Meigan said, "I discussed it with Sister Lingcai and Sister Mengcong, but they seem to have their own ideas."

Meigan said a little disappointed.

"Well, I see, I'll prepare a gift!"

Lala patted her chest and promised, "Leave it to me!"

Afterwards, Lala left for a while, and she didn't know where she went. Lin Hui was surprised at first. She didn't know why Lala left. It seemed that Lizi and Meikan were also surprised. Anyone should discuss it, but it should be back soon.

On October [-]rd, Lin Hui and Yucheng Lizi walked home as usual.

"By the way, Lala seems to have been gone for two days, right? What are you going to do? Even Sastin didn't seem to notice, so Sastin was so anxious!"

Yuuki Riko looked at Lin Hui.

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything to make Lala angry that day!"

Lin Hui rolled his eyes and said innocently, "How do I know what's going on?"


Yuuki Riko still couldn't believe it.

Lin Hui was instantly angry, and grabbed Yucheng Lizi's head directly: "How dare you say it! You pushed him down three times today, Xilian Temple has a good temper and didn't say anything, but Wei Ke gave me a hard lesson. Ah, the last time was even more extreme, causing me to be hunted down by the little assassin, aren't you very happy?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, brother, let me go!"

Yuuki Riko panicked immediately.

"Come on, do the math, how many times have you cheated on me since you turned on the 'brother pit mode'? On average, at least once a day, right?"

Lin Hui was gnashing his teeth, because every time Riko Yuuki passed by his side, he was made to have a conditioned reflex, but he still couldn't escape Riko Yuuki's divine fall. In the end, he was blessed with beautiful eyes, but The problem is how to deal with it afterwards. No matter how much you fall, you are reprimanded, and it must be yourself who is being hunted down!

The two went back home noisily along the way.

Suddenly, Lin Hui saw a huge, piranha-like plant planted in the yard.

"This is?"

"Dangdang! Xia Mu, this is your birthday present!"

Lala suddenly jumped out and said with a smile, "It only blooms on the star of Purandas, the most rare flower in the universe!"

Lin Hui was a little surprised: "Lala, are you disappearing for the past two days to prepare this for me?"

Lala nodded, with a "please praise me" expression.

Seeing Lala's appearance, Lin Hui suddenly smiled helplessly, and walked over slowly...

Chapter [-] Prepare to travel


"Uuuuu, Xia Mu, why are you hitting me?!"

Lala suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

Lin Hui said angrily: "Who told you to leave without saying a word, even Sastin didn't know, I thought you were abducted! And running so far alone, in case something happened What shall we do?"

"No way, they want to give you a surprise!"

Lala looked at Lin Hui with her eyes open: "Because Xia Mu has always tolerated me, I want to prepare the best gift for Xia Mu this time!"

Lin Hui looked at La La's appearance, and finally sighed, stretched out his hand and touched the place he had just shot: "Okay, does it hurt? Even if you want to leave next time, you have to tell me, or Tell Sastin and the others, this time they are really in a hurry, remember to apologize later."

"Yeah, I see! By the way, Xia Mu, come here quickly, Meigan has made a lot of delicious dishes today!"

Lala dragged Lin Hui into the house, leaving Riko Yuuki alone in the wind outside.

"It's over, I forgot, today is my brother's birthday!!!"

Yuuki Riko suddenly felt an incomparable headache when holding her head, she had an urge to die, how could she forget it?

Lala has already prepared a birthday present, and Meikan will probably use this dinner as her birthday present. As for Ji Hiragana and Lanyu Mengcong, I don't know if they know it, but the problem is , I have lived with my brother for fifteen years, how could I forget this time?

Lin Hui has never forgotten the birthdays of Meigan and Lizi. Ever since they can remember, they can receive different gifts on each birthday, and every time Lizi and Meigan's birthdays, Lin Hui will rack his brains to find a way to make them happy.

Yuuki Riko was very annoyed, the whole person suddenly thought of one thing, and immediately called Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji: "Hey, Tiantiaoyuan senior? That's it, I want to ask something..."

"Okay, thank you Tiantiao Academy, I know!"

Lizi put down her phone, and she felt a lot of comfort in her heart. After all, this time, she could finally have a gift that she could get her hands on.

At dinner, Ji Hiiragi Lingcai and Lan Yumengcong also took out gifts from the two of them, and the two of them jointly made an amulet, which is said to have the effect of attracting good fortune and avoiding disasters, but for Lin Hui, vampires can only send amulets Is it surprising?

"Hey, pear, can you also take out the gift you prepared?!"

At this time, Meikan said with a wicked smile.

Because in Meigan's memory, Lizi seemed to have forgotten Lin Hui's birthday this time. Even when she asked herself today, Lizi asked herself, "Is this a special day?"

Saying such words with Yuuki Riko's character means that she has really forgotten!

Therefore, of course, Meigan prepared a gift for Pear, but she still wanted to see what happened to the pear.

"Of course I'm ready. Today, Chuncaijiang won a special prize. It's a trip to the southern island, but it's limited to ten people. Originally, there were already seven people at Xilian Temple. In addition to me, Lala and Meikan are exactly ten people, but I explained it to the sister of Tiantiaoyuan again. After knowing that today is your birthday, brother, the sister of Tiantiaoyuan made an exception and asked you to go too. !"

Yuuki Riko looked at Lin Hui with an expression of "I was prepared for a long time."

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