Lan Yumengcong took a sip of tea and said, "The two of us should be called demons!"

"Vampires? Demons?"

Lala was immediately super excited: "Hey, do you really suck blood? Besides, I heard that vampires are afraid of sunlight, as well as garlic and silver. Is it true?"

"No, you were all fine in the sun before? If it's a vampire, it can't be fine, right?"

At this time, the golden shadow remembered this matter. Indeed, Lan Yumengcong and Ji Hiiragi Lingcai had indeed appeared in front of Lin Hui under the setting sun.

"Yes, I saw it too, and it doesn't seem to be uncomfortable at all."

Yuki Riko also nodded.

"Hey, hey, don't compare us to those low-level vampires, okay? We are the daughters of the True Ancestor! The True Ancestor is the highest-level existence among vampires, and is not afraid of the sun at all. We inherit the blood of the True Ancestor, so naturally Those who are not afraid of the sun are just a little uncomfortable at most!"

Ji Hiiragi rolled her eyes and said, "Also, things like garlic and silver are indeed useful to vampires of the monster race, but they are useless to vampires of the demon race like us! Especially the True Ancestor, an existence that is almost impossible to kill!"

Lan Yumengcong nodded: "That's it, and, just now Lingcai's pupils turned red, right? That's how Lingcai wants to suck blood."

"Are you trying to suck blood?"

Lin Hui's voice came from the kitchen.

I saw Lin Hui wipe the water stains on his hands with a towel: "Then, it should be OK to use my blood, right?"


Ji Hirao Lingcai jumped up suddenly: "Great, I haven't sucked my old man for a long time... I've lost your blood!"

Seeing Ji Hiirai Lingcai's excited look, Lin Hui was a little confused, because in everyone's perception, vampires suck blood to maintain life activities, just like humans need to eat.

"It's been a long time... haven't you smoked? This is..."

Lin Hui suddenly felt that there might be some problems in the matter: "Well, it's called Meng Cong, right? Let me ask you, can you vampires live without taking blood?"

Lan Yumeng Cong glared at Ji Hiirai Lingcai.

And Ji Hiirai Lingcai also covered his mouth, and the whole person was quite frustrated: "Well, I missed the point."

Lan Yumengcong sighed: "Yes, it is not necessary, if it is a monster, it is indeed blood-sucking, but we are different, we are demons, even if we eat the same food as you, we can still live down!"

"It's unheard of in the world that there are such vampires, but why did Lingcai want to suck blood just now? Since it's not necessary, is it an impulse to want to suck blood?"

Lin Hui raised another question.

"That, zero dishes..."

It is still difficult for Lan Yumengcong to explain this question in a calm mood, so she wants Ji Hiirato to explain it herself.

"That, Meng Onion, it's up to you!"

Ji Hirao Lingcai then covered her ears, not listening or not, bastard chanting!

Lan Yumengcong was speechless about this: "Okay, let me explain, I was too excited just now, and under normal circumstances, vampires as demons don't need to suck blood, but there is only one special case, that That's when I'm really excited."

"Excited? Why?"

Lin Hui felt a little stunned. Was it so happy for the two of them to come to his own home?Moreover, why is Ji Hiirao Lingcai alone excited, but Lan Yumengcong has no reaction at all?

Lan Yumeng pointed at Lala: "Just now, Sister Lala's... body... is too shocking, that is to say, very beautiful!

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment!"

Lala patted her head, not shy at all.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Hui felt as if he was about to hear something remarkable.

"For a simple example, it's that the food is in heat!"

Lan Yumeng Cong said with an expressionless face.

"Hey, is it too much? Cute onion!"

Ji Hiirao Lingcai was very aggrieved after hearing this: "But it's really beautiful, it's normal for me to be a little bit unbearable!"

Suddenly, everyone except Lala, including the golden shadow, was petrified.

The vampires of the demon race actually suck blood because they are in heat?Who will believe this!

Lin Hui could no longer look directly at vampires, how could there be such vampires?

"No, no, girls can't be together!"

After listening to it, Lala taught it very seriously.

"No, that's not what I mean, because it's normal for beautiful girls to be sexually excited, and I just used my blood to suppress my urge."

Ji Hiirao Lingcai said with some grievances.

"No, no matter how you look at it, it's not normal, okay?"

Lin Hui patted his head, and his blood-sucking impulse could be suppressed with his own blood, really strong!

His future wife really can't judge them, it's just speechless.

"Cough, anyway, you don't need to suck blood, right? That's good, by the way, where will you live next?"

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