"It's Kyoko Kirisaki-kun! It's amazing!"

Even Furukawa Yui was surprised, because she also knew about the animation "Hot Girl Magic Kyoko". Although she didn't watch it, she knew about it because of its high popularity. However, she didn't expect that she could actually be with Kyoko. A celebrity so close.

"Hey, don't tell anyone, I'm just sneaking out now, and I'll be back later. I had a location shoot by the swimming pool nearby, and it's over for now, so I just sneak out and sneak out. Play for a while."

Kirisaki Kyoko said slyly.

"Wow, it's really Kyoko, Kyoko, I'm your fan, can you be friends with me? Ah, I'm so happy, I didn't expect Xia Mu to know Kyoko."

Lala is very excited, because Lala is an avid fan of the TV series "Magic Kyoko", and she will actively participate in those surrounding related activities.


Kirisaki Kyoko looked at Lala with some doubts, because Lin Hui still hasn't revealed his identity. Although Lin Hui was wearing a mask when shooting, it's not that he didn't recognize it until now.

Lin Hui raised an index finger at Kyoko Kirisaki and made a silent gesture.

Although Kyoko Kirisaki didn't quite know how Lin Hui did it, he still responded; "Okay, but I don't have a pen and paper here yet, I'll ask Natsuki to bring it to you tomorrow, by the way, by the way. Say something, go back and have a good look tonight, but there will be surprises!"

"Wow, okay! Xia Mu, be sure to bring Kyoko's signature back tomorrow!"

Lala said with great excitement.

"Okay, got it!"

Lin Hui is also quite helpless about Lala's unusually high interest. Although Debbie Luke is the supreme planet in the universe (after all, the tyrant of the universe lives there), there is really nothing fun, good looking or delicious. Compared with the rich food, entertainment and games of the earth, how can it not make you lose your mind?

"Xia Mu, is that the girlfriend you're talking about?"

At this time, Kyoko Kirisaki came close to Lin Hui's ear and breathed quietly.

Lin Hui shivered: "Hey, hey, Kyoko, don't do this, okay?"

Kirisaki Kyoko secretly covered her mouth and smiled: "I see, but you are really lucky to have such a girlfriend."

Speaking of which, Kyoko Kirisaki really envied Lala, and the former Lin Hui also said Lala.

"That girl is as pure as white paper. Although she is very smart, she always behaves cutely in front of me, and some of her things always cause me a lot of trouble, and she is not conscious of it. Sex, there's always a lot of funny things going on, but she's the best girl I've ever seen!"

"Being able to make her my girlfriend, maybe I saved the galaxy in my last life."

Kyoko Kirisaki still remembers Lin Hui's expression when he commented on Lala. It was an extremely happy expression. In Lin Hui's heart, perhaps no girl can compare to Lala.

"so good!"

Kyoko Kirisaki looked at Lala pulling Lun over there, jumping and jumping, Lun wanted to escape very much, but Lala's strength was not weak, so she couldn't escape, she could only be held by Lala. arms.

"By the way, the second season is about to start, and the director is looking for you!"

At this time, Kyoko suddenly remembered this incident and told Lin Hui.

Lin Hui showed a helpless expression: "Isn't it? Didn't you say I only acted in that one? And at the end of that one, in order to overthrow the tyranny of the Dark King, didn't the Prince of Dark Star leave Earth? "

Lin Hui told the final story of the script directly.

Kirisaki Kyoko showed a smile: "Then, in the second part, the prince came again at a time when the girl was in danger!"

Lin Hui slapped himself on the forehead: "I know it's this plot, forget it, it's just an amateur activity anyway!"

Having said this, Lin Hui said to Kyoko Kirisaki: "By the way, I remember that the crew is recruiting some actresses, right?"

"Well, what's the matter, do you want to recommend it?"

Kirisaki Kyoko looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui nodded: "I would like to recommend the girl who is being held by Lala. I can give her a try. I think she should be quite talented. By the way, I would like to ask Kyoko for a favor."

"Oh, if you can ask me for help, then you will owe me a favor!"

Kirisaki Kyoko smiled slyly and said, "There shouldn't be many people who can make you owe a favor!"

Lin Hui said with a wry smile, "You're the first, okay?"

"Well, let's hear it."

Kyoko Kirisaki is very happy, because Lin Hui has outstanding abilities and can be called omnipotent. In Kyoko Kirisaki's view, there is almost nothing that Lin Hui can't do. Therefore, Lin Hui can ask himself, This is the first time ever.

"If Lun is suitable for you, I hope you can help Lun find an agent and let her debut."

Lin Hui said very seriously.

"Well, I understand, no wonder you ask me for help."

Kyoko Kirisaki nodded. In the end, this matter is a matter of connections. Lin Hui is not in the entertainment industry, so his connections are definitely not as good as Kyoko Kirisaki.

And because the boss of Kyoko Kirisaki's company is an alien, he will help Kyoko Kirisaki.

"By the way, let me tell you the news, Lun-chan is also an alien!"

Lin Hui said to Kyoko Kirisaki: "And she's still from Memorussi, but now Lun Jiang has separated from her brother, so you don't have to worry about gender conversion."

Kirisaki Kyoko was a little surprised, covering her mouth: "Yeah, it's really surprising! If that's the case, then I'll definitely help!"

Lin Hui felt a lot more relieved now, and it would be no problem to hand Lun over to Kyoko Kirisaki.

Finally solved a minor trouble first.

Chapter [-] Are there monsters in the old school building?

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