal too quickly, a bit like a monster.

"No, that, classmate Xia Mu, do you have something on your body..."

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