Lin Hui is also looking forward to it. Lin Hui has also learned about it through Gaia and Alaya. If he wants to, he can enter the world of Xingyue at any time.

But now Lin Hui wanted to slow down.

Because you must know that the world of Xingyue is an extremely huge world. Apart from FGO, there are many other parallel worlds, Yueji, Kongjing and fate. Moreover, fate alone has many world lines, which makes people feel extremely strange. , the world line extended by a turning point is changeable and may lead to different endings.

In addition, both the root and Gaia and Alaya are the origin of the world, but the three parties already have their own consciousness, and they are still three independent individuals, which is a surprising thing. .

Therefore, Lin Hui still needs to do a lot of work if he wants to make money from the Moon World. At least, Gaia and Alaya should be able to get out of the origin of that world. Fusion, these two loli can only be trapped in the source of the world, which is not the result that Gaia and Alaya want.

Besides, Lin Hui still wanted to accomplish a feat. Even Alaya and Gaia thought that Lin Hui was too crazy, but these two loli had nothing to do, so they agreed to help Lin Hui accomplish this feat, and The condition is to let the two of them escape the constraints of the origin of the world.


After entering the eighth floor, Lin Hui felt his heart vibrate one after another. Since the sixth floor, Lin Hui basically didn't fight much, but Lin Hui didn't believe that Meltlilith would be so easy behind. The five floors are all tests that let you use your brain.

After killing the surrounding spirit enemies and restoring his state to completeness, Lin Hui rushed forward and rushed into the room with the wall of the heart in one breath.

At this moment, Lin Hui saw it, and his body began to release a strong momentum. His eyes were full of desire to fight, and his face was full of madness: "Long time no see, Master, have you had a good time?"

Purple tights, long purple hair, scarlet pupils expressing high emotions, holding a scarlet magic spear in his hand, his face is like Lin Hui, with a happy smile, that smile is full of joy. With strong arrogance: "Ah, I am very satisfied as a gift from the disciple to the teacher, so, here, I hope the disciple can show the incredible progress as a disciple!"

Lin Hui took a deep breath: "I said, Master, you just want to fight with me, can't you change the time?"

"No, this is a contract. Come on, Lin Hui, I taught you before, but you have reached the pinnacle in other fields in a short period of time, but what about you in terms of martial arts?"

Skaha waved the magic gun and danced a gun flower: "Let me test it!"


A spear was stabbed, and in an instant, Lin Hui seemed to be able to see that even the space seemed to be stabbed in front of the spear.

Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, Lin Hui's whole body's perception is reminding Lin Hui, if it is beyond world-level strength, then even if Lin Hui is standing here, Skaha can't hurt him, but now Lin Hui's strength is only the most powerful. The strength of a top Servant, and Skaha is here now.

That is to say, the real Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows attacked the Servant. Lin Hui didn't know whether the original Skaha could compare with the Servant. However, the current Skaha has already broken through. His own limit has been reached, and he has experienced countless battles in the world, and Skahardi's strength has already improved by an unknown amount.

Yes, because the Heroic Spirit is an existence that has already died, so no matter how you improve, there is an upper limit, but Skaha is different. She is a living person, a living being who has been cursed by the gods and cannot die. However, Lin Hui can confirm that although Skaha will not age or die, he is still a human in essence, but he has killed too many gods and bears this curse. Almost like God, but not God.

Yes, this kind of existence is very similar to Lin Hui. He is human, but not human. If you really want to say, Lin Hui is a king who bears all the sins of mankind, and Skaha is the one who bears the curse of countless gods. the true godslayer.

Therefore, as long as he is still human, Skaha still has the possibility to improve his strength.

Regardless of the other Servants, the current Skaha is the only one who has the ability to threaten Lin Hui!

"All the profound meanings in the palm of the hand, myriad ways of breaking the Taoism in the feet, the ultimate state of martial arts, beyond here, I will use my body to open up the road of martial arts that surpasses the peak!"

In the face of Skaha's shot, Lin Hui absolutely did not dare to be careless. This may be the most difficult battle since Lin Hui entered the Cherry Blossom Labyrinth. All the previous characters combined may not be as high a threat as Skaha alone. , Because, Skaha really wants to kill himself!

Chapter [-] Extreme Confrontation

This shot, among the opponents Lin Hui has encountered in the past, can match the shot of Skaha, but in terms of skills alone, there is really no one who can surpass this shot, even Luo Hao, It can only be on par with Skaha, and Skaha's marksmanship has really surpassed the previous limit. After coming to a stronger world, Skaha's strength has also been improved.

Lin Hui's pupils narrowed at this moment. Facing Skaha's shot, Lin Hui directly threw his fists to meet him. His powerful skills were perfectly displayed at this moment. If he has surpassed the extreme state of martial arts, then Lin Hui has really taken that step, surpassed the previous extreme state of martial arts, and broke everyone's perception of the extreme state of martial arts.

Strong and flexible, facing Skaha, Lin Hui must not step back, because this is a confrontation where you die or I die. Skaha is such a person. Once he enters the battle, he will fall into a frenzy. And once he retreated, Lin Hui could only be beaten by Skaha. Unless Skaha was consumed, Lin Hui would not be able to win.

If you want to defeat Skaha, then you have to go up to it.


The skin of Lin Hui's fist was pierced, and blood splashed out. However, Lin Hui had no intention of retreating at all, and continued to push forward vigorously. At the same time, the other hand also reached out and grabbed Skaha. arm.

Skaha saw this scene, the gun shook, and the whole person quickly rushed to Lin Hui's body in an instant, and leaned directly close to him, but he quickly engraved several rune words in his hand.

At this moment, Lin Hui's whole body exploded with strong magic power: "I am the incarnation of the power of the world, I will open up the world, I will smash the mystery, and everything will be smashed in front of me!"

With the combination of skills and magic, Lin Hui completely smashed the rune words in front of him in one breath, but the next moment, a touch of cold air came from the back of Lin Hui's neck.

At this time, Di Lin Hui seemed to have eyes behind his back. He grasped Skaha's position without even turning his head, and turned around and kicked it out.



A figure was smashed into the air by Lin Hui and slammed into the wall on one side, but Lin Hui's neck was also stabbed with a deep wound, and Lin Hui's neck was pierced just a little bit.

The blood continued to flow out, and it soon dyed Lin Hui's body red. However, at this moment, Lin Hui had no time to worry so much, because after hitting the wall, Skaha quickly adjusted his posture and moved towards him again. Lin Hui launched a fierce attack.

At an extremely fast speed, she unleashed unrivaled absolute strength towards Lin Hui. She deserves to be the queen who kills gods only in the palm of her hand!

However, Lin Hui is not so easy to deal with. According to Skaha, Lin Hui is indeed very talented. The previous swordfighting has been modified by Lin Hui to a very perfect extent, and will not lose its beauty. Under the circumstances, the lethality is maximized, and it is simply not a sword skill that humans can use.

However, Lin Hui's personality is too lazy, he doesn't like to exercise very much, and the power he masters is enough to swept everything. Skaha is also a little pity for this, but, in the world of godslayers, Lin Hui has achieved Unrivaled skills, beast-like fighting intuition, and finally the wisdom of a world, all of which finally turned into the nutrients of Lin Hui's martial arts, making Lin Hui's martial arts reach a level that no one has ever achieved before. to the point of.

However, at the same time, Skaha has seen the direction of progress. Over the years, whether it is a god, a true ancestor or a demon, Skaha has fought from one world to another, and after absorbing all the experience, Skaha finally found his way and started taking that step.

And Lin Hui has already stepped out, plus Lin Hui's own talent, his martial arts has surpassed Skaha.

However, Lin Hui is more accustomed to directly crushing everything with powerful force. Lin Hui has not really thought about this kind of precision. Now this battle is the unfinished battle between Lin Hui and Skaha. The conclusion is also a complete test of Lin Hui's control.

There was a slight space crack at the tip of the spear. One shot, all ghosts and gods were destroyed. It should be this shot, but Lin Hui knew that this was not Skaha's strongest shot. Maybe it used to be the ultimate shot. , but not yet at all.

At this moment, Lin Hui's whole body shook his arms, and the extremely powerful force directly tore the surrounding space. With the strongest force and the most fierce skill, he completely attacked Skaha, turning his fist into his palm. , turning the palm into a finger, all kinds of skills, and all the madness in this finger.


The collision between the fingertips and the spear tip completely shattered the surrounding space, and everything was torn apart by the terrifying frenzy.

Even the ground and walls that could not be destroyed were constantly shaken. If it wasn't for the strength of Lin Hui and Skaha who couldn't break the boundaries of the world, I'm afraid this place would have been turned into ruins long ago.

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