Xilian Temple Haruna looked at Lin Hui a little worriedly.

Lin Hui subconsciously flicked Xilian Temple Haruna's forehead: "Don't think too much, I'm in good health! Uh, sorry, sorry, I've done this too much, I'm used to it, I'm very sorry."

Lin Hui folded his hands together and apologized to Haruna of Xilian Temple, who was in pain.

"It's okay, it's okay, it just feels like you and Lala-san have a really good relationship."

Serenji Haruna looked at Lala who was chatting in the class with a slightly envious look in her eyes.

Lin Hui moved his muscles and bones: "Just right, I also want to chat with Lala! I almost killed me just now! By the way, there is also pear, Xilian Temple, have you seen pear?"

Lin Hui looked around in the class, but didn't see Yuuki Pear, always feeling strange, because it was almost time for class, and Yuuki Pear was not there.

Xilian Temple Haruna shook her head: "I was still there just now."

"Well, Yuuki-san seems to be called by the principal to have something to do." Yui Gutegawa came over and seemed to remember something: "By the way, I told you to go to the sports warehouse to find him just now."


Lin Hui looked shocked: "He's looking for... pears? Could it be... not?"

"What's wrong? Classmate Xia Mu?"

Looking at the changing expression on Lin Hui's face, Xilian Temple Haruna felt that something was wrong.

At this time, Yui Gutegawa also seemed to remember something: "You wouldn't think it was... the principal..."

"Don't look at me, that old hooligan shouldn't have the guts, at least he won't attack Lizi, it should be someone else."

Lin Hui immediately ran up: "I'll go take a look!"

"Wait a minute, I'm going too!"

Furukawa Yui didn't worry about Lin Hui, so he walked over together.

"We're going to class soon, that..."

Xilian Temple Haruna was in a dilemma as the squad leader, and Xilian Temple Haruna didn't know the headmaster, so it was not clear why the two were anxious.


"No no no!"

At this time, Yuki Riko was thrown into the sports warehouse, and the "Principal" was standing aside: "Hey hey, don't worry, you are just the bait I used to lure Yuuki Natsuki, but this figure, I am still……"

Saying that, "Principal" slowly stretched out his hand to Yuki Riko's chest.

"No no no!"

Yuuki Riko kept twisting her body with a worried look on her face.

"If you dare to touch her, I will interrupt your hand!"


The door of the sports warehouse was suddenly opened, and a silver-haired boy stood at the door.

"Really the principal?!"

Gute Chuan Yu covered his mouth: "Shameless, nasty!"

"Take a good look at the person lying there!"

Lin Hui pointed to a corner next to him, and saw that there was a principal who had been stripped naked and tied there.

"Eh? There are actually two principals, what's going on?"

Furukawa Yui looked at Lin Hui.

"It's very simple, this 'principal' is a fake. I thought it was all right after so many days, but it's still here! Someone who wants to be Lala's betrothal!"

Lin Hui took a step: "However, you dare to use my sister as bait, then don't blame me for being rude!"

"Hmph, boy, I originally wanted to persuade you to give up this engagement, because I'm the one who can become the overlord of the universe! Then let me show you what I really look like!"

The "principal" in front of him grew in size in an instant. He was two meters tall. He had extremely developed muscles and many spikes. His whole body was green, and a fist was as huge as a human head.

"Ehhh?! It's actually an alien?"

Furutegawa's only butt was sitting on the ground.

"Yi, get out of the way and save Lizi, this guy will be handled by me!"

Lin Hui took a deep breath. Although Lin Hui could sense that this guy seemed rather weak, his appearance was indeed quite scary.

After hearing Yui Gutegawa, he went around immediately, leaving Lin Hui to confront the alien.

"Boy, aren't you afraid to see me like this?"

The alien showed a hideous smile.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Hui couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I'm going, I'm really scaring myself!"

After speaking, Lin Hui rushed forward in front of the alien in an instant: "You big frog, just die obediently!"


Lin Hui kicked the alien directly out, causing it to hit the wall. Immediately, the alien's disguise was instantly broken, and it turned into a frog-like creature that was only about forty centimeters. Alien like a child.

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