Lin Hui, who came to the kitchen, naturally started the preparations, prepared delicious food and prepared meals to nourish the body. This is the careful care that Lin Hui must take for every girl.

When Lin Hui served it to Lala and Nana, Lala enjoyed Lin Hui's feeding very much, and even had the idea of ​​sticking it to Lin Hui. In addition, Lin Hui's cooking was so delicious. La almost hung her whole body on Lin Hui's body.

On the other hand, Nana was the opposite. Nana was very resistant to Lin Hui's care. The most important thing was that when Nana was being fed by Lin Hui domineeringly, she felt ashamed and angered to death, but , In the end, he couldn't beat Lin Hui.

This meal was the longest meal Nana had ever eaten, but what Nana didn’t know was that Mengmeng quietly filmed the whole process with a camera. If she knew, she would probably Even if Na is killed, Lin Hui will not be fed.


"Hey, Xia Mu, are you leaving soon?"

Meikan, who was watching TV with Lin Hui on the sofa, asked suddenly.

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows: "Why do you say that?"

It is true that he is about to leave this world, but it does not mean that he will not come back. Why does Meikan feel as if he is going away?

Lin Hui heard a deep sense of reluctance from Meigan's words.

"Because Xiamu, have you been a little too enthusiastic about girls recently? It was absolutely impossible for you to do such a thing in the past. Well, although I also know that you must still go back, but I..."

Meikan said and stopped.

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and touched Meigan's head: "If you want to see me, you can come to see me in my world at any time, and I will come back when I have time, don't worry."

"No, not this...I..."

Meigan hesitated, but suddenly fell silent, which made Lin Hui suspicious for a while.

After dinner, Lin Hui called Yucheng Ringo: "Mom, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

"It's Xiamu. It's been okay recently. I heard that Lala's mother also came to our house before. Did you treat them well? Wouldn't you be rude? The other party is the queen of a planet!"

Ringo Yuuki's teasing words came from the other side of the phone. If nothing else, Lin Hui would never lose points in terms of etiquette. Ringo Yuuki was sure of this, after all, he was raised like this. What a long time son!

"Mom, has Meikan approached you recently?"

Lin Hui and Yucheng Ringo chatted for a while, and then led the topic to Meikan.

"Well, she chatted with me for a while when Lala's mother came to Earth, but before that, when you regained your memory, Meikan also talked to me. As a big brother, you have to be more concerned. Come on, little sister, whether it's Meikan or pear, you can't ignore it!"

Ringo Yuuki's words made Lin Hui a little surprised. After all, Lin Hui has lived for a long time, and he has been sleeping for trillions of years in the source of ten thousand realms. If this is the case, it is impossible for Lin Hui not to hear it. .

"I said, Mom, are you still Meigan's mother?"

Lin Hui rolled his eyes.

"Of course, but I'm still your mother! Well, I'll leave the rest to you, remember, don't make the girl sad!"

While Lin Hui was speechless, Ringo Yuuki hung up the phone, and then Lin Hui looked at Meikan who was busy in the kitchen, not knowing what to say.


At night, Meikan was about to fall asleep when suddenly, her door was opened.

He saw a teenager standing at his door, his hair glistening in the moonlight: "Meikan, I'm sorry, I haven't paid attention to you recently."

Lin Hui walked to the news of Meigan and gently stroked Meigan's pretty face.

"Wait...Wait a minute, Xia Mu, are you?"

Meigan's face suddenly turned red, a little flustered.

"Meigan, I like you, do you like me?"

Lin Hui's words were very straightforward, which made Meigan stunned on the spot, and then Meigan responded: "This, no, we..."

"Meigan, do you like me?"

Lin Hui asked again, looking straight into Meigan's eyes.

Meigan's heart suddenly shook, and she seemed to have made up her mind: "I like it!"

"In this world, I like Xia Mu the most!"

Chapter [-] I'm here to fulfill my promise

Leaning on Lin Hui's arms, Meigan's head is in a state of downtime. Last night, she didn't know why, but she was so bold and actually did it.

Smelling the strong masculine breath coming from Lin Hui, Meikan felt that she was really going to sink in. Originally, she just planned to be Lin Hui's sister forever, but now it seems that Lin Hui's ambition is really not small, although I hadn't had such an idea before, but from the moment she really came into contact with Lin Hui, Meikan felt that she could never escape.

Suddenly, a hand touched his face: "Why, don't sleep for a while?"


Meigan was taken aback and saw Lin Hui staring at him with his eyes open.

"Xia... Xia Mu, when did you wake up?"

Meikan almost jumped up and looked at Lin Hui with a flushed face, as if she was a little flustered.

"It's okay, I just woke up, what's wrong?"

Meigan felt the temperature on Lin Hui's palm, and seemed to have calmed down a little: "It's nothing, let me hold you for a while."

Saying that, Meikan hugged Lin Hui and pressed herself tightly against Lin Hui. Although it was a bit of an accident last night, since it has already happened, Meikan will not regret it. No matter what, her wish for many years has been fulfilled. Yes, Meigan's heart is still very sweet.

Lin Hui gently stroked Meigan's hair, and let Meigan continue to sleep peacefully in his arms.

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