Since Nana knew about Lin Hui's problems, her heart was also very painful. When she saw the letter Lin Hui wrote to herself, Nana's heart was indeed moved by Lin Hui at that moment, but Nana thought that , This is not the reason why Lin Hui can kiss me with other girls and not with the emperor.

"Actually, Nana, it doesn't matter if I tell you first, because this matter is also related to you."

Lin Hui smiled mysteriously...

Chapter [-] is finally here

After Nana listened to Lin Hui's words, her whole face became strange: "You beast still have such thoughts?"

Lin Hui almost fell down after hearing this, and looked at Nana angrily: "What's the matter, can't you?"

Nana thought about it for a while, then said, "It's not impossible, but I think you may not be able to play. If you guess, forget it, but the emperor's side..."

"Don't worry, I will marry Lala, and I will marry Mengmeng, and of course you are the same!"

Lin Hui stood up and walked in front of Nana and touched Nana's little head.

After Nana heard this, her face instantly turned red: "Who is going to marry you! Humph!"

Then, Nana seemed to be out of anger, and the whole person began to walk back.

Lin Hui breathed a sigh of relief, and finally calmed Nana down. Then, Lin Hui took out something similar to a communicator and opened it. Suddenly, a snowflake-like screen appeared from the machine. After a while, the communication was connected.

"Hey, boy, what do you have to do with me? I'm arranging staff now!"

With a red wine glass in his hands, Qito drank the wine little by little, and one foot was still on his throne, making others think he was a little ruffian.

"Nothing, just, are you sure?"

Lin Hui was a little worried and asked again.

"I said, it just so happens that she misses the three sisters too, and she also said that she wants to inspect you by the way, not to mention anything else, as long as you can satisfy her, I don't care about anything else, don't come to me It's useless to intercede! Anyway, if you don't get it right, I won't help you."

Qito shook the red wine glass and drank it all in one gulp: "Okay, if it's okay, hang up."

"Well, I see, you are very afraid of your wife!"

Lin Hui's eyes twitched when he heard Qi Duo's words, sir, will I be in trouble?If it wasn't for Qito suddenly telling him that Sai Fei would arrive on Earth this afternoon, Lin Hui would even be caught off guard. No way, who made this kid Chito tell Sai Fei about himself and Lala? .

Before, Saifi seemed to be interested in Lala's fiancé, but something was delayed, but after being reminded by Kito, Saifi remembered it, and that's why she came to Earth.

Although Lin Hui knew that he would have to solve this matter sooner or later, it was a little uncomfortable to be driven by Cheeto like this. Originally, Lin Hui's plan was to go to Debbie Lux to talk to Sai Fei. , Even if the talk breaks down, Lala won't know.The big deal is to run away with Lala.

Well, although this possibility is unlikely, Lin Hui is the one who will calculate all the possibilities!

Isn't it normal to plan ahead for this kind of thing?

Just like Cheeto, if it wasn't for Lin Hui's extraordinary strength that shocked the past and the present, and Lin Hui's prescription of the right medicine for Cheeto, he induced him to be unable to bear his curiosity and playfulness. The fatherly love for his three daughters, it is even more difficult to marry the three Lala sisters!

And Sai Fei is the absolute opposition in the harem. Even though Chito is known as the overlord of the whole universe, in front of Sai Fei, Chito is unable to resist.

Although it has something to do with Cheeto becoming a child due to overuse of energy, Syfy's strength is also the reason why Cheetos has no side room.

It is not easy for an absolute harem opposition to convince him, let alone that he still has two daughters here. This time Sai Fei came, Lin Hui was probably already prepared, but no matter how much he prepared , Lin Hui will also be worried about some deficiencies.

Saifei's speaking skills are almost irresistible in the entire universe, and it is precisely because of this that Saifi can replace Cheeto to conduct peace talks in all parts of the universe and maintain the peace of the universe.

It can be said that although Cheeto ended the Galactic War, Sai Fei definitely played an important role in maintaining the peace of the universe, which shows how superb Sai Fei's speaking and negotiation skills are.

In addition, Sai Fei is also the mother of the three Lala sisters. As the saying goes, the acquaintance is Mo Ruomu. Except for Mengmeng, the other two are easily seen as different, and Mengmeng is talking about Saifei. At the time, he seemed to be a little overwhelmed by Sai Fei, so he had to rely on Lin Hui to solve this matter.

"It's really hard to know what to do with such a mother-in-law!"

Lin Hui touched his nose. Even with the wisdom of a world, Lin Hui still can't grasp the mind of a girl, whether it's a mature woman or a tender loli, a woman's heart, a needle in the sea, these words are not groundless. what!

"However, go buy some gifts first, so that you can at least have a good first impression."

Lin Hui did what he said, and then went to the shopping street.

Facing the dazzling array of products, Lin Hui began to think about what to buy for Sai Fei.

As the wife of the overlord of King's Landing, Saifei should be respected by many people, precious and rare, he should have received it more or less, and as a way to travel between planets, he has become Debbie Luke's nemesis It is normal for those who hold peace talks with various planets to receive gifts from those planets.

Thinking about it this way, there are really not many things that can be produced on the earth!

"I wonder if my son-in-law, as an earthling, will this mother-in-law be satisfied?"

Lin Hui couldn't help but think a little bit of shit.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"Huh? You hit me, what do you want?"

"Want to fight?"

"Come on, who is afraid of who!"

At this time, the head of a plane next to him and the head of Mohawk seemed to be ready to fight because of a trivial matter.

Lin Hui rubbed his head and was about to dissuade him when a voice came from beside him.

"Please stop both of you!"

One was wearing a veil, holding a cane, wearing a very gorgeous off-the-shoulder dress, and long pink hair. The whole body seemed to be filled with a calm and peaceful temperament, and Lin Hui felt that his Are your eyes dazzled? You seem to see a pink aura surrounding the woman.

"Fighting is an irrational behavior that can only hurt each other. As long as you can discover the other's strengths, you will be able to coexist peacefully."

As these words fell, Lin Hui saw that the two people who were about to fight had reconciled.

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