Seeing Meigan's appearance, Lin Hui suddenly smiled.

"What's wrong? What's so funny?"

Meikan was a little puzzled and a little angry. Is it so funny when she speaks?

"No, it's nothing, I just feel that Meikan is still a child. If you feel lonely, you can say it directly, and you can act like a spoiled child to me. After all, I am your brother!"

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and touched the top of Meigan's head.

Suddenly, Meigan's face turned slightly red: "Really, don't treat me like a child all the time."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Lin Hui let go of his hand, but the two looked at each other and laughed again.



Lin Hui and Yuuki Meikan were in the park. Meikan was sitting on the swing, while Lin Hui leaned to the side and looked at Meikan: "Meikan, it seems like we haven't talked together like this for a long time, right?"

Meigan nodded: "Yeah, I really miss the past. When there were only three of us, Lizi wasn't like you, Xia Mu!"

"Meigan was like a little adult back then."

Lin Hui also misses that time quite a bit, because at that time there were a lot of topics that the two of them had in common. Unlike now, Lin Hui gradually started to be a hands-off shopkeeper. As expected, girls are quite talented!

"Hey, Natsuki, if, I mean if, if Lala didn't show up, would you choose between me and Lizi?"

Chapter [-] Lin Hui's Birthday Present

Lin Hui glanced at Meigan and said softly, "Meigan, you're stupid, but you're also cute!"

Meigan glared at Lin Hui: "You're stupid! Hmph, forget it, anyway, I knew you were an idiot at all."

"Who the hell is an idiot!"

Lin Hui shook hands into fists, and started to drill up on both sides of Meigan's head.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, let go, idiot Xia Mu!"

Meigan patted Lin Hui's arm and broke free from Lin Hui's clutches.

"Hmph, if it's snowing now, I'll definitely teach you a lesson in the same way I taught Lizi!"

Meigan said "viciously" at Lin Hui.

"Oh, did you guys play here that day?"

Lin Hui was not angry at Meigan's words, but said curiously.

"Well, here, I made a snowman with Lizi, had a snowball fight, and left a lot of good memories!"

Then, Meigan suddenly remembered something: "Ah, by the way, the ugly snowman at that time showed the lack of taste of pears, but I like it very much!"

"Well, what a pity, I wasn't there at that time!"

Lin Hui said with a sigh.

Yes, at that time for Christmas, Lin Hui was preparing dinner at home. Since it was the first time for his parents not to come home, Lin Hui was a little overwhelmed for the first time, so he could only take care of the oranges and pears as much as he could. Well, therefore, from that time onwards, Lin Hui basically had less time to play.


Lala, who was leaning behind the grass, said with some nostalgia, "Pekai, it's great to have brothers and sisters, and I miss Nana and Mengmeng a little too."

When she heard that Lin Hui and Meikan did not leave such memories, Lala quickly took out the teleporter and took out a tool directly: "Rumbling Xuejun!"

Suddenly, this fox-like machine began to fly into the sky.


Just as Lin Hui and Meigan were joking, Lin Hui felt that the temperature had dropped slightly, and then he saw that there were actually snowflakes floating in the sky.

And Meikan also saw Lala who was hiding behind the grass without hiding her tail, and was still swaying over there.

"Thank you so much for today, brother!"

Meigan smiled sweetly at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui took off the coat he was wearing and put it on Meigan's body: "Okay, June Feixue? There is someone in Huaxia who has a huge grievance! I just don't know if it's my little princess. What's wrong with your Highness?"

Meigan was stunned after hearing this, and then "giggled" at Qi Ali: "Brother!"

Meigan hugged Lin Hui all of a sudden.

Lin Hui also hugged Meigan, and the two embraced each other amid the falling snowflakes.

Well, it was natural that Lala's invention caused some irreparable losses afterwards. After all, the untimely Blizzard was really weird. Many people were frozen, including pears!


Time flies, and soon it will be October.

"Eh? Is Xia Mu's birthday just in these few days?"

Lara looked at Yuuki Mikan in surprise.

"Well, but Lizi and I couldn't prepare some good birthday gifts for each of them before, but my brother has been giving me and Lizi birthday gifts that can make us feel happy. This year, Sister Lala is here, so, I I really hope to be able to prepare a gift for Natsuki with Sister Lala.”

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