At this time, Yuuki Mikan finally took out the appearance of a mistress and asked.

"I think about it, yes, just give us a room, we can use the space ability to transform it into a suitable place for us to live."

Lan Yumeng said gracefully rather than politely.

"That's ok, we still have a few spare rooms in our house."

Yuuki Meikan nodded.

"By the way, what does my future look like?"

Yuuki Riko said very curiously, and also had some expectations.

"You, I don't know the specific situation, because Xia Mu had already moved out at that time, so, I only know the two of you!"

Lan Yumengcong said with a smile: "After all, there are not so many people living in the family, and some of them are not human, so they went elsewhere."

Lin Hui was so tired, why did he always lead the topic to that kind of place?

"Yeah, youkai are indeed not suitable for places with many people."

Yuuki Meikan nodded in agreement.

"Not only monsters, but also demons, witches, um, and the strongest human beings. By the way, angels and demons, aren't there three races in the Bible, angels, fallen angels and demons, Xia Mu is successful Let the three clans coexist peacefully!"

Lan Yumengcong told Lin Hui's past deeds.

Lin Hui's eyes widened. Are you kidding me?The product of that fantasy, ah, it's not right, after all, even vampires have come out, and it's normal to have angels and demons, but why?

How can I not know how strong I am?

To allow the three incompatible races to coexist peacefully, shouldn't Lao Tzu run for a peace ambassador?That's right, you can definitely be!

Chapter [-]: Vampires After Aliens

On this day, Lin Hui's three views were shattered and rebuilt, and then shattered and rebuilt again.

Wow, I'm so strong!

Lin Hui learned about his future from the mouths of the two girls.

Even Lin Hui didn't know what to say, so he was a little confused about the future.

However, Lin Hui, who has learned this information, can indeed be sure. It seems that the road to obtain emotion is indeed extremely difficult. Otherwise, such a thing would not happen.

Lin Hui has made a lot of efforts to make humans and monsters live in harmony, and he has also established the legendary Demon Special Zone, which is to allow demons like Ji Hiirato to live peacefully, although Lin Hui does not. I don't know what the difference is between demons and monsters.

At the same time, Lin Hui also became a witness of the three major forces in the Bible, personally witnessed the reconciliation of the three major forces, and made a lot of contributions to the peaceful development of the world.

Of course, Lan Yumengcong also explained that these are all things that Lin Hui can do after gaining incomparable strength after training and fighting again and again.

In their words, Lin Hui is the most special existence in this world. In layman's terms, he is the son of luck, the son of the world, and the person who is given a mission by the world.

After knowing this, Lin Hui suddenly felt as if he was at a loss. Yes, all these things seemed to revolve around him. Why did Lala come to her home when she escaped for the first time?

Moreover, based on this encounter, all kinds of troubles will follow, but it will also be accompanied by dangers again and again, especially after meeting the golden shadow at the end, Lin Hui can feel his own The strength is constantly improving. When he first fought against the golden shadow, Lin Hui's strength was not as strong as it is now.

But with the passage of time, Lin Hui could even feel that he was able to suppress the golden shadow with his bare hands.

One such battle is enough to raise his strength to such a high level, it can be seen that these two are not lying.

Moreover, if he was given a mission by the world, that is, he was born as a child of the world, which may explain why he had no feelings from the beginning, and only gradually acquired them later.

Yes, the world does not have feelings, and I was born as a human being, experiencing all the feelings that people have, and this is the way to become stronger.

All skills self-taught?

This is extremely normal, because he is the child of the world!

Lin Hui had already guessed the difference in himself, but he didn't expect his background to be so bizarre.

As for why Lin Hui believed what Lan Yumengcong said?

The reason is very simple, because Lin Hui can feel that everything the other party said is the truth. This is a very special feeling, as if it was imprinted in his soul. Moreover, at the beginning, Lan Yumengcong also said.

"In the beginning, you were emotionless."

Yes, Lan Yumengcong knew this secret of her own, and this secret of herself, no one knew it except Lala and Meigan.

No matter how they knew it, in short, the other party did know their own right.

Now their identities have also unlocked Lin Hui's curiosity about their appearance.

Vampires can naturally stay young forever, and their pursuit of power is also to be with them. It is certain that vampires can live forever, so in order to be with them forever, maybe they will continue to pursue longevity.

Sitting in the yard, Lin Hui looked up at the starry sky. With all the bright lights in the sky, Lin Hui felt that his mood was quite unstable. Since when did he start, and he was generally very calm when he encountered things. , Although I have experienced sports festivals that drive me crazy before, my calmness has never been shaken.

But, after seeing those two people today, what happened to him?

There is an impulse in my heart that cannot be calmed down. What is this feeling?

It seems to be very missed, and it seems to be very moved, and there is joy, and a very strong vibration is touching my heart.

After these feelings were completely merged, Lin Hui no longer knew what to say.

"Brother, haven't you slept yet?"

At this time, Yuuki Riko, who was wearing pajamas, saw Lin Hui sitting in the yard.

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