It's just these simple words, but under the temperament and aura of this woman, it has great power.

Finally, is it here?

Chapter [-] Sai Fei

Saifi Mikaela Debbie Luke is the most beautiful woman in the universe, with the most beautiful appearance and voice in the universe. After all, she is the last descendant of the minority "Cham people" who have the most beautiful appearance and voice in the universe. All creatures of the race are fascinated by it, and that kind of beauty is already a kind of "ability". As long as a boy who has seen his appearance, no matter how gentleman, will become an irrational beast.

In Lin Hui's view, this is a superpower that can be compared with Lizi's magic wrestling. No matter where these two people are, they should be the focus of the conversation.

In the past, when Lin Hui learned that the so-called Galactic War was likely to be fought because of a Charm, he already had a very in-depth understanding of the so-called bigwigs in this universe.

To sum it up in two words: Gentleman!

Yes, writing gentleman, reading it means pervert.

From Lin Hui's point of view, this universe is really sad. A war that can determine the ownership of the universe is not started by those careerists, but started by a group of gentlemen to compete for a woman.

This can no longer be described as a disaster for the country and the people. This is simply a disaster for the entire universe!

I don't know if the careerists in this world are too failed, or are the gentlemen in this world too crazy?

Anyway, all in all, they are not good people.

However, despite this, Lin Hui must maintain a certain respect for this woman who has the ability to provoke a cosmic war again, and nothing else, because after all, the other party is the mother of Lala, Nana and Mengmeng, and she is also the mother of Lala, Nana and Mengmeng. Wife of Debbie Luke King Kito Lucion Debbie Luke.

Being able to manage Qiduo honestly shows how strong Saifei's ability is.

"Meeting for the first time, Yuuki Natsuki."

An incomparably beautiful and moving voice that made people feel light and relaxed, as if it could relieve all pressure, and could face the whole world calmly rang out.

"Hello, Mrs. Saifei, it's the first time we met. I'm Yuuki Natsuki and Lala's betrothed. Please give me more advice."

Lin Hui was calm in the face of such a voice and was not affected by it in any way. After all, no matter what kind of power or ability, it would have its limit. For Lin Hui, such a voice was indeed the first time. Hearing such a beautiful voice once, but it would not have the slightest impact on Lin Hui.

However, at this moment, the principal rushed out, um, after all, it is a human-shaped H searcher. For a beauty like Sai Fei, Lin Hui firmly believes that this guy will never miss it, just like attacking the golden shadow, it is often The ground was directly paralyzed by the golden shadow. Fortunately, the medical technology in this world is quite developed, and he was able to rescue him again and again.

Lin Hui also had to admire this man's perseverance.

Out of the protection of his mother-in-law, when Lin Hui planned to let him go thousands of miles away, Sai Fei spoke up. When the words and the aura were released, the principal became pure in an instant, purifying the other party at once. Unclean thoughts and feelings.

The corners of Lin Hui's mouth twitched. Well, now Lin Hui feels that he can admit that he made a mistake in his previous judgment. The Chamu people do have the ability to provoke a cosmic war.

It's not that the resistance of the people in this universe is too poor, but the ability of the Charm people is too perverted.

It has such power without taking off the veil, but if the veil is taken off, I don't know what will happen.

At that time, it is estimated that only Lin Hui rescued Sai Fei.

"Then, Mrs. Saifei, what are your plans next? Do Lala and the others know you're here?"

Lin Hui looked at Sai Fei, Lin Hui could feel that Sai Fei was indeed very beautiful, but not to the extent that people would lose their minds just by looking at her appearance. However, it could spread around Sai Fei. There is a peculiar aura, this aura matches Saifei's appearance, this is the reason.

"Well, I have informed Lala and the others, but, Mr. Xiamu, what are you going to do next?"

Sai Fei looked at Lin Hui and asked curiously.

"Because I knew that Mrs. Saifei was coming, I was thinking about what gifts to give Mrs. Saifei, but I have already thought about it. Instead of giving some gifts, I would rather cook a meal and invite Saifei. Mrs. Tasting, Mrs. Saifei, what do you think?"

Lin Hui's words are neither pitiful nor humble, giving people a very special feeling, as if he has a special power that makes the whole world turn around, as if everything Lin Hui said is correct.

"Ah, then I have to look forward to it."

Sai Fei let out a silvery laugh: "So, can you let me accompany you?"

"No problem, Mrs. Syfi."

Lin Hui agreed immediately and didn't worry about Sai Fei's safety at all, because even Cheeto knew that as long as he was on Earth, no one could harm Sai Fei. After all, Lin Hui was a monster!

Later, Sai Fei followed Lin Hui into a shopping mall. In other places, due to the need for special protection, Sai Fei could only enter and exit some important occasions under the escort of a group of bodyguards. It's impossible to go shopping like other women at will, and this time, it was Lin Hui who accompanied Sai Fei and brought her a fresh experience.

Seeing Lin Hui carrying a large bag and a small bag, Saifei felt very fresh, and at the same time was very interested in such behavior: "Is this just shopping? It's an incredible feeling."

"Well, if Mrs. Saifei wants to enjoy such a life, it's not impossible."

Lin Hui smiled lightly.

"That's impossible, because I'm too beautiful. Beauty is a sin. Fortunately, my daughters didn't inherit this kind of beauty!"

Sai Fei's voice is so charming that every frown and smile can be gripping. Her words are not wrong in themselves, but to Lin Hui, this is the original sin!

Chapter two hundred and ninety-four is recognized

After returning home, Lala ran over to the drawing: "Mom, long time no see!"

"Well, Lala, it's really nice to see you in such a good mood."

Saifei looked at Lala with a hint of tenderness in her words. This was the performance of Saifei as a mother.

"Mother mother!"

Nana threw herself into Saifei's arms.

"Ara, Nana still likes to act like a spoiled child."

Saifi comforted Nana gently, and through the veil it seemed that Saifi's doting smile could be seen.

"I haven't greeted you for a long time, mother, how are you doing?"

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