Yui Gutegawa called out directly and very stubbornly: "And this matter is obviously your fault, and we have to rely on us!"

"Huh? It's because you don't have long eyes to walk on your own, stop talking nonsense, half a million, forget about this!"

The man shouted directly, then looked at Gute Chuan Yu and Xilian Temple Haruna: "However, if you accompany me once, then [-] can be waived!"

"Bullying girls is not a good man, this gentleman, I can see this very clearly. You bumped into these two girls yourself. If you want to say that the responsibility is entirely your own, these two There is nothing wrong with this girl, and besides, even if your shirt is worth half a million, it can be worn again after washing, embarrassing two girls here, you obviously have bad intentions!"

At this time, a girl with shiny black hair, wearing a shirt and sunglasses said to the man.

Lin Hui took a closer look, and when he saw this girl, his eyes lit up slightly: "I didn't expect her to come here, it's really unexpected."

"She? Who is she? Do you know Xia Mujun?"

Lara asked curiously.

"You know it too, I'll introduce it to you later, wait for me to deal with this matter first."

Lin Hui then began to squeeze in.

"What? Where did you come from, what? Are you going to help them pay? This shirt on me is not good if it gets wet, but it's extremely rare, don't talk nonsense, if you can't take it out If the money comes..."

As the man said that, he stretched out his hand to Yui Furutekawa.

"Dare to touch them, and I'll chop off your paws!"

At this time, a not loud, but unusually majestic voice came over.

After the black-haired girl heard this, her eyes hidden under her sunglasses lit up: "Eh? He's here too?"

After hearing this, the man was furious and turned around, only to see a silver-haired boy walking slowly.

"Jie...Yucheng...Yucheng Xiamu?!"

This man obviously knew Lin Hui. Well, after all, Lin Hui was a famous fighting king when he was in junior high school. No gangster in this area has ever been beaten by Lin Hui. In school, Lin Hui is also a sunshine. A handsome big boy, but in the streets and alleys, he is a lawless great devil, and no one dares to provoke Lin Hui.

"You want them to pay you [-] yuan? What if you don't come up with the money?"

Lin Hui slowly bypassed the man and came to the front of Furute Chuan Yu and Xirenji Haruna: "Are you alright, are you scared?"

"Xia Mu-jun..."

Xilian Temple Haruna is still a little scared.

And Yui Gutekawa looked at Lin Hui: "Why does this guy know you? Was it the object of your fights before?"

Furukawa Yui is Lin Hui's childhood sweetheart after all, and he also knows more or less about Lin Hui's deeds.

"Maybe, but leave it to me now, okay?"

Lin Hui looked at Gute Chuan Yu and said with a smile.

"The wicked have their own grind, so I'll leave it to you!"

Gute Chuan Yu took the Xilian Temple Haruna to the side and comforted a little, after all, I almost terrified the Xilian Temple Haruna just now.

"Tsk, scolded me together?"

Lin Hui scratched his head, feeling a little helpless, then looked at the little bastard: "Hey, I'll give you two choices, one, I'll throw you down, and the second one is for you to jump down, can't you get wet? I'd like to see how your shirt looks bad after it gets wet! Don't worry, if it's really bad, I can afford it."

"That, Yuuki Natsuki! You..."

The little gangster kept retreating, facing Yuuki Natsuki, this little gangster was like facing a wild beast.

"Looks like you chose the first one!"

Lin Hui stepped out, grabbed the gangster's collar and threw him directly into the pool.


Before the gangster could get up from the water, Lin Hui jumped into the pool and grabbed his clothes: "Apologize to me!"

The little gangster ran towards Haruna of Xirenji and Yui Gutekawa, and kept apologizing, because he saw a strong threat in Lin Hui's eyes just now. Don't want legs.

After this turmoil, everyone had no intention of continuing to play, but at this time, the black-haired girl in the early years of Yui Furutekawa and Haruna of Xirenji came over; here!"

"I'm surprised too, is there any activity today?"

Lin Hui looked at the black-haired girl.

"Well, there's a little bit of an on-location commercial shoot."

The brunette girl smiled sweetly.

"Hey, Xia Mu, who is this?"

At this time, Lala came up.

The black-haired girl took off her sunglasses slightly, showing a little bit of herself, and then put it on again, Lala's whole person was full of surprise.

"Hello, my name is Kyoko Kirisaki."

Chapter [-] Lun is very talented!

"Mizaki... uuuuuuuuu!"

Before Lala called out, her mouth was covered by Lin Hui, who was quick-witted and quick-witted: "Stop calling, Lala, Kyoko is a famous person, don't you feel like you're being watched here!"

Although there are still many people watching here, it is much better.

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