
After taking care of Meikan, Lin Hui stretched, and there are still a few girls who need to fulfill their commitments by themselves. Anyway, just like Kurosaki Maya said to herself, if she has a good impression of herself, If you don't respond, then you will really be inferior to a beast.

Now that he has made a decision, Lin Hui is not the kind of person who delays things, so let's speed up. Lin Hui wants to collect all the fate of this world in a short time, and then complete his vision.

Afterwards, Lin Hui came to a very luxurious... manor and rang the doorbell.

"Who is it please?"

A cold female voice came out, and Lin Hui recognized it as soon as he heard it. It was obviously the voice of Kujo Rin, the friend and guard of Tenjoin Shaji.

"It's me, Sha Ji is next to you?"

Lin Hui's words came through the microphone immediately.

"Is it Xiamu? Come in."

The words of Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan were very urgent, and she directly opened the door of her own yard.

Lin Hui touched his chin, and then, the whole person disappeared at the gate. After all, it takes too much time and energy to walk in. Well, people are always lazy, and you can save effort if you can.

Anyway, space transfer is just a matter of thought, just think about it, and it doesn't take too much effort at all.

However, this way of appearing is a bit scary. After all, for example, when you are drinking tea, suddenly a person appears in front of you, will you spray the tea out of your mouth?

Tenjoin Sha Ji explained this to us very well.


The moment Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan saw Lin Hui's appearance, the whole person sprayed directly from his mouth, and sprayed all the tea he just drank on Lin Hui's face.

Of course, Lin Hui naturally cut off the space and blocked all the tea. After all, as a world-class powerhouse, he would be sprayed on his face, so Lin Hui's status as a world-class powerhouse is too much. Price dropped.

"Xia... Xia Mu?"

Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji looked at the young man in front of him, and the whole person was a little sluggish. Although he knew that Lin Hui was very powerful, he suddenly appeared, and anyone would be startled.

"I said, is it really good to welcome me with such a big battle?"

Lin Hui waved his hand and wiped away all the tea that had been frozen.

"Okay... It's amazing, Xia Mu!"

Looking at the scene in front of Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji, she was really stunned. It turns out that there really is something similar to super power in this world.

"Is the teleportation that appeared just now? Does it really have superpowers?"

Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji was obviously very excited, making people wonder what to say.

"Yeah, well, it's not really a superpower, it's just a use of space. If you really want superpowers, I have a lot of ways to do it!"

Lin Hui backhanded, a flame appeared on his palm, and ice cubes appeared on the other hand, and they were both suspended in mid-air. At the same time, the flames and the ice cubes blended together without affecting each other. Of course, they fused together. moment.


Suddenly, a little bit of ice crystals fell, which looked beautiful and dizzying.

"It's amazing, as expected of Miss Shaji's boyfriend."

Fujisaki Aya's whole body fell into a state of nympho.

Lin Hui glanced at Jiujiao Rin, and found that the other party also seemed to have low resistance to this kind of thing.

And when Jiujiao Rin found Lin Hui looking at him, two flying clouds appeared on his face, and he immediately lowered his head.


"Xia Mu, what are you doing here today?"

Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan invited Lin Hui to sit down with the elegance of Tiantiaoyuan's family, and arranged for a servant to make a pot of black tea for Lin Hui. This is also what Shaji of Tiantiaoyuan knew about Lin Hui's preference.

"Of course to fulfill the promise!"

Lin Hui smiled and said, "Sha Ji, do you remember what I said to you?"

"Well, of course I remember. You said that you would give me an answer in five years, but you actually..."

Anyway, Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan was a little dissatisfied. Lin Hui would die within five years. In this case, the answer was obvious and obvious, but fortunately, Lin Hui came to apologize in person.

"Now I'll tell you my answer."

Lin Hui stretched out his hand to Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan: "Sha Ji, Ling, Rin, I like you, do you like me?"

Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji was stunned, and then nodded: "Of course, Ling, Rin, how about you?"

At this time, Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan looked at the two of them, and there seemed to be hope in his eyes.

"I will always be with Miss Shaji!"

"Of course, Xia Mujun, I like you very much too!"

Lin Hui showed a smile, let's just stay here today...

Chapter [-] Let Xiaojing be completely resurrected

Tenjoin Shaji finally got his wish, and Fujisaki Aya also fulfilled his wish to be with Tenjoin Shaji, and Jiujorin himself has a high degree of favorability towards Lin Hui, so he was pushed under such circumstances. , and naturally became Lin Hui's woman.

Moreover, after the three of them have enjoyed Lin Hui's care, the relationship between the three of them will be even better. Everyone will be sisters together in the future, which is a very happy thing for everyone.

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